Chapter 5, The Self Flashcards
How was other species sense of self tested?
- Red dye experiment (Gallup, 1977)
- Gave Chimps and Orangutans a mirror
- Paint red dye on the apes
- Did they notice the red spot?
Most members of the great ape family were able to recognize their self-concept
What is a Self-concept?
The overall set of beliefs that people have about their personal attributes.
What is a Self-Schema?
The beliefs that people hold about themselves that guide the processing of self-relevant information.
- One can be schematic or aschematic on a dimension or trait
- Influence what people notice, think and remember.
Is Self-Concept influenced by Culture?
Yes it is influenced by cultural orientation
- Western Cultures - individualistic
- Eastern Cultures - Collectivistic
What is Independent Self?
Defining oneself in terms of one’s own internal thoughts, feelings, and actions.
What is Interdependent Self?
Defining oneself in terms of relationships with others
What is Introspection?
The process whereby people look inward and examine their own thoughts, feelings, and motives
What is the question within Self-Awareness theory?
Do we focus on ourselves most of the time?
What happens when we focus on ourselves in Self-Awareness Theory?
When we focus on ourselves, we compare our behaviour to our internal standards and values.
What are the consequences of Self-Awareness?
if our behavior does not match, we have two options:
- Modify Behaviour
- Avoid Self-Awareness
What is the plus side of Self-Awareness?
It can improve behavior
What was Diener and Wallbom’s experiment?
Participants were asked to complete a difficult test in 5 mins
- Completed test under two conditions:
- High Self-Awareness: mirror
- Low Self-Awareness: no mirror
-Dependent measure: Whether participants kept working after 5 mins
The results showed that when the mirror was present cheating behavior was very low, and without it present cheating behavior was high.
What is the Spotlight Effect?
People tend to believe that the social spotlight shines more brightly on them than it really does
-If we are focused on ourselves, we assume others are too
What is Self-Awareness Theory?
The idea is that when people focus their attention on themselves, they evaluate and compare their behavior with their internal standards and values.
What is a Causal Theory?
Theories about the causes of one’s own feelings and behaviors; typically, we learn such theories from our cultures
(e.g. “absence makes the heart grow fonder”)
What was the Barry Manilow T-shirt Study?
It was conducted by Gilovich, Medvec, and Savitsky
Upon arrival at the experiment, participants were told the experiment was in another room. Participants were told to “Put on this t-shirt”
- Large picture either flattering or unflattering
- Brought to another room and instructed to knock on the door
- Participants entered a room where a group of observers was seated.
What was the Barry Manilow T-shirt Study? (Part 2)
Participants were asked
- “How many of the people in the room you were just in would be able to tell me who is on your t-shirt?”
- Observers were asked, “Can you remember what was pictured on the target’s t-shirt?”
- Spotlight effect: The discrepancy in estimates.
What were the results of the T-shirt Study?
The average discrepancy was 23%
What is Self-Perception Theory?
The theory is that when our attitudes and feelings are uncertain or ambiguous, we infer these states by observing our behavior and the situation in which it occurs.
Behavior that we freely choose is more informative than behavior that was not freely chosen
What is Intrinsic Motivation?
The desire to engage in an activity because we enjoy it or find it interesting, not because of external rewards or pressures
What is Extrinsic Motivation?
The desire to engage in an activity because of external rewards or pressures, not because we enjoy the task or find it interesting
What is the Overjustification Effect?
The case whereby people view their behavior as caused by compelling extrinsic reasons, making them underestimate the extent to which their behavior was caused by intrinsic reasons
What is Task-Contingent Rewards?
Rewards are given for performing a task, regardless of how well the task is done.
What is Performance-Contingent Rewards?
Rewards that are based on how well we perform a task.
What is the Looking-Glass Self?
The idea is that we see ourselves through the eyes of other people and incorporate their views into our self-concept.
What is the Illusion of Transparency?
It is that we believe that others have more access to our internal states than they do.