Chapter 5 - Residence and Domicile Flashcards
What are the conditions for being automatically not resident in the UK?
- In the UK fewer than 16 days
- Not resident for any of the last 3 tax years and in the UK for less than 46 days
- Work full time overseas and in the UK for fewer than 91 days, working for less than 31 days
What are the conditions for being automatically resident in the UK?
- In the UK for 183 days or more
- Work full time in the UK
- Have a home in the UK. Not straight forward but must have for 91 consecutive days and be present for 30 of those
What is classes as a day in the UK for residentially purposes?
Any day in which an individual is present at midnight
If none of the automatic tests are met then an individuals residency is based on sufficient UK ties. What are the UK ties?
- Having a spouse in the UK
- Having accommodation in the UK, used during the year
- Substantive work in the UK, defined as 40 days or more
- Spending more than 90 days in the UK in either of previous 2 years
- Spending more time in the UK than any other country
For someone who has been resident in the UK before how many days do they need to be in the UK with how many UK ties to be considered UK resident?
16 - 45 days = 4 UK ties
46 - 90 days = 3 UK ties
91 - 120 days = 2 UK ties
Over 120 days = 1 UK ties
For someone who has been resident in the UK before how many days do they need to be in the UK with how many UK ties to be considered UK resident?
45 days or below = automatically not resident
46 - 90 days = 4 UK ties
91 - 120 days = 3 UK ties
Over 120 days = 2 UK ties
What does domicile refer to?
a persons natural home and where they would expect to return if they went abroad
What are the two types of domicile?
- Domicile of origin
* Domicile of choice
What is domicile of origin?
At birth a person takes their fathers domicile. This applies until 16. If illegitimate or father is dead they can take the mothers. Wife’s domicile is independent from husband but if married before 1974 she adopted her husbands.
What is domicile of choice?
An individual can acquire a new domicile by moving to a new country with the intention of living their permanently. No set rules but typically would really need to evidence why you won’t be returning to your origin. • Living there • Intention to stay • Buying a house • Locally valid will and burial plot • Citizenship or nationality • Voting there • Breaking ties with origin country
If an individual has been resident in the UK for 15/20 last tax years what would happen to their domicile status?
They would be deemed domicile for IHT purposes.
Note this changed from 17/20 tax year 2017/18
What would a UK domiciled individual who is resident in the UK pay income tax on?
Worldwide assets and investment income, even if this is not brought into the UK
What would a UK domiciled individual who is resident in the UK pay capital gains tax on?
Worldwide gains
What would a UK domiciled individual who is resident in the UK pay IHT on?
Worldwide assets
What would a non UK domiciled individual who is resident in the UK pay income tax on?
Income arising in the UK if claiming remittance basis. Worldwide assets and income if not claiming remittance
What would a non UK domiciled individual who is resident in the UK pay capital gains tax on?
UK gains
What would a non UK domiciled individual who is resident in the UK pay IHT on?
UK assets
What would a non UK domiciled individual who is not resident in the UK pay IHT on?
Typically only the following;
UK investment income
Employment duties carried out in the UK
Income tax on income from properties in the UK
IHT on gifts of assets in UK
What is the remittance basis?
It allows non domiciled UK residents to be taxed only on the income they bring into the UK.
What are the charges for claiming the remittance basis?
Zero for the first 7 years
£30,000 if resident for 7/9 last tax years
£60,000 if resident 12/14 last tax years
This charge is paid per year
What is a double tax treaty?
Agreements the UK has with other countries to ensure that the same income is not taxed twice in 2 different countries