Chapter 5 - Submanifolds Flashcards
Define: embedded submanifold, codimension, ambient manifold, embedded hypersurface, properly embedded
Suppose M is a smooth manifold with or without boundary. An EMBEDDED SUBMANIFOLD of M is a subset S < M that is a manifold (without boundary) in the subspace topology, endowed with a smooth structure with respect to which the inclusion map S –> M is a smooth embedding.
The difference dim M - dim S is called the CODIMENSION OF S IN M. M is the AMBIENT MANIFOLD for S. An EMBEDDED HYPERSURFACE is an embedded submanifold of codimension 1.
An embedded submanifold S < M is PROPERLY EMBEDDED if the inclusion S –> M is a proper map (ie inverse images of compact sets are compact - infinite does not go to finite region. Send infinity to infinity)
What are the embedded submanifolds of codimension 0 in M?
They are exactly the open submanifolds.
Pf. Show if U < M is an open submanifold, then U is embedded submanifold with codim 0 and conbversely. pg 99
What is relationship between smooth embeddings and embedded submanifolds? Proof?
Embedded submanifolds = images of smooth embeddings.
The definition of embedded submanifold includes condition that inclusion S –> M is a smooth embedding.
Let F: N –> M be a smooth embedding and S = F(N). Give S the subspace topology. The assumption that F is an embedding means F is a homeomorphism from N –> S. Give S smooth structure (F(U), phi o F^-1), where (U, phi) is any smooth chart for N. With this structure, F is diffeomorphism onto its image. Inclusion S –> M is F o F^-1|S a composition of a diffeo followed by smooth embedding hence a smooth embedding
Conditions for an embedded submanifold to be properly embedded?
- S is properly embedded <=> S is a closed subset of M
- Every compact embedded submanifold is properly embedded
- Global graphs are properly embedded. Say f: M –> N is smooth, Gamma(f) is properly embedded in M x N.
Define: k-slice, local k-slice condition, slice chart, slice coordinates
If U is an open subset of R^n, a K-DIMENSIONAL SLICE OF U is any subset of the form S = { (x^1, … , x^k, x^k+1, … , x^n) in U : x^k+1 = c^k+1, …. , x^n = c^n} for some constants c^k+1, … , c^n. (in particular think of the c = 0}
Now let M be a smooth n-manifold, and let (U, phi) be a smooth chart on M. If S is a subset of U such that phi(S) is a k-slice of phi(U), then we say that S is a K-SLICE OF U.
Given a subset S < M and a nonnegative integer k, we say that S satisfies the LOCAL K-SLICE CONDITION if each point of S is contained in the domain of a smooth chart (U, phi) for M such that S intersect U is a single k-slice in U. Any such chart is called a SLICE CHART FOR S IN M and the corresponding coordinates (x^1, … , x^n) are called SLICE COORDINATES.
What is the relationship between embedded submanifolds and k-slices? proof?
A subset S < M satisfies the local k -slice condition <=> S is an embedded k-dimensional submanifold.
(<=) Apply rank theorem to inclusion map which is a smooth embedding
(=>) If (x^1, … , x^n) are slice coordinate for S, we can use (x^1, … , x^k) as local coordinates for S.
pg 101 - 103
So at this point we have S < M satisfies local k-slice condition <=> S is an embedded k-dimensional submanifold <=> S is the image of a smooth embedding of a k-dimensional manifold
Prove: If M is a smooth n-manifold with boundary, then with the subspace topology, boundary M is a topological (n-1)-dimensional manifold without boundary and has a smooth structure such that it is a properly embedded submanifold of M
pg 104
How do submanifolds most often arise in practice?
In practice, submanifolds are most often presented asd solution sets of systems of equations. Of phi : M –> N is any map and c is any point of N, we call the set phi^-1(c) a LEVEL SET OF PHI. (if into R^k, often speak of ZERO SET phi^-1(0)).
What is the Constant-Rank Level Set Theorem?
Thm. Let M and N be smooth manifolds and phi : M –> N be a smooth map with constant rank r. Each level set of phi is a properly embedded submanifold of codimension r in M.
Pf. Let S = phi^-1(c). For each p in S, the Rank Theorem furnishes coordinates in which S is a k-slice. So S satisfies local k-slice condition => S is an embedded submanifold. It is closed in M by continuity, so properly embedded.
Cor. If phi a submersion, then each level set is properly embedded submanifold whose codimension equals the dimension of N.
pg 105
Define: regular point/value, critical point/value, regular level set
What is the Regular Level Set Theorem? Proof?
