Chapter 5 - X-Ray Production Flashcards
four essential requirements for the production of x-rays
(1) a vacuum, (2) a source of electrons, (3) a target, and (4) a high potential difference (voltage) between the electron source and the target.
thermionic emission
As explained in Chapter 4, heat speeds up the movement of the electrons in their orbits and increases their distance from the nucleus. Electrons in the outermost orbital shells move so far from the nucleus that they are no longer held in orbit but are flung out of the atom, forming an “electron cloud” around the filament (Fig. 5.4). This process is called thermionic emission.
space charge
The electron cloud is called a space charge and is the source of free (in air) electrons for x-ray production.
The filament consists of a small coil of tungsten wire. Tungsten (chemical symbol W) is a metal element; it is a large atom with 74 electrons in orbit around its nucleus. An electric current flows through the filament to heat it.
At the opposite end of the tube is the anode (also referred to as the target), a hard, smooth, slanted metal surface that is also made of tungsten. The electrons are directed toward the target, which is the place where x-rays are generated. The positive, target end of the tube is called the anode; the negative, filament end is called the cathode.
Bremsstrahlung radiation
Created when an incoming electron is suddenly slowed down, changes direction, and leaves the tungsten atom. The kinetic energy of the electron is converted into an x-ray photon.
Characteristic radiation
Created when an incoming electron interacts with the K-shell electron and knocks it out of orbit. When the electron void is filled with an outer shell electron, an x-ray photon is created.
Focal Spot Size
*Measurement of focal spot on target surface
*Affects tube heat capacity
*Bigger is better!
*Measurement of vertical projection of actual focal spot
*Affects image resolution
*Smaller is better!
spatial resolution
Spatial resolution is the new digital term used to describe the sharpness of the structures recorded in the image. Generally speaking, it simply refers to the amount of detail seen on the visible x-ray image.
focal track
X-ray tubes rotate at a standard speed of about 3600 revolutions per minute (rpm) during the exposure. Most x-ray tubes in use today also have a high-speed rotation at 10,000rpm.
target angle
The slant of the anode surface is called the target angle (Fig. 5.15). X-ray tube target angles are between 7 and 17 degrees, with 12 degrees being most common. The target angle is built into the x-ray tube and cannot be changed. The target angle affects the tube’s heat capacity, the sharpness of the radiographic image, and the maximum size of the x-ray beam.
Line Focus Principle
*The size of the effective focal spot determines image resolution.
*The relative size of the effective focal spot is determined by the target angle.
*The steeper the target angle, the greater the difference between the actual and the effective focal spot sizes.
Focal Spot Size
Most x-ray tubes used today contain a 0.6-mm small focal spot and a 1.2-mm large focal spot. Some x-ray tubes may be purchased with larger focal spots of 1.0mm for the small and 2.0mm for the large.
Anode Heel Effect
*Variation in radiation intensity across the length of the radiation field
*Greater radiation intensity toward the cathode end of the field
*Only significant when using the whole beam (14- × 17-inch IR at 40 inches or full spine at 72 inches)
*Place thinner portion of body part toward anode end of tube
Therefore kVp controls the energy (wavelength) of the x-ray beam. Because x-rays with shorter wavelengths are more penetrating, the penetrating power of the x-ray beam is controlled by varying the kVp. Larger and denser body parts will require higher kVp settings than small or low-density body parts. The contrast in the radiographic image is also controlled by the kVp. High kVp creates low contrast, and low kVp creates high contrast.