Chapter 5: Responding to Antigens and Acquiring Immunity Flashcards
Define antigen
- Antigens are molecules or parts of molecules that stimulate an immune response
Describe the difference between self and non-self antigens
- Self antigens are antigens on cells that are recognised by self-receptors as being part of the same body
- Non-self antigens are antigens that do not belong to the body’s own cells
Describe the difference between MHC-I and MHC-II self markers
MHC-I is a type of major histocompatibility complex found on all nucleated cells
- They allow cells to be recognised as “self”
- MHC-II is a type of major histocompatibility complex found on specific white blood cells, including antigen-presenting cells, involved in the adaptive immune response
Explain what a pathogen is
- Pathogens are agents that cause disease to a host
Explain the difference between pathogens and antigens
- Antigens are substances such as pollen, bacteria and viruses that trigger an immune response
- Pathogens are harmful agents such as bacteria that can cause disease
List the 6 main types of pathogen
- Bacteria, worms, fungi, protozoa, viruses and prions
Compare infection and disease
- Infection is the invasion and growth of a pathogen in the body
- Disease is a condition that impairs the normal functioning of an organ, structure or system of an organism
Describe the difference between cellular and non-cellular pathogens
- Cellular pathogens are living organisms that are able to reproduce independently
- Non-cellular pathogens are non-living and require a host to reproduce
Compare extracellular and intracellular pathogens
Extracellular pathogens are targeted by the humoral immune response
- Cannot survive inside the phagocyte once ingested
- In the body but have yet to enter cells
Intracellular pathogens are targeted by the cell-mediated immune response
- Can survive inside of host cells/phagocytes
- Have entered cells
Explain how viruses damage cells
- Viruses cause disease by killing body cells (cell lysis) and uses the cell’s organelles to reproduce
- Virus adheres to a host cell, injecting its viral DNA
- Viral nucleic acid moves to nucleus where it is transcribed
- Viral mRNA is then translated and viral protein is packaged
- The infected host cell bursts as its plasma membrane disintegrates and viral particles are released into the extracellular fluid from where they can infect other cells
NOTE: Viruses have either DNA or RNA that is surrounded by a protein shell (capsid).
Explain how bacteria cause disease
- If bacteria multiplies in areas in which they are not normally found, they can cause disease
Define allergen
- Allergens are substances that cause allergic response
Outline the general process of an allergic response
- Allergic response is a reaction to normally harmless antigens
- Sensitization → initial exposure to allergen
- Allergen enters the bloodstream, B cells differentiate into plasma cells, plasma cells produce antibodies and antibodies attach to mast cells
- Mast cells become ‘primed’ with IgE/antibodies specific for the allergen (able to recognise and respond to the allergen)
- Allergic reaction → secondary exposure to the same allergen
- Allergen binds to antibodies forming cross links on mast cells, histamine is released from the mast cells and an allergic reaction occurs
- When an allergen binds to more than one antibody a cross link will form (this results in the release of histamine)
- No cross link = no histamine produced
Describe the role of mast cells, with clear reference to allergic response
- Mast cells are immune cells that release histamines via degranulation, which causes inflammation
Describe 3 different physical barriers in animals
- Intact skin → the constant shedding of surface cells is an effective barrier against the entry of pathogens
- Ear wax → reduces the access that pathogens have to the ear drum and ear canal as well as protects the ear from dust and other foreign particles
- Nasal hair and mucus → trap and prevent the entry of pathogens
Describe 3 different chemical barriers in animals
- Lysozyme → an enzyme present in sweat, tears and saliva that kills pathogens
- Sebum → an oily secretion produced by sebaceous glands that provides a protective and antimicrobial film on the skin
- Stomach acid → including digestive enzymes kill pathogens that enter the digestive tract
Explain how microbiological barriers in animals can prevent infection
- Microbiological barriers include harmless bacteria that occur naturally within the body that inhibit the growth of pathogens
- They do this by secreting antimicrobial chemicals and by outcompeting them for nutrients and adhesion site
Describe 3 different physical barriers in plants
- Waxy cuticle → the waxy coat on leaves that prevent infection
- Formation of galls → limits the spread of pathogens
- Thorns → protect plants from grazing animals such as cattle and sheep
Describe chemical barriers in plants
- Caffeine → helps to prevent fungi and insects from invading the plant
- Antimicrobial enzymes → prevent pathogens from entering the plant
- Antimicrobial chemicals → produced by plants to disrupt bacterial cell membranes and deter predators
Describe components of the first line of defence that work against viruses
- Mucous membranes make it difficult to viruses to adhere
- Nose hairs (cilia) are a physical barrier to the virus
- Acidic environment of the stomach kill viruses
Describe the innate immune response, with specific reference to the second line of defence
- The innate immune response is an inborn system that lacks specifity and memory
- The second line of defence involves cell-mediated innate immunity, humoral innate immunity, as well as inflammation and fever
- The second line of defence is in effect once the first line of defence has been breached or when pathogens have entered tissue or the bloodstream
Explain the purpose of a fever
- Increased body temperatures enhance the performance of immune cells, making them work more efficiently
- Heat can also kill bacteria and viruses as well as denature bacterial enzymes
NOTE: Fevers are part of the second line of defence.
