Chapter 6 Admistrational And Organizational Charts Flashcards
mission statement
describes the reason for the business and guiding force, basically why they exist.
vision statement
describes beliefs, processes, driving forces, future or long term impact and goals.
Safety Committee
Required by Joint Commission to teach employees, establish procedures and policies for patient safety.
- Safety Committee (cont.)
Examples include; policies for hazard waste storage and removal, radiation, chemical spills, inspections and so forth.
The safety committee also monitors patient errors like wrong patient, wrong part, wrong side errors, Adverse Drug events, and patient falls.
Radiation Safety Committee
required by national or state agencies as well as Joint Commission to regulate radiation safety practices. Includes operating room, cath lab, interventional, labs and outpatient centers. Radioactive substances and if leakage or spill occurred fall under category as well.
- Picture Archive & Communications Systems (PACS)
” is where your image goes to live. Issues with images are handled by a PACS administrator, but prevent issues in the first place. Can lead to legal issues; altering medical records.
The joint commission
Regulates quality and safety of patient care
State department of health
Occupational safety and health administration “OSHA”
Federal program to protect workers
The college of radiology “acr”
Gives awards for those who follow their guidelines and highstandards of quality care
Only modality regulated by the federal government FDA and must be ACR accredited as per the mammography quality standards act MSQA 1992
The functions of management in order
. Planning organizing directing controlling
Mammography quality standards act
Any facility providing mammography must be ACR accredited to be certified by the FDA it ensures high-quality care and required for Medicare reimbursement
Health insurance portability and accountability act HIPPA
Protects personal health records and states how such records can be accessed used and shared
False claims
‘Committing fraud, pretending something was done that was not billing for a service that a patient didn’t receive