Chapter 5 Scope of Work Rule Flashcards
For each appraisal and appraisal review assignment, an appraiser must:
identify the problem to be solved;
determine and perform the scope of work necessary to develop credible assignment results; and
disclose the scope of work in the report.
Scope of Work Rule
There are three sections of the SCOPE OF WORK RULE:
Problem Identification;
Scope of Work Acceptability; and
Disclosure Obligations.
The type and extent of research and analyses in an appraisal or appraisal review assignment.
Scope of Work
The credibility of assignment results is measured in the context of:
The attainment of the client’s stipulated result
The intended use
The amount of the value conclusion
Lending guidelines
The intended use
Appraisers have broad \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ and significant \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ in determining the appropriate scope of work in an assignment. Acceptance, liability Flexibility, responsibility Errors, omissions Boundaries, limitations
Flexibility, responsibility
In order to determine the appropriate scope of work, the appraiser must \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ the problem to be solved. Value Solve Identify Accept
Identification of the intended use of an appraiser’s opinions and conclusions is:
Not necessary in most appraisal assignments
Necessary only when doing non-mortgage assignments
Not required unless the client wants the intended use to be disclosed
Necessary for determining the appropriate scope of work
Necessary for determining the appropriate scope of work
Examples of assignment conditions include: Extraordinary assumptions All of these answers Laws and regulations Hypothetical conditions
All of these answers
Intended use is:
One of the last determinations to be made before submitting the report
Not necessary to determine in an appraisal review assignment
Identified by the appraiser on the basis of communication with the client
Determined by the client on the basis of communication with the appraiser
Identified by the appraiser on the basis of communication with the client
In an appraisal or appraisal review assignment, the scope of work is an ___________ process.
The responsibility for determining an appropriate scope of work rests with the: Client Intended users Appraiser's peers Appraiser
An appraiser must not allow client objectives to cause the assignment results to be \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_. Basic Biased Credible Reliable
An appraiser's report must contain \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ to allow intended users to understand the scope of work performed. A pre-printed statement A section titled "scope of work" No disclosure Sufficient information
Sufficient Information
The SCOPE OF WORK RULE provides appraisers with significant flexibility. Along with that flexibility comes: Deniability Release from liability Responsibility Creative license
If a client’s objectives result in an appraiser developing biased assignment results:
The client has violated USPAP
This is permissible as long as the appraiser discloses the bias
The appraiser is solely responsible
The appraiser is not responsible; after all, he was just following orders
The appraiser is solely responsible
An appraiser’s peers are defined as other appraisers who:
Hold the same level of state licensure
Have expertise and competency in a similar type of assignment
Practice in the same market
Have a similar level of education
Have expertise and competency in a similar type of assignment
In reporting the scope of work in an appraisal or appraisal review report:
The report must contain sufficient information so that intended users understand the scope of work
The scope of work must be described in narrative style
All written reports must contain a specific section titled “Scope of Work”
Use of pre-printed forms is prohibited
The report must contain sufficient information so that intended users understand the scope of work
An appraiser is engaged to appraise a single-unit dwelling. Upon inspection of the property, the appraiser realizes it is a three-unit dwelling. The appraiser’s best course of action is:
Withdraw from the assignment
Continue with the same scope of work that was initially planned
Use a hypothetical condition to appraise the property as a single-unit
Reconsider the scope of work before proceeding
Reconsider the scope of work before proceeding