Chapter 5: The Communication Process Flashcards
person or organization that has information to share with another person or group of people
putting thoughts, ideas, or information into symbolic form
facilitates communication between sender and receiver
informal communication among consumers about products and services
generating positive word-of-mouth discussion
Buzz Marketing
propagating marketing-relevant messages with the help of individual consumers
Viral Marketing
identifying and choosing initial group of consumers who will start spreading the message
person with whom sender shares thoughts or information
transforming sender’s message into thought
unplanned distortion in the communication process
receiver’s set of reactions after seeing, hearing, or reading the message
receiver’s response that is communicated back to the sender
stages a buyer passes through in personal selling process, including attention, interest, desire, and action
AIDA Model
stages a consumer passes through in adoption process for an innovation including awareness, interest, evaluation, trial, and adoption
Innovation Adoption Model
Stages a consumer passes through in transition from no awareness to eventual action, including awareness, interest, evaluation, trial, and adoption
Hierarchy of Effects Model
consumer goes through response process in sequence depicted by traditional communication models, including learn, feel and do
Standard Learning Model
receiver passes from cognition to behavior to attitude change, including learn, feel, and do
Low-Involvement Hierarchy
through social networking, consumers can access and retrieve information, connect with one another, discuss products/services, and interact with marketers
The Social Consumer Decision Journey
thoughts that occur to individuals while reading, viewing, and/or hearing a communication
Cognitive Responses
thoughts recipient has that are opposed to the position taken in the message
thoughts recipient has that affirm information or claims the source hopes to convey
Support Arguments
negative thoughts about spokesperson or organization making the claims (lower message acceptance)
Source Derogations
positive thoughts about spokesperson or organization making the claims
Source Bolsters
contains the information or meaning the source hopes to convey
Ad Execution-Related Thoughts
represents receivers’ feelings of favorability or unfavorability toward the ad
Attitude Toward the Ad
ways in which consumers process and respond to persuasive messages
The Elaboration Likelihood Model
ability and motivation to process a message is high; receiver pays close attention to message content (using the brain to think about it)
Central Route to Persuasion
ability and motivation to process a message is low; receiver focuses more on peripheral cues than on messages content
Peripheral Route to Persuasion
ad should contain strong arguments that are difficult to refute
High Involvement
peripheral cues are more important than detailed message arguments
Low Involvement