Chapter 6 Flashcards
The First Amendment
- Doesn’t protect defamation, or speech that harms the reputation of another.
- It gives us freedom of speech, the right to peacefully assemble, prohibits the government from aiding the establishment of a religion
- We all individually have these rights. Corporations also has its own rights, including first amendment rights, depending on which kind of speech it is
o Corporations now have freedom of political speech, meaning the government can’t pass a law to keep them from saying what they want politically - It also doesn’t protect obscenity (1973 case Miller v. California)
- Protects corporate speech in certain circumstances. It protects corporate political speech to the same extent that it protects individuals’ political speech. The Central Hudson test determines whether the First Amendment protects particular corporate commercial speech.
- Contains the establishment clause, which states that Congress may not make laws respecting an establishment of religion, and the free-exercise clause, which states that Congress may not make laws prohibiting the free exercise of religion.
Establishment Clause
One of two provisions in the First Amendment of the US Constitution that protect citizens’ freedom of religion. It prohibits the establishment of a national religion by Congress and the preference of one religion over another or of religion over nonreligious philosophies in general.
Free-exercise clause
A clause in the First Amendment of the US Constitution that states that government (state and federal) cannot make a law “prohibiting the free exercise” of religion. This clause is interpreted to include absolute freedom to believe and freedom to act that may face state restriction.
The Fourth Amendment
- Guarantees citizens the right to be “secure in their persons, their homes, and their personal property.”
- Prohibits government from conducting unreasonable searches of individuals and seizing their property to use as evidence against them.
- Protects corporations and places of business
o Also, there is an exception to having to have a search warrant. If an industry has a long history of pervasive regulation, a warrantless search is not unreasonable. - Probable cause: has to have facts that they know that leads them to believe they have reason to convict them
- Protects both corporations and individuals from unreasonable government searches and seizures. Although administrative searches generally require a warrant, administrative agencies may inspect some industries without a warrant to ensure compliance with industry regulation.
The Fifth Amendment
- Protects against self-incrimination, meaning that in a criminal case, the defendant does not have to testify in court as a witness against himself or herself.
- “Plead the fifth” – you don’t have to talk if you thing you might incriminate yourself
- Gives all US citizens protection from the US Government
- Protects against double jeopardy, which means the government cannot try a person more than once for the same crime.
- Corporations don’t receive protection against self-incrimination, though sole proprietors do receive this protection.
- States that government cannot take an individual’s life, liberty, or property without due process of law. There are two types of due process: procedural due process, which focuses on rules for enforcing laws and entitles individuals to notice of legal action against them, and substantive due process, which requires government to have a proper purpose for enacting laws that restrict individuals’ liberty or the use of their property.
- States that if government takes private property for public use, it must compensate the owner. The extent to which some government regulations constitute takings, however, generates much litigation.
- Includes a privilege against self-incrimination, although the provision does not apply to corporations. Only individual citizens and sole proprietorships may exercise this right.
- Guarantees individuals equal protection under the law. Courts use three standard of scrutiny in equal protection cases: (i) strict scrutiny, to analyze government actions that abridge fundamental rights or that include suspect classifications; (ii) intermediate scrutiny, to analyze classifications based on gender or on legitimacy of children; and (iii) the rational-basis test, to analyze classifications involving other matters.
Ninth Amendment
Along with the First, Third, Fourth, and Fifth Amendments, this amendment provides individuals with a right to privacy.
Fourteenth Amendment
- Applies the due-process clause to state governments and contains the equal protection clause, which prohibits states from denying the equal protection of the laws to any citizens.
- Equal protection clause
o Protects states from denying equal protection of laws to its citizens - Makes sure the government doesn’t treat its citizens unfairly or different from one another.
Equal protection clause
A clause in the Fourteenth Amendment of the US Constitution that prevents states from denying “the equal protection of the laws” to any citizens. This clause implies that all citizens are created equal.
Strict scrutiny
The most exacting standard of review used by the courts in determining the constitutionality of a statute; requires a compelling government interest and the least restrictive means of attaining that objective.
Intermediate scrutiny
A standard of review under which a law must be necessary to achieve a substantial, or important, government interest and it must be narrowly tailored to that interest.
Rational-basis test
The lowest standard of review; requires a law to be designed to protect a legitimate state interest and be rationally related to that interest.
Actus reus
Latin for “guilty act”; a wrongful behavior that is associated with the physical act of a declared crime.
Mens rea
Latin for “guilty mind”; the mental state accompanying a wrongful behavior.
- Show intent with witnesses
- The government has to show both
Criminal law vs. Civil law
Criminal law- to punish
Civil law- to compensate
Liability without fault
A legal term that imposes responsibility for damages regardless of the existence of negligence. Also called strict liability
A serious crime, such as murder, rape, or robbery, that is punishable by imprisonment for more than one year or by death.
A crime that is less serious than a felony and is punishable by a fine and/or imprisonment for less than one year.
Petty offence
A minor crime that is punishable by a small fine and/or imprisonment for less than six months in a jail.
White-collar crime
A variety of nonviolent illegal acts against society that occurs most frequently in the business context. - How can you be punished for one? o Impose a fine (most common) o Community service o Jail time o House arrest o Can’t work in the same job again
A corrupt and illegal activity in which a person offers, gives, solicits, or receives money, services, or anything of value to gain an illicit advantage.
