Chapter 6 Flashcards
cryptography + cryptanalysis
Work function
Effort and time to complete brute force attack against encryption system
- Transposition - Re-arrange
- Substitution - Replace
- ROT3
- Vigenere cipher table - One time pads (Vernam ciphers)
- OTP must be random
- OTP must be secure
- OTP used only once
- OTP (key) must be as long as the message - Running key ciphers (or book ciphers) - use passage in book, newspaper, or magazine
- Block ciphers - blocks or chunks at a time
- Stream ciphers - one character at a time
Confusion and Diffusion
Used by cryptography to obscure plaintext
Confusion - complexity between plaintext and key
Diffusion - small change in plaintext results in changes spread in ciphertext
Symmetric key cryptography
aka. shared Key or private Key cryptography
Sometimes used ephemeral key - temporary for one session only
- Key distribution is a problem
- No non-repudiation
- Not scalable
- Must re-generate when one participant leaves the group
- Fast
Asymmetric key cryptography
Public key cryptography
Total keys = n(n-1) / 2
- Only 1 pair of keys need to be generated for new user
- When 1 participant leaves, just cancel that pair of keys
- Regenerate only when private key is compromised
- Additionally provides integrity, authenticity and non-repudiation
- Key distribution is simple, just share public key
- No pre-existing comm link required
- Slow
Message Digest
Used with public key cryptography to create digital signatures
Symmetric cryptographic modes
- Electronic code book (ECB) - block encryption using 64-bit key; least secure
- Cipher block chaining (CBC) - IV and XOR; prev encrypted block XOR with current plain block, then encrypt; transmission errors can affect decrypt
- Cipher feedback (CFB) - similar to CBC but streaming and encrypt previous ciphertext block before XOR with current plain block; transmission errors can affect decypt
- Output feedback (OFB) - also uses IV and XOR, but does not rely on prev ciphertext block; IV is encrypted and XOR’d, and is used as IV for next block; no longer affected by transmission errors
- Counter Mode (CTR) - similar to CFB and OFB, but uses counter to increment IV (seed value) for each block; does not rely on prev stage
- Galois counter mode (GCM) - CTR with authenticity
- Counter with Cipher Block Chaining Message Authentication Code (CCM) - uses CTR for confidentiality, CBC-MAC for authenticity
Unauthenticated modes:
Authenticated modes:
Symmetric key cryptography algorithms
- DES - 64-bit blocks; 56-bit key; 16 rounds of encryption; supports all 5 unauth cipher modes (ECB, CBC, etc.); not secure
- Triple DES (3DES) - DES EEE-3 or EDE-3; no longer used by gov’t
- IDEA - 128 bit key (52 x 16-bit subkeys); supports all 5 unauth modes like DES; used in PGP secure email
- Blowfish - extends IDEA with 32 - 448 bits range of keys; used in SSH
- Skipjack - 64-bit blocks, 80-bit key; supports escrowed key and used by gov’t (NIST and D of Treasury); not embraced by crypt community
- RC4 - stream cipher; 0 - 2048 bit keys; deprecated
- RC5 - 32, 64, 128 bit blocks; 0 - 2040 bit keys
- RC6 - 128 bit blocks; 128, 192, 256 bit keys; not widely used
- AES - 128 bit block;
- 128 bit key: 10 rounds encryption
- 192 bit key: 12 rounds
- 256 bit key: 14 rounds - Rijndael - same as AES but block size = key size
- CAST-128
- 64 bit block; 40 - 128 bit keys; 12 or 16 rounds encrypt - CAST-256
- 128 bit block; 128, 160, 192, 224, 256 bit keys; 48 rounds - Twofish - 128 bit block; 256 bit keys; 16 rounds of encrypt; prewhitening and postwhitening (plaintext XOR key operation)
Distribution of symmetric keys
- Offline distribution
- Public key encryption
- Diffie-Hellman
Storage of keys
- never store with encrypted data
- use split knowledge
Can be software based or hardware based (e.g. HSM)
Key escrow
- Fair cryptosystems - multiple parts to 3rd parties
- Escrow encryption standard - gov’t or agent has access (such as Clipper chip)
General community:
Use escrow with recovery agent (RA); each RA is part of M of N control