Chapter 6 - Cell Structure Flashcards
What is the difference between a Prokaryotic and a Eukaryotic cell?
Prokaryotic - all organisms within doman Bacteria & Archaea. Has no nucleus and no membrane bound organelles. Eukaryotic - Membrane bounded by organelles. Nucleus bounded by membranous nuclear envelope. Generally much larger than a prokaryotic cell.
What is the purpose and structure of the plasma membrane?
Selective barrier that allows sufficient passage of oxygen. structure: double layer of phospholipids.
What is the purpose of the nucleus?
Contains most of DNA in eukaryotic cells. Pores regulate entry and exit of molecules from nucleus.
List the 5 components of the Endomembrane system
- Smooth ER 2. Rough ER 3. Golgi apparatus 4. Lysosomes 5. Vacuoles
List the two types of ribosomes and their functions.
“bound ribosomes” - will create proteins embedded in membrane. e.g Integrins
“free ribosomes” - float freely in cytoplasm within mitochondria
What is the function, including the two main activities of the lysosomes?
“Stomach of the cell”
Two main activities:
1. Phagocytosis
2. Autophagy
What is the function of the smooth and rough ER ?
- Smooth ER A. Synthesis of lipids B. Metabolism of carbs C. Stores calcium D. Detoxifies drugs and posions. 2.Rough ER - framework for ribosomes Ribosomes build proteins.
What does Phagocytosis mean?
Method of feeding some microorganisms.
What does Autophagy mean?
Digestion of damaged organelles.
What is the function of the Golgi apparatus?
“Shipper and receiver” Modifies products of ER, manufactures certain macromolecules and sorts/packages materials into transport vesicles.
What is the process of the Golgi’s apparatus shipping & receiving operations?
Transport vesicles - proteins synthesize in rough ER, then make their way to the Golgi apparatus inside membrane bound structures called transport vesicles.
The trasnport are recieved on the cis face of the stack of membranes. The vesicles then make their way to the trans face( shipping side) with 3 options:
1) Fuse with plasma membrane and secrete protein into extracellular space.
2) Fuse with plasma membrane and embedded protein into plasma membrane.
3) Remain in cytoplasm (lysosomes).

In the golgi apparatus, once transport vesicles are recieved on the cis face of the stack of membranes, the vesicles then make their way to the trans face ( shipping side ). From here there are 3 possible events that make happen, what are they?
1) Fuse with plasma membrane and secrete protein into extracellular space.
2) Fuse with plasma membrane and embedded protein int plasma membrane.
3) Remain in cytoplasm (lysosomes)
What are the 3 types of Vacuoles?
1) Food vacuoles - formed by phagocytosis
2) Storage vacuoles - found in many fresh water protests, pump excess water out of cells.
3) Central vacuoles - found in many mature plants, hold organic compoiunds and water.
What are perioxisomes?
Oxidative organelles that break down macromolecules.
Transfers hydrogen from substrates to oxygen, producing hydrogen peroxide. (detoxifies harmful substances)
**The inner membrane of mitochondria has two compartments, what are they?
(what can we measure the space between?
1) Intermembrane Space - Space bertween outer membrane and inner membrane.
2) Mitochondrial Matrix - Space within inner membrane.
What is the function of the chloroplast (in plant cells) and what is the green pigment inside of chloroplasts that makes leaves green called?
Proteins embedded in thlyakoids are the site of photosyntheis.
The green pigment is called chlorophyll.
What is the function of the cytoskeleton?
Network of fibres that extend throughout the cytoplasm. Helps support cell and maintain shape. Also organizes cell’s structrues and activies and anchords many organelles.