- Both the person who bribes them and the person who accepts the bribe gets in trouble
- Elements of bribery: offer, give, promise to, or receive something of value
- If you bribe a foreign official, you break a federal law.
A criminal offense in which a person obtains money, property, and/or services from another by wrongfully threatening or inflicting harm on the other’s person, property, or reputation. Also called blackmail.
An intentional deception that causes harm to another.
- Intentionally told a lie
- If you think you were telling the truth, you didn’t commit fraud
3 elements that the government would have to show to prove someone committed fraud:
- Intent to deceit
- Has to be reasonable (example: buying ocean front property in Tennessee is not reasonable)
- Damages- someone has to have been hurt by what you said
Insider trading
(type of fraud) The illegal buying or selling of a corporation’s stock or other securities by corporate insiders, such as officers and directors, in breach of a fiduciary duty of some other relationship of trust and confidence, while in possession of material, nonpublic information about the security.
Insider trading case
- Buying Marvel’s stock
- Insider trading can be tipping some information
- His girlfriend could also get in trouble because she was an insider who told information
- or it can be security trading by someone who misappropriated information (stealing it)
Stock option backdating
The practice of altering the date a stock option was granted, to a usually earlier (but sometimes later) date at which the underlying stock price was lower.
- type of fraud
False pretense
The illegal obtaining of another’s property by making a materially false representation on an existing fact, with knowledge of the falsity of the representation and with the intent to defraud.
example: when someone says to give them money in exchange for something and you do, but you never receive anything.
A criminal falsification by imitating, impersonating, or altering a real document with the intent to deceive or defraud.
- A document that changes the legal rights of another person
- Ex. Drafting a deed and signing someone else’s name when they really didn’t approve of it- changed the person’s legal rights
Mail fraud
When you use the mail to defraud someone. When you put a fraudulent document in the mail.
- Government has to show
o Intent to defraud
o Use mail to throw the scheme
- Doesn’t just have to be the postal service; can also be FedEx or UPS
Healthcare fraud
- Usually committed by healthcare providers
o They’re defrauding patients - They submit fraudulent statements/bills
Telemarketer fraud
Usually targets the elderly
Bankruptcy fraud
When you default on everything because you owe more than you have.
- When you file for bankruptcy, you have to show what assets you have and what all you owe
- After you file, everything you own is sold to pay off your creditors
- When you file for bankruptcy, if you hide or give some of your assets away, you’re committing bankruptcy fraud
- Say you owe 1,000 people money, and someone comes along that you don’t really owe money to, but they claim that you do. That person is committing bankruptcy fraud
Ponzi scheme
A fraudulent operation in which the operator, an individual or organization, pays returns to its investors from new capital paid to the operators by new investors rather than from profit earned by the operator.
- Similar to embezzlement
- Misappropriation of money or funds held by an official, trustee, or other fiduciary.
example: if you give money to a fast food worker and she keeps it instead of putting it in the register, she committed defalcation and embezzlement
False entry
Making a false entry to the books in order to make the corporation look richer.
- Someone may do this to try to adjust the stock
- If someone is trying to buy it, this would make the price of the company go up
Making a false entry to the books in order to make the corporation look richer.
- Someone may do this to try to adjust the stock
- If someone is trying to buy the company, and someone inside adjusted the stocks, this would make the price of the company go up
The unauthorized taking and removal of the Personal Property of another by an individual who intends to permanently deprive the owner of it; a crime against the right of possession. Larceny generally refers to nonviolent theft.
Computer crime
Crime committed using a computer
- Refers broadly to any wrongful act that is directed against computers, uses computers to commit a crime, or involves computers
Given to us from the government through our laws
- They are an agreement between the owner and the State
- It is a separate legal entity: pays its own taxes, is a separate legal entity, etc.
o The corporation itself can’t take an action, the people inside it does.
• Because of this, a corporation can’t be held responsible for a crime according to common law (law from a long time ago)
• Now, they can be held accountable for strict liability crimes- ex. Speeding, selling alcohol to a minor, environmental laws
• If the crime can only be punished by jail time, then the corporation can’t be punished for it
Has to show:
• Employee was acting in the scope of their employment
• The person was acting with the purpose of benefiting the corporation
• The act was imputed to the corporation… look in book
- Responsible court doctrine
US v. Park Case
- Food contamination
- Government sent him a letter saying he was in violation, but he didn’t do anything about it. The government then sent another letter and he still didn’t do anything, so they charged him with a crime.
- His defense was that he didn’t know (ignorance) and he hired someone else to handle that, but it was still his fault because he was in charge.
A hacker is person who illegally accesses or enters another person’s or a company’s computer system to obtain information or to steal money.
Cyber terrorist
A hacker whose intention is the exploitation of a target computer or network to create a serious impact, such as the crippling of a communications network of the sabotage of a business or organization, which may have an impact on millions of citizens if the terrorist’s attack is successful.
A computer program that rearranges, damages, destroys, or replaces computer data.
Vicarious liability
The liability or responsibility imposed on a person, a party, or an organization for damages caused by another; most commonly used in relation to employment, with the employer held vicariously liable for damages caused by its employees.