Chapter 6 - 7 Flashcards
one of the most important structures in programming that is used to repeat a sequence of statements a number of times
A repetition of a loop
repeats a sequence of statements either as long as or until a certain condition is true
Do Loop
the statements inside the loop are repeatedly executed as long as the condition is true
Do While Loop
the parameters of a loop
the condition is checked at the bottom of a Do While Loop
the condition is checked at the top of a Do While Loop
loop that never ends
Infinite Loop
the type of loop used when the programmer knows exactly how many times a loop should be executed
For . . . Next Loop
a numeric variable declared in the For statement; it is initialized and then automatically changes after each pass through the loop
Counter Variable
where a For Next loop starts counting
Initial Value
where a For Next loop stops counting
Terminating Value
an indexed list of simple variables of the same type, to and from which Visual Basic can efficiently assign and access a list of values
Array Variable
a collection of variables
the numbers inside the parentheses of the array variables
Subscripts or Indexes