Chapter 5B Flashcards
The Peripheral Nervous System (PNS): Efferent division
-part of the nervous system that lies outside the brain and spinal cord
-sends commands away from brain to the periphery
-Efferent division consists of 2 subdivisions: autonomic and somatic
Autonomic Innervations
-cardiac muscle
-smooth muscle
-most exocrine glands
-some endocrine glands
-adipose tissue
Autonomic Nervous System (ANS)
-maintain dynamic equilibrium: homeostasis
-stress response
-extends from CNS to an innervated organ
Enteric Nervous System
-part of the ANS
-within the GI tract
-influences pancreas, liver, gallbladder (secretion, motility, blood flow)
Hub of the ANS
-spinal cord
Sympathetic Nervous System
-division of the autonomic NS
-flight or flight response
-heart rate increases
-blood pressure increases
-rate and depth of respiration increase
-energy stores are mobilized by working tissues ie. skeletal muscles
-digestion decreases
-redistribution of resources ie. blood flow and O2 delivery to digestive tract restricted
-O2 delivery increased to skeletal muscles, heart, lungs, skin
-glycogen breakdown
-secretion of epinephrine, norepinephrine, other hormones are increased
Parasympathetic Nervous System
-division of the autonomic NS
-rest and digest response
-heart rate decreases
-muscle use decreases
-digestion increases
-nutrients begin to be stored again
Two Neuron Chain (ANS)
-cell body of first neuron is located in the CNS, its axon is the preganglionic fibre which synapses with the cell body of the second neuron
-cell body of second neuron lies in a ganglion, its axon, the postganglionic fibre innervates the effector organ ie. smooth muscle or heart
cluster of neuronal cell bodies that lies outside the CNS
Sympathetic Innervation
-innervate thoracic and lumbar regions of the spinal cord
Sympathetic Preganglionic Neurons
-ganglions are paravertebral (para = adjacent to) meaning they lie on either side of the spinal cord
-secrete Acetylcholine (ACh) in the ganglion
Collateral Ganglia
-when some preganglionic fibres don’t synapse through the sympathetic ganglion chain
-they end here: between the CNS and innervated organs
-postganglionic fibres travel the rest of the distance
Sympathetic Preganglionic Receptors
-cholinergic nicotinic receptors
-in the ganglion
Parasympathetic Innervation
-preganglionic fibres arise from the cranial (brain) and sacral (lower spinal cord) areas of the CNS
Parasympathetic Preganglionic Neurons
-longer than sympathetic preganglionuc fibres because they don’t end until reaching terminal ganglia (lie in or near effector organ)
-secretes Acetylcholine into the ganglion
Parasympathetic Preganglionic Receptors
-cholinergic nitcotinic
Sympathetic Postganglionic Neuron
-goes to target/effector organ
-secretes norepinephrine (20%) or epinephrine (80%) or dopamine (1%)
Sympathetic Postganglionic Receptors
-located on the target
-adrenergic; release noradrenaline aka norepinephrine
-alpha (a1 or a2) or beta (b1 b2 or b3)
Parasympathetic Postganglionic Neuron
-secretes Acetylchloine
Parasympathetic Postganglionic Receptors
-on the target
-cholinergic just like all the autonomic preganglionic fibres
-muscanaric; fiver subtypes: _____
-activated by tobacco plant derivative: nicotine
-found on all postganglionic cell bodies in autonomic ganglia
-respond to Ach from preganglionic fibres; open cation channels in postganglionic cell = depolarization and an action potential
-activated by mushroom poison: muscarine
-found on effector cell membranes
-bind with Ach from parasympathetic post ganglionic fibres
-5 subtypes that are linked to G proteins which activate second messenger systems leading to target cell responses