REGULAR POINT if dphi_p is surjective, CRITICAL POINT otherwise. REGULAR VALUE if every point in the level set phi^-1(c) is a regular point, CRITICAL VALUE otherwise. A level set phi^-1(c) is called a REGULAR LEVEL SET if c is a regular value of phi.
Thm. Every regular level set of a smooth map between smooth manifolds is a properly embedded submanifold whose codimension is equal to the dimension of the codomain.
Pf. Could do directly as in constant-rank level set thm, but a slicker approach in book. Let phi : M –> N be smooth and c in N be regular value. The set of p in M where rank dphi_p = dim N is open and contains phi^-1(c) because of assumption that c is regular value. It follows that phi|U : U –> N is a smooth submersion hence phi^-1(c) is an embedded submanifold of U by c-r level set thm. Since the composition of smooth embedding phi^-1(C) –> U –> M is again a smooth embedding, it follows that phi^-1(c) is an embedded submanifold of M, and it is closed => proper by continuity.
Define: defining map/function, local defining map
Is every embedded submanifold a level set of a smooth submersion? If not, what?
No. However the following theorem holds.
If S < M is an embedded submanifold, a smooth map phi : M –> N s.t S is a regular level set of phi is called a DEFINING MAP FOR S. If N = R^m-k, usually called DEFINING FUNCTION. More generally, if U is an open subset of M and phi: U –> N is a smooth map such that S int U is a regular level set of phi, then phi is called a LOCAL DEFINING MAP for S.
Thm. Let S be a subset of a smooth m-manifold M. Then S is an embedded k-submanifold of M <=> every point of S has a neighborhood U in M which admits a local defining function for S.
Pf. (=>) Use slice coordinates for S to define submersion.
(<=) Use suvmersion level set thm to show S int U is an embedded submanifold so satisfies k-slice condition.
pg 106 -107
Define: immersed submanifold, codimension
Let M be a smooth manifold with or without boundary. An IMMERSED SUBMANIFOLD OF M is a subset S < M endowed with a topology (not necessarily the subspace topology) with respect to which it is a topological manifold (without boundary) and a smooth structure with respect to which the inclusion map S –> M is a smooth immersion. Codim again is just dim M - dim S.
Note: Every embedded submanifold is also an immersed submanifold
What is the relationship between immersed submanifolds and immersions?
S < M is an immersed submanifold <=> S is the image of an injective smooth immersion F: N –> M.
(=>) Definition of immersed requires inclusion to be a smooth immersion.
(<=) Similar to embedded case. First, need to define topology on S. Let U in S be open <=> F^-1(U) is open in N. Smooth structure charts (F(U), phi o F^-1), where (U, phi) is any smooth chart for N. (We have a set bijection between N and S so we just transfer topology and smooth structure from N to S) With this structure, F is clearly a diffeomorphism on to S. The inclusion S –> M can be written S – F^-1 –> N – F –> M, where F^-1 is a diffeo and F is a smooth immersion, so composition is smooth immersion.
Thus, at this point we have:
- Embedded submanifold = Image of a smooth embedding
- Immersed submanifold = Image of injective smooth immersion.
In what sense is the local structure of an immersed submanifold the same as that of an embedded one?
Thm. If M is a smooth manifold with or without boundary, and S < M is an immersed submanifold, then for each p in S there exists a neighborhood U of p in S that is an embedded submanifold of M.
Pf. Recall the Local Embedding Theorem (Ch 4) which says F : M –> N is a smooth immersion <=> Every point in M has a neighborhood U < M s.t. F|U : U –> N is a smooth embedding
Be careful, we are taking a neighborhood U of p in S which embedds into M. It may not be possible to find a neighborhood V of p in M s.t. V int. S is embedded. pg 111
Define: (smooth) local parameterization of S, global parameterization, graph parameterization
Suppose S < M is an immersed k-dim submanifold. A LOCAL PARAMETERIZATION of S is a continuous map X : U –> M whose domain is an open subset U < R^k, whose image is an open subset of S, and which, considered as a map into S, is a homeomorphism onto its image. It is called a SMOOTH LOCAL PARAMETERIZATION if it is a diffeomorphism onto its image.
If the image of X is all of S, it is called a GLOBAL PARAMETRIZATION
Notice, we can just flip a chart around and compose with inclusion to get a local parameterization.
f: U –> R^k, then (u , f(u)) is GRAPH PARAMETERIZATION of lambda(f)