Describe the process of phagocytosis
- A pathogen is identified by a pattern recognition receptor and is engulfed in the plasma membrane of a phagocyte (macrophages, neutrophils or dendritic cells)
- The pathogen is engulfed in a vesicle called a phagosome
- Lysosomes fuse with the phagosome
- Toxic chemicals from the lysosome digest and destroy the pathogen
- Indigestible material is released through exocytosis
List the main phagocytes in the immune response
- Macrophages, neutrophils and dendritic cells
Compare the roles of macrophages, neutrophils and dendritic cells
Macrophages eliminate pathogens through phagocytosis
- They are also antigen presenting cells that activate the adaptive immune response
- Found in tissues
Neutrophils eliminate pathogens through phagocytosis
- Most abundant and are the first to arrive at an infection site
- Found in blood
Dendritic cells eliminate pathogens through phagocytosis
- They are also antigen presenting cells that activate the adaptive immune response
- Found in tissues
- Occupy and patrol the skin and mucosal surfaces
NOTE: Neutrophils are phagocytes, NOT antigen presenting cells.
Describe the role of eosinophils and how they perform this role
- Eosinophils destroy larger pathogens such as parasites that are too large to be engulfed via phagocytosis
- They attack via degranulation (releasing cytotoxic chemicals)
- Found in the respiratory, gastrointestinal and urinary tracts
- They are also involved in the allergic process
Describe the role of natural killer cells and explain how they destroy virally-infected cells
- Natural killer cells kill virus-infected cells through apoptosis, destroying both the cell and the virus it contains (kills pathogens once they have entered a cell, not the pathogen alone)
- The NK cell releases perforin and protease enzymes
- Perforin creates pores in the plasma membrane of the target cell allowing protease to enter
- Protease enzymes induce apoptosis
- The infected cell is eliminated
- Found in blood/lymph
State where mast cells are located and what they contain
- Mast cells are found in tissue beneath the surface of the skin, near vessels and in the respiratory system
- They contain histamine, cytokines and heparin
Describe the role of mast cells
- Mast cells are vital in the inflammatory response
- They release histamines causing permeability and vasodilation in blood vessels
- They release cytokines which attracts other immune cells to help destroy the pathogen
Define permeability and vasodilation in terms of blood vessels
Permeability → causes capillaries to be leaky
- Protein-rich fluid (exudate) can escape from capillaries to the infected region
- The exudate causes swelling, putting pressure on surrounding tissues and stimulating nerve endings which causes pain
Vasodilation → causes capillaries to be wider
- Increases blood flow to damaged area resulting in heat production and redness
Describe complement proteins
- Complement proteins are proteins that assist other innate immune cells to destroy pathogens
- They are initially inactive but are activated when they make direct contact with antigens
- Part of the innate (non-specific) immune response
NOTE: Complement proteins are effective on all pathogens, including viruses.
Describe how complement proteins can help to remove pathogens
Lysis → complement proteins interact to form a membrane-attack complex on the plasma membrane of the pathogen
- The MAC creates a pore in the plasma membrane causing the pathogen to swell and burst
Opsonisation → complement proteins coat the surface of pathogens allowing phagocytes to more easily bind to the pathogen
- Phagocytes have receptors that are complementary to those on the complement proteins (higher likelihood of phagocytosis)
- Chemotaxis → complement proteins diffuse from the pathogen and attracts immune cells to the site of infection
NOTE: Complement proteins can also coat bacteria to prevent binary fission (replication).
