Chapter 6 Flashcards
The jewish feast of the exodus is called
How long is passover?
7 or 8 days- it is close to our Easter
What type of meal do Jewish families have during passover?
Sedar foods are symbolic- what do they stand for
- Bitter Herbs
- Lamb
- Unleavened bread
- Hebrews bitter slavery
- lamb blood on Hebrew doorways
- bread with our yeast- represents the hurry to flee egypt
The church’s calendar of celebrations is known as?
Liturgical year
3 important days in the liturgical year are holy thursday, good friday and Holy saturday- they are also known as?
Easter Triduum
During the holy thursday mass priest and parishioners act out ?
Jesus washing the apostles feet
What is the first reading on holy Thursday?
god brought final plague upon egypt- sacrifice a lamb to save themselves from death
What was passover a sign of?
Passover was a sign of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ
What did God tell moses before the night that became known as the “passover’
put lamb’s blood on doors
because he was going to kill all the 1st borns in egypt
What jewish feast took place during jesus death and resurrection?
Jesus had the last supper on what Jesish feast
How did Jesus give passover a whole new meaning?
by breaking the bread and wine
the Eucharist is the memorial of Jesus’ passover- his work of salvation through suffering, death, resurrection and ascension
Jeus body and blood enabled his followers to what??
to be redeemed from sin and find eternal happiness in God’s kingdom
What is the Pashacal Mystery?
Is the way jesus’ passion, death resurrection and ascension saved us from sin and gave us life after death.