Chapter 6 (6.1 to 6.2) Flashcards
How do you find the area of a triangle given SAS?
1/2 * outer side * outer side * sine of inner angle
What are the two laws of cosines and when do you use either?
Side given SAS- a^2=b^2+c^2-2bccos(a)
Angle given SSS-
Cos A- (b^2+c^2-a^2)/(2bc)
How do you find the area of a triangle given SSS?
Area=square root of s(s-a)(s-b)*(s-c)
What is the law of sines and when do you use it?
Sin A/a = Sin B/b = Sin C/c
ASA, AAS, SSA (0,1,2 triangles)
How do you find the components of a vector given the initial and terminal points?
Terminal x - First x, Terminal y - First y
How do you find the magnitude of a vector?
Square root of x^2 plus y^2 (if given component form)
If the component form of a vector u is u1,u2 what is the component from of 3u?
3u1, 3u2
How do you add vectors given the component form of both? U= 0,3 and V=1,3
How do you add vectors given a picture?
Add the x’s and the y’s (0+1, 3+3 yields 1,6)
Attach the arrow side of one to the point side of another
How do you draw a negative vector?
Same vector but in the opposite direction
How do you find the unit vector given the component form of a vector?
Unit vector = (u1/{{u}}, u2/{{u}}) or the vector divided by its magnitude
How do you check a unit vector?
Make sure its magnitude equals one
What is the standard unit vector for i?
What is the standard unit vector for j?
How do you find the linear combination for a given vector?
If v= v1,v2 then the linear combination is v1i, v2j
How do you measure the direction angle?
Start from the x-axis, then move counter-clockwise
How do you find a direction angle given a linear combination when you have one vector?
First coefficient divides the last coefficient and tan^-1 (Tan theta is y/x)
If a vector is on a circle that is not the unit circle, how do you find the linear combination?
Multiply the magnitude by cos theta (for x) and by sin theta (for y) if given the inner angle
What is the geometric definition for a dot product?
Magnitude of u and magnitude of v times the cos of theta
What is the algebraic definition for a dot product?
For vectors u and v: U dot V = u1v1 + u2v2
What is v dot v?
The magnitude of v squared
How do you find the slope of a vector?
Divide the y of its component form by x (rise/run)
What would the relationships of the slopes be if two vectors were perpendicular (orthogonal)?
Opposite recipricals
What would the dot product be of two orthogonal vectors be?
What is the standard form of a complex number?
A + Bi
What is the trig form of a complex number?
Magnitude (cos theta, i*sin theta)
How would would plot a complex number?
Real is x-axis, imaginary is y-axis
How do you multiply vectors in trig form?
Multiply the magnitude, add the angle
How do you divide vectors in trig form?
Divide the magnitude, subtract the angle
How do you raise a vector by a power in trig form?
Raise the magnitude by the power, multiply the angle by the power
How do you take a root of a complex number and what form does it need to be in?
Root of magnitude (cos (theta plus 360k/n) + i sin (theta plus 360k/n)) where k is 0 to n-1
30, 45, 60* sin and cos
30- s=1/2, c=square3/2
45- s/c square of 2/2
60- c=1/2, s= square3/2