State what interferons are
- Interferons are a subgroup of cytokines (signalling proteins) that are made and released by virally infected cells or host cells
- They interfere with viral replication
- Part of the innate immune response
State 4 effects that interferons can have
- Activate immune cells such as NK cells
- Signals neighbouring infected cells to undergo apoptosis
- Signals neighbouring uninfected cells to reduce protein synthesis
- Signals change in plasma membrane to prevent further entry of the virus
Describe the 3 stages of inflammation (VCR), including the role of various cells and proteins
Vascular stage involving blood cells
- Mast cells release histamines causing permeability and vasodilation in cappilaries (blood vessels)
Cellular stage involving immune cells
- Cytokines released by mast cells attract phagocytes such as macrophages and dendritic cells
- Complement proteins opsonise the pathogen allowing phagocytosis to occur
- Platelets travel to the site to block the wound (clotting)
- Pus (consisting of dead tissue and pathogens) indicates that this stage is occuring
Resolution stage when the antigen is removed
- Occurs when tissue is returned to its normal state and the infection is under control
- If the resolution stage is not reached, chronic inflammation may occur
Outline the process that leads to a sore and inflamed throat
- Upon cell destruction in the throat, chemicals are released that cause increased membrane permeability and swelling
- Vasodilation allows more immune cells to move to the site
- Mast cells release histamines, which causes inflammation
Outline how antigen presenting cells present antigens
- An antigen is enfgulfed by a dendritic cell or macrophage (antigen presenting cells)
- The antigen is destroyed and fragments are presented on MHC-II molecules
- The APC presents the antigen to specific helper T cells
State where antigen presentation occurs
- Lymph nodes
Explain the role of T helper cells
- They are activated by antigen-presenting cells that present antigens on their MHC II markers
- Once active, they clone and secrete cytokines (interleukins) which activates either the humoral adaptive immune response (B cells) or the cell-mediated adaptive immune response (cytotoxic T cells)
Explain the role of cytotoxic T cells
- Upon the release of cytokines from helper T cells, cytotoxic T cells proliferate (multiply), producing activated cytotoxic T cells and memory T cells via clonal selection and expansion
- Cytotoxic T cells destroy the target cell through apoptosis
Outline the function of the lymphatic system
- The lympathic system acts as a transport network
- Allows for antigen recognition
- Involved in the production and maturation of immune cells
- The removal of excess fluids from body tissues
- Absorption and transportation of fatty acids to the digestive system
List and state the function of the primary lymphoid organs
- Primary lymphoid organs are where immune cells are produced and mature
- Bone marrow is the site in which all immune cells originate (including red blood cells and T cells) and where B cells mature
- The thymus is where T cells mature after being released from the bone marrow
List and state the function of the secondary lymphoid organs
- Secondary lymphoid organs are where immune cells are activated by meeting antigens and where immune responses occur
- The spleen filters blood clearing it from bacteria, viruses or worn-out red blood cells
- Lymph nodes are the site for antigen recognition
Describe both the structure and function of lymph nodes
- Lymph nodes are small bean shaped structures located in the armpits, neck, groin and abdomen
- Composed of lymphoid tissue with clusters of lymphocytes residing within the lymphatic system
- They are sites where antigen presentation occurs and activates T and B cells
- Swelling due to infection occurs because the number of B and T cells in the lymph nodes increase
- Valves in lymph nodes prevent the backward flow of lymph fluid
Describe how the lympathic system acts as a transport network for immune cells
- Immune cells can travel around the body through the lymph
Describe the key features of the adaptive immune response
- T and B cells (special white blood cells known as lymphocytes)
- Antibodies, also known as immunoglobulins (special antigen-binding proteins)
- Secondary lymphoid organs where B and T cells meet foreign antigens and are activated, and where adaptive immune responses occur
Define clonal expansion and clonal selection
- Clonal expansion is when activated cells divide into many identical copies (clones)
- Clonal selection is when a cell binds with its specific antigen
Explain adaptive immunity
- Adaptive immunity involves a specific response against a specific pathogen where memory is retained for future infection
- Usually only required if an infection is not cleared by the innate response
- Specificity refers to adaptive immune cells (B and T cells) having unique receptors that recognise specific antigens
- Immunological memory refers to the ability for the immune system to remember antigens from previous infections which enables a stronger and more rapid immune response upon reinfection with the same antigen
Outline the humoral and cell-mediated parts of the adaptive immune response
Humoral immunity is a response that occurs in body fluids
- It involves the actions of B lymphocytes and their antibodies
Cell mediated immunity is a response that kills body cells
- Involves the actions of cytotoxic T cells
- Both produce memory
Outline how the cell-mediated response removes body cells infected by viruses (or cancerous)
- Upon antigen recognition, helper T cells clone and secrete cytokines
- Cytotoxic T cells proliferate producing activated cytotoxic T cells and memory T cells through clonal selection and expansion
- Cytotoxic T cells destroy the cells through apoptosis
Outline how cytotoxic T cells attack antigens
- Cytotoxic T cells release perforin that enters a target cell and create pores in its plasma membrane
- Cytotoxic T cells also release protease enzymes that enter the infected cell via the pore and initiate apoptosis
- The cytotoxic T cells are then free to attack other infected cells that display the same foreign antigen
NOTE: Apoptosis by cytotoxic T cells, unlike NK cells, are specific for certain antigens and form memory.
