chapter 6 Flashcards
He is going
kei te haere ia or E haere ana ia
she is running
kei te oma ia
he ran last week
i oma ia i teeraa wiki
she has run
kua oma ia
he will run tomorrow
ka oma ia aapoopoo
i have eaten
kua kai au
i have finished
kua mutu au
i have been defeated
kua hingu au
they (2 ppl) have slept
kua moe raaua
they (3 ppl) have gone to the shop
kua haere raatou ki te toa
she has arrived
kua tae mai ia
the dog has died
kua mate te kurii
he has bought a drink for you
kua hoko inu ia maau
your ball has gone missing
kua ngaro too pooro
the milk has run out
kua pau te miraka
past/present - when
past/present - now
past/present - this morning
i te ata nei
past/present - this afternoon
i te ahiahi nei
past/present - at four oçlock
i te whaa karaka
past/present - today
i te raa nei
past/present - yesterday
past/present - last monday
i te raahina
past/present - last friday
i te raamere