Chapter 5: Road Policing and Fleeing Drivers Flashcards
What is the Road Safety Strategy goal?
“Road to Zero” 40% reduction in deaths and serious injuries by 2030.
What are the guiding principles of Road to Zero strategy? (7)
- We promote good choices but plan for mistakes
- We design for human vulnerability
- Strengthen roading system
- Shared responsibility to improve road safety
- Our actions are grounded in evidence and evaluation
- Our road safety actions support health, wellbeing, and liveable places
- We make safety is a critical decision making priority
What are the five focus areas for RP?
- Infrastructure improvements and Speed Management
- Vehicle safety
- Work-related road safety
- Road User choices
- Systems management
What are RP’s Goals (3)
Safe Homes
Safe Roads
Safe Communities
The RP partnerships programme has invested 75% in what four offence types that cause most harm?
In approaching road safety from a ‘whole of Police’ approach we should recognise what? (3)
- Some road safety risks have genesis in other areas (organised crime, family violence, alcohol harm and youth)
- Road safety acheived through more than enforcement alone. Preventions activities alongside partners
- reducing trauma rlies on understanding and deploying to risk, snd s genuine whole of Police appraoch
What is a repeat registrations report
Report identifying recidivist high risk drivers subject to the tasking and co-ordination process. Updated monthly
Are staff outputs used as a performance measure
No. More longer term outcomes such as reducing road deaths is measured.
What is a fleeing driver? (2)
Driver signalled to stop
fails to stop or remain stopped
Driver who flees as a result of Police presence
whether signalled to stop or not
What is the overiding principle when applying TENR?
Safety is success
The TENR risk assessment in a fleeing driver incident must balance…
- Initial Threat posed by vehicle occupants
- neccesity to immediatly apprehend driver/passengers
- risk of harm to any person if driver stops or fails to remain stopped
All fleeing driver events will be reviewed to determine whether decision was: (5)
- appropriate
- lawful
- justified, considering all circumstances
- Compliant with Police Instructions
- whether there are lessons to be learnt and applied
What are the principles of the fleeing driver policy? (10)
1: Safety of staff, vehicle occupants and public takes precendence over apprehension
2: Failing to stop is not in itself reason for pursuit.
3: Investigation is preferred to commmencment/continuation of pursuit
4: Pursuit justified only when risk posed by occupants prior to 3T and Necessity to immediately apprehend outweighs the risk of harm created by pursuit.
5: Consider impact of any response on the risk of harm particularly when CYP’s involved
6: Collective responsibilty of all staff to manage fleeing driver event safely as possible
7: Investigated and offenders held to account
8: Fleeing driver events reviewed timely to manage or escelate health and safety risks, training issues, systematic issues or lessons learnt.
9: Decision not to pursue will be supported
10: staff maybe criminally liable if manner of driving contravenes legislation
What three things must you consider prior to 3T?
- INITIAL Threat - posed by occupants
- Necessity to immediately apprehend
- Risk of harm created by pursuit.
If information available indicates driver is likely to flee what should Comms be advised (3)
- Reason for wanting to stop driver AND
- Intention to signal driver to stop AND
- whether pursuit would be initiated if driver fails to stop
The fleeing driver managemenr process includes which drivers?
Includes drivers who:
- are unaware of the signal to stop
- are unaware of the required action when signalled to stop by Police
- dileberately fail to stop or remain stopped
Who has command & control of a fleeing driver event?
Pursuit Controller
What are the pursuit controller responsibilities? (9)
- Control and command of pursuit
- Confirms initial reason for 3T
- Directs abandonment of pursuit
- Ensuring acknowledgements are given and acknowledghed by intiating unit
- Continuously Performs TENR
- Plans resolution and communicates plan
- Limits pursuing vehicles to two unless tactically appropriate
- Co-ordinates tactical units
- Monitors to ensure sufficient risk information being provided
What is required to be communicated by the initiating unit as soon as practicable during a fleeing driver incident?
- That they are in pursuit
- The initial reason for signalling the driver to stop
- Location
- Direction
- Vehicle description
During a TENR risk assessment we evaluate:
Threat posed by occupants
Who may be harmed if driver flees
Is Police increasing or Decreasing risk of harm
Are risks of prusuit greater than initial risk posed by driver
Alternative options for resolving
What are some considerations to include: (11)
- Seriousness of offence
- need to pursue outweigh risk
- resolve by alternative means
- Safety of all road users
- was fleeing driver driving normally prior to being signalled but now dangerously
- identity of driver/passengers
- age of driver and decision making ability
- number and age of passengers and influence over driver
- manner and speed of driving
- frequency and sufficiency of sitreps (continuing TENR)
- Environment, road conditions, weather, driver behaviuor, school hours etc continuous TENR
When MUST a dispatcher abandon pursuit?
When there is no pursuit controller or team leader available.
When, during a fleeing driver event, must the pursuit controller abandon pursuit? (5)
1: TENR assessment supports abandonment
2: identity of driver becomes known and/or fleeing driver doesn’t pose immediate threat and likely they can be apprehended later.
3: Pursuing units lose contact with fleeing driver
4: Sustained loss of comms, pursuing units
5. Reason for pursuit not provided or insufficient
What is the action of units abandoning pursuit? (7)
- Acknowledge
- Reduce speed immediately
- Deactivate emergency signals
- Stop when safe
- Advise comms stationary
- Stop searching for target
- Resume normal duties
Responsibilities of driver/constabulary passenger post fleeing driver incident (4)
- Request Comms K6 or K9 event
- Completes Fleeing driver notification before end of shift (or 5 days with prior approval and before RDO and Leave
- Creates NIA investigation file
- Health and Safety or near miss, My Police incident or near miss must be recorded before end of shift