Chapter 6 Flashcards
What types of loans do not impair independence?
- Automobile loans
- Loans of the surrender value under terms of an insurance policy
- Borrowings fully collateralized by cash deposits at the same financial institution
- Credit Cards and cash advances on checking accounts with an aggregate unpaid balance of $10,000 or less
What audit services do not need to be pre-approved by the audit committee of an issuer?
Non-audit services that do not exceed five percent of total revenues from an audit client do not require audit committee pre-approval as long as the services are brought to the audit committees attention and approved before the completion of the audit
What tax services provided to an issuer are allowed?
Tax compliance, Tax planning, and tax advice
What is one difference in independence under IFAC Code of Ethics and U.S. Ethical standards
IFAC Code of Ethics: an auditor may provide internal audit services if appropriate safeguards are put in place to limit or eliminate threats to independent
U.S. Ethical Standards: Internal audit outsourcing services may not be provided to audit clients
What activity is required when exercising due care?
Consulting with experts. exercise of due care dictates consultation or referral when a professional engagement exceeds the CPA’s personal competence
What financial interests in the client during the period of engagement impairs a CPA’s independence?
Direct and immaterial indirect financial interests
Is an audit firm independent if the client has not paid their audit fees for over a year?
independence might be impaired if more than one years audit fees from a client remain unpaid. Such amounts take on some of the characteristics of a loan, and it may appear that the practitioner is providing capital for the client
What are the rules behind disclosing a clients name?
It is permissible for a member to disclose the name of a client without the consent of the client unless the disclosure of the clients name results in the release of confidential information (bankruptcy or financial difficulty)
What events may justify a departure from GAAP?
New legislation or an evolution of a new form of business transaction. The departure may be justified if the CPA can demonstrate that due to unusual circumstances, the financial statements would otherwise be misleading.
What does section 4 of SOX require?
It requires that the company’s external auditors attest to, and report on, the internal control assessment made by management of the issuer
Audit documentation serves mainly to provide:
- The principle support for the auditors work
- assistance in the planning, conduct, and supervision f the audit
- Accountability
- Useful information
What is one column usually included in the working trial balance
The working trial balance usually contains a column for adjustments and reclassifications
What is one type of documentation that is required for audit documentation?
An indication of audit documentation that the accounting records agree or reconcile with the financial statements?
What is the documentation completion date?
The date after which existing documentation must not be deleted, and additions to the documentation file must be documented as such (For PCAOB = 45 days after the report release date)
What is the main reason that many auditors hesitate to use embedded audit modules?
Auditors are required to be involved in the system design of the application to be monitored