Chapter 5 Syntax Flashcards
the expression that occurs immediately to the right of the verb
the English- the expression that usually occurs immediately to the left of the verb.
syntactically well-formed
syntactically ill-formed
A component of mental grammar that deals with constructing phrasal expressions out of smaller expressions. (the study of how expressions combine)
principle of compositionality
the meaning of a sentence depends on the meaning of the expressions it contains and on the way they are syntactically combined.
grammatical judgement
a reflection of speakers’ mental grammar and not a test of their conscious knowledge of the prescriptive rules
linguistic expressions
Is a piece of language 1)- that has a certain form (what it sounds like) 2)- a certain meaning - and most relevantly, 3)- some syntactic properties as well.
word order
how expressions are allowed to be ordered with respect to one another
If some expression occurs in a sentence, what other expressions can or must co-occur with it in that sentence.
non-subject arguments
certain kinds of expressions whose occurrence in a sentence are purely optional
syntactic constituents
certain groups of expressions within a larger phrase can form a syntactic unit (smaller expressions out of which the phrase was constructed)
a kind of sentence in which some constituent is displaced (or moved) to the left
sentential complement verb
verbs that require a complement of category “S” to form a VP
ditransitive verbs (DTV)
verbs that require 2 NP complements and a subject NP argument