Chapter 5 Vocabulary Flashcards
Esoteric (adj)
intended for or understood by only a select few, private, secret
Ex. The fraternity developed a set of esoteric rites that had to be performed by anyone seeking membership
synonyms: cryptic, arcane, recondite
Acuity (n)
sharpness, particularly of the mind or senses
Ex. The acuity of most people’s hearing diminishes as they grow older
synonyms: acuteness
Idiosyncrasy (n)
a peculiarity that serves to distinguish or identify
Ex. The fact that the plurals of some nouns are formed irregularly is an idiosyncrasy of English grammar
synonyms: quirk, mannerism
Mundane (adj)
earthly, worldly, relating to practical and material affairs; concerned with what is ordinary
Ex. The painter left all mundane concerns to her sister while she single-mindedly pursued her artistic goals
synonyms: prosaic, humdrum, routine, sublunary
Penchant (n)
a strong attraction or inclination
Ex. A teacher with a penchant for belaboring the obvious is bound to be boring
synonyms: proclivity, predilection
Reputed (adj)
according to reputation or general belief; having widespread acceptance and good reputation; (part.) alleged
Ex. Although he is the reputed head of a crime syndicate, he has never spent time in jail
synonyms: putative, reputable
Ubiquitous (adj)
present or existing everywhere
Ex. The ubiquitous eye of the TV camera threatens to rob citizens of any sense of privacy
synonyms: pervasive, universal
Ingenuous (adj)
lacking in sophistication or worldliness
Ex. His ingenuous explanation that he would not have burned the church if he had not thought the bishop was in it
Synonyms: innocent, naif, naive
Solecism (n)
a socially awkward or tactless task
Ex. “Getting your itses mixed up is the greatest solecism in the world of punctuation,” she writes.
synonyms: faux pas, gaffe, gaucherie, slip
Posthumous (adj)
occurring or coming into existence after a person’s death
Ex. A posthumous movie award
synonyms: late
Gratuitous (adj)
unnecessary and unwanted; without cause
Ex. Telling jokes at a somber occasion shows a gratuitous form of humor
synonyms: needless, uncalled for, unnecessary, unneeded, unmerited
Axiomatic (adj)
evident without proof or argument
Ex. An axiomatic truth
synonyms: self-evident, taken for granted, obvious
Consumption (n)
the act of consuming something
Ex. If you consume ten cookies in an hour, then your rate of consumption is ten cookies per hour
synonyms: expenditure, using up, burn up, depletion
Stigmata (n)
marks resembling the wounds of the body of Christ
synonyms: leison, wound
Indefatigable (adj)
showing sustained enthusiastic action with unflagging vitality
Ex. An indefatigable advocate or equal rights
synonyms: tireless, unflagging, unwearying, energetic