Chapter 5 Security Assessment and Testing Flashcards
What factors determine scan frequency
organizations risk appetite (willingness to tolerate risk) regulatory requirements (InfoSec is FIMSA, payment card is PCI DSS) Tech constraints Business constraints such as periods of high activity Licensing constraints may curtail bandwidth
Scan sensitivity
improve efficiency by disabling unnecessary plugins,
What is credentialed scanning
credentialed scanning is a scan in which the scan computer has an account on the computer being scanned.
- allows for more thorough check looking for problems that can’t be seen from the network
- use principle of least privilege by providing scanner a read only account
What is agent-based scanning
A scan in which admins install small software agents on target server to scan server configuration, providing an inside out vulnerability scan
Scan perspective
External scan run from network shows what an attacker would see
Internal scan run. from general corporate network provides view of what malicious insiders see
Scanner Maintenance
Scanners are vulnerable just like any other program, so ensure they are regularly updated and patched
SCAP (Security Content Automation Protocol)
Includes CVE and CVSS
others are CCE, CPE, XCCDF and OVAL
Infrastructure Vulnerability Scanning
Tenable’s Nessus
Qualys’ (SaaS)
Rapid7 Nexpose
OpenVAS (open source)
Application Scanning - what is static testing vs dynamic testing vs interactive testing?
static testing analyzes code without executing it
dynamic testing executes code as part of the test
interactive testing combines the two
Web app scanning
Tools like Nikto and Arachni test for web specific vulnerabilities like SQL injection, XSS, and XSRF
AV - Attack Vector AC - Attack Complexity P - Privileges, scope calculation is included here UI - User Interaction C - Confidentiality I - Integrity A - Availability S - Scope (scored in Privilege)
Patch Management
Patch management is a CORE PRACTICE of any InfoSec program
it is often neglected due to lack of resources for preventative maintenance. It is common to see out of date product versions of OS or apps
Legacy Platforms
Software vendors eventually discontinue support of products. Continuing to run end of life systems is a significant security risk
Upgrade to a currently supported version
Weak Configurations
Weak Configuration includes:
- Use of default settings and passwords
- presence of unsecured accounts
- open ports and services not necessary for operation
- open permissions violating the principle of least privilege
Error Messages/Debug mode
Many apps support debug mode
can be useful to developers but can assist attackers in gaining info about the system
Developers should test only on dedicated systems and can use debug mode, but public facing systems do NOT need this capability
Insecure Protocols
Replace Telnet with SSH Replace FTP with FTPS or SFTP Replace HTTP with HTTPS IMAP to IMAPS LDAP TO LDAPS POP to POPS
When implementing encryption, you must choose:
the algorithm to use to encrypt and decrypt
the encryption key that will be used with the algorithm
Penetration Testing - why do it?
Pen testing provides visibility into the organizations security posture that is not available through other means.
- knowledge not otherwise abtainable
- blueprint for remediation
- essential information on specific attack targets
What is the difference between pen testing and threat hunting?
Pen testing tells you how an attacker could potentially get into your environment, threat hunting tells you who is already in your environment and what they are doing
Pen test types
what is white box vs black box?
what is gray box?
White box pen testing is performed with full knowledge of technology configuration and settings, it is more complete but may not provide accurate view of what attacker sees
black box test replicate what an attacker encounters
gray box tests are a blend that help focus time and resources while still being accurate
Bug bounty
financial incentives for testers who report discovered vulnerabilities
Rules of Engagement
ROEs set the parameters of the penetration test
- Timeline of engagement
- locations, systems, applications, etc.
- data handling requirements
- expected target behaviors
- Resources committed to the test
- Legan concerns
- when or how communications will occur
- permission (get out of jail free card) is essential in case pen testing goes bad
Passive recon (OSINT) Active recon (footprinting)
war driving/flying uses cars or drones with big antennas attempting to collect wireless communications
Pen test key phases
Initial access
privilege escalation
pivoting or lateral movement
persistence (backdoors)
clean up close out all activities after test
What is privilege escalation
shift from initial access to advanced privileges
training exercises
Red team attacks
blue team defends/responds
white team observes and judges
purple teaming is the process of red and blue working together after exercise to learn from it