Describe the key components and functions of the humoral adaptive response
B cells are activated by binding to pathogens or cytokines secreted by T helper cells
- Some become memory cells (stored in lymphatic system)
- Some become plasma cells (floats around the bloodstream)
Plasma cells make antibodies
- Antibodies work against the pathogen (PIANO)
Outline how the humoral immune response removes extracellular pathogens from the body fluids
- B lymphocytes (cells) are covered in specific receptors and are activated by T helper cells
- When activated by a T helper cell, B cells replicate (clonal expansion) producing plasma cells and memory cells
- The plasma cells make antibodies which can opsonise or agglutinate pathogens
Describe the difference between memory cells and plasma cells
Memory cells
- Inactive
- Lifelong
- Produce rapid and enhanced immune responses upon secondary exposure to a previously identified antigen
Plasma cells
- Active
- Tend to live shorter than memory cells
- Gives protection by producing antibodies
- Each type of plasma produces one specific type of antibody
Outline the process that leads to the production of antibodies
- When a pathogen comes into contact with a B cell, the B cell divides and clones to produce memory and plasma cells
- Plasma cells produce antibodies that act against the pathogen
Draw and label the structure of an antibody
- Diagram should include
- 2 heavy and 2 light polypeptide chains
- Variable and constant region
- 2 identical specific antigen-binding sites
NOTE: Antibodies have a quaternary structure. They are composed of 4 polypeptide chains that are held together by disulphide bonds.
Explain what creates the difference in variable regions for an antibody
- Antigenic variation
- The shuffling of nucleotides that code for variable regions create different combinations
- These combinations code for varying protein structures
Describe the effects of antibodies (PIANO)
- Precipitation → antibodies bind to soluble agents making them insoluble to create a solid that is more visible to the immune system (due to cross-linking between antigens and antibodies)
- Inflammation → antibodies initiate the release of histamine by binding to mast cells
- Agglutination → antibodies bind to antigens forming antigen-antibody complexes causing them to clump together and become more visible to the immune system
- Neutralisation → antibodies bind to antigens and block their receptors so that the pathogens cannot attach to healthy body cells and infect them
- Opsinisation → antibodies bind to antigens to make them more susceptible to phagocytosis
NOTE: Antibodies do not directly eliminate pathogens.
Describe 3 ways that antibodies can neutralise pathogens
- Bind to antigens to stop them from functioning
- Coat the surface of antigens to make them more susceptible to phagocytosis (opsinisation)
- Bind to antigens to initiate lysis by complement proteins
Describe the difference between natural and artificial immunity
- Natural immunity is a form of immunity that occurs naturally without deliberate intervention
- Artificial immunity is a form of immunity that is created via deliberate intervention or exposure to an antigen
Describe the differences between active and passive immunity
Active immunity involves antibodies being produced by an individual’s own immune system in response to exposure to a particular antigen
- Secondary response is enhanced due to memory, long lasting, more effective, immunity is developed over weeks
Passive immunity involves antibodies being acquired from an external source
- No immunological memory, short lasting, less effective, immunity is immediate
State ways in which natural immunity can develop
- Antibodies naturally produced in response to catching a cold
- Mother-child (breastfeeding)
- Contracting chicken pox via “chickenpox parties”
State 2 ways in which artificial immunity can develop
- Vaccination (deliberate exposure to a pathogen to produce antibodies)
- Injection of antibodies
State 2 ways in which active immunity can develop
- Vaccines
- Infection
State 2 ways in which passive immunity can develop
- Mother-child
- Injection of antibodies
NOTE: No memory cells are produced due to a lack of exposure to the antigen.
State the function of ducts leading to and leading from the lymph nodes
- Ducts leading to the lymph nodes
- Carry APCs that display antigens on the MHC-II molecules
- Carry free-floating antigens
- Ducts leading from the lymph nodes
- Carry specific cytotoxic T cells
- Carry specific helper T cells
- Carry specific antibodies
NOTE: From NEAP 2023 exam.
List the changes that occur during an inflammatory response
- Increased…
- Mast cell activation
- Histamine release
- Blood flow to the area
- Swelling
- Blood vessel dilation
- Clotting factors
Distinguish between T memory and B memory cells
- T memory cells proliferate into T helper cells and cytotoxic T cells when the body is exposed to a previously identified pathogen, mounting a quicker and stronger immune response
- B memory cells will rapidly divide and form new antibody-producing plasma cells
NOTE: T memory cells are involved in cell-mediated immunity while B memory cells are involved in humoral immunity.