Chapter 6 Flashcards
Free Trade
a nation produces what they specialize in with no intervention. they get what they don’t produce from other countries. increase variety of products, lower costs
the currency of trade with gold and silver.
exports are good and imports are bad
Mercantilism fallacies
gold itself doesn’t have actual value besides people wanting it. It only has value when being traded. and the zero sum game
Zero sum game
Mercantilists failed to recognize the potential gains in efficiency that arise from the specialization. there is an uneven win/loss share
Absolute advantage
the idea that some nations may be better at producing certain goods so they should focus on that to create more global efficiency through free trade.
through speicalization
- labor can become more skillful
- switching costs can be minimized
- the production can achieve economies of scale
competitive advantage
although one party/nation has a better advantage, with free trade, they both can win/succeed/gain
Limitations/assumptions of comparative advantage
1 Factors of production are immobile between countries. (labor and capital)
2 Perfect information exists as to international trade opportunities.
3 The world is composed of two countries and two commodities.
4 Transportation costs are ignored.
5 Resources can move freely from the production of one good to another.
6 There is no difference in technological levels between two trading partners.
what is the lesson from international policy life cycle
it is most important to invest in knowledge/skills. To survive, you must keep innovating
New trade theory
Trade increases the variety of goods availably and decrease costs with economies of scale. Then the market is only able to support a small number of firms. Large companies gain enormous political influence and can influence mass media. They become too big to fail so the winner takes all
First mover advantage
being the first of a type of production in the market gives an advantage to develop economies of scale and create barriers for other firms to enter.
the Porter’s Diamond
saying that money is made through innovation, new product design, marketing approach. The govt has to invest in education and continuously be upgrading/ improving the system
the Porters Diamond 4 conditions
- factors of production
- demand conditions
- related and supporting industries
- rivalry
factors of production
one part of porters diamond
factors like land, labor, capital and natural resources are heavily invested and highly specialized
however, there are high labor costs, lack of resources. motivator for competitiveness
Demand Conditions
Sophisticated and demanding buyers pressure companies to meet high standards
Related and Supporting Industries
Japanese automakers are successful
Excellent buyer-supplier relationships
Play as a team instead of working alone
balance of payment- the US buys more than sells which becomes a trade deficit and that money comes back in the form of investments
Current Account Deficit
=Net Capital Inflow
trade deficit offset by inflow
Current Account Surplus
= Net Capital Outflow
trade surplus offset by outflow