Chapter 6 Flashcards
All of the following were common values that all Romans held dear and considered to be
foundational for their state EXCEPT
Egalitarianism: “equality”
Which legislation that resulted from the Conflict of the Orders was a public display of the
laws (first Roman legal code)?
Twelve Tables
Which legislation that resulted from the Conflict of the Orders made all laws passed by the
Plebian Council binding on all Romans?
Lex Hortensia
In Roman religion, who was the king of the gods (the equivalent of the Greek god Zeus)?
The success of the Roman state rested in keeping the pax deorum. What does this mean?
Peace with the gods
Why did the Romans switch from fighting in the Greek hoplite phalanx fashion to a system
of their own making, the manipular legion?
Allowed more flexibility
Allowed using heaving infantry
Allowed using light infantry
The acquisition of new territories and the creation of a Mediterranean Empire created all of
the following new problems for Rome EXCEPT
Abundance of slaves
As consul, Gaius Marius passed all of the following comprehensive reforms to the Roman
military EXCEPT
Changed the legion of cohorts into a legion of maniples
The Civil War of Marius and Sulla demonstrated what dangerous side effect of Marius’
military reforms?
Transferred soldiers’ loyalty from the Roman state to their generals
How did Julius Caesar commit an act of treason, as defined in Roman law, and start the Civil
War of Caesar and Pompey?
He left his province and crossed the Rubicon River with his army
While he did not have any official titles, how did Augustus retain his power as emperor?
He avoided accepting any titles that might have smacked of a desire for kingship.
He brilliantly created for himself new titles and powers, thoroughly grounded in previous,
Republican tradition.
He shared power with the Senate in a way beneficial to himself.
During the Year of the Four Emperors, the arcana imperii revealed all of the following that
continued to be a factor in subsequent history of the Empire. EXCEPT
The increasing importance of the Senate
What is a collection of primary sources by early Christians containing the theological beliefs
and stories about Jesus on which the faith was built?
New Testament
In the New Testament, where would you find the origins of the Christian faith?
Four Gospels
The early Christian movement was considered revolutionary for all of the following reasons
It was a monotheistic religion.
What Roman emperor brought about a major religious change in the Empire?
How did Augustine challenge the core of Roman traditional beliefs about the state?
Challenged the fundamental Roman pagan belief that Roman success was the result of
the pax deorum.