Chapter 5 - Profit Sharing Plans Flashcards
Define Actual Contribution Percentage Test (ACP)
A nondiscrimination test that limits the sum of employee after-tax contribution and employer matching contribution for the HC based on the sum of the employee after-tax contributions and employer matching contributions for the NHC.
Define Actual Deferral Percentage Test (ADP)
A nondiscrimination test that limits employee elective deferrals for the highly compensated employees (HC) based on the elective deferrals of non-highly compensated employees (NHC)
Define Age-Based Profit Sharing Plan
A qualified profit sharing plan plan that uses a combination of age and compensation as the basis for allocating the contribution to a participant’s account.
Define Cash or Deferred Arrangement (CODA)
Permits an employee to defer a portfolio of his salary on a pretax basis to a qualified plan or receive the salary as current taxable income.
Define Catch-Up Contribution
A contribution that allows those nearing retirement to increase their deferral contributions to improve their financial situation for retirement. An elective contribution for employees 50 an over that allows them to increase their elective deferral limit by up to $5,500 for 2014.
Define Corrective Distribution
A distribution to satisfy the ADP or ACP test that reduce the elective deferrals or contributions of the HC employees by distributing or returning funds to the HC employees.
Define Covered Compensation Limit
The maximum employee compensation that may be considered for contribution to qualified plan or the accrual of benefits to a qualified plan. For 2014 the limit is $260,000.
Define DB(k) Retirement Plan
For plan years beginning in 2010 and later, a DB(k) retirement plan incorporates, under one single plan with a single trust, a defined benefit plan combined with a 401(k) arrangement.
Define Employee Elective Deferral Contributions
Pretax employee contributions to a qualified plan with a CODA. The employee must choose to defer the compensation before earning the compensation.
Define Employer Matching Contributions
Employer provided contributions to a qualified retirement plan with a CODA. The employee must choose to defer the compensation before earning the compensation.
Define Forfeitures
The % or amount of a participant’s accrued benefit that was not vested to the employee at the employee’s termination from the plan sponsor. The forfeited amount stays in the plan and may be allocated to other participants or reduce future plan costs.
Define Hardship Distributions
A distribution from a 401(k) plan because the employee has an immediate and heavy financial need and the withdrawal is necessary to satisfy the need. The distribution is taxable and subject to penalties to the extent the participant has other resources to have satisfied the financial need.
Define Individual 401(k) Plan
An easy-to-administer, low-cost retirement plan designed for self-employed individuals and owner-only businesses.
Define Non Comparability Plan
A qualified profit sharing plan in which contributions are made to employees’ accounts based on their respective classification in the company as defined by the plan sponsor.
Define Nondiscriminatory
A requirement of all qualified plan. The eligibility rules, coverage requirements, and contribution allocations of a qualified plan cannot discriminate against the rank-and-file employees for the benefit of the shareholder, officers, and highly compensated employees.
Define One Year of Service
1,000 hours or service with an employer within a 12 month period.
Define Permitted Disparity (Social Security Integration)
A technique or method of allocating qualified plan contributions to an employee account that provides a higher contribution to those employees whose compensation is in excess of the SS wage page or selected integration level for the plan year.
Define Profit Sharing Plan
A qualified retirement plan established and maintained by an employer where the employer makes deductible contributions on behalf of the employees, the assets grow tax-deferred, and if there is a CODA feature, the employee also makes pretax contributions.
Define Qualified Automatic Contribution Arrangement (QACA)
A plan that contains a “qualified automatic enrollment feature” and is eligible for a new nondiscrimination safe harbor under PPA 2006.
Define Qualified Matching Contribution (QMC)
Additional matching contributions made by the employer to satisfy the ADP or ACP that increases the ACP or ADP of the NGC employees by who had deferred compensation during the plan year.
Define Qualified Nonelective Contribution (QNEC)
A contribution made by the employer to satisfy the ADP or ACP test that increases the ADP or ACP of the NHC employees by making additional contributions to all NHC eligible employees without regard to any elective deferral election made by the employees.
Define Recharacterization of Deferrals
To change the nature of any excess employee deferrals from pretax employee contributions to after-tax employee contributions.
Define Safe Harbor 401(k) Plans
A 401(k) plan that satisfied a minimum contribution or matching test and allows the plan sponsor to bypass the ADP test, the ACP test, and the top-heavy tests.
Define Standard Eligibility
The general eligibility requirement that requires an employer to consider an employee eligible when the employee attains 21 year of age and has completed on-year of service.
Define Thrift Plan
A qualified retirement plan that permits employees to make after-tax contributions to the plan. Although the contributions are taxable before being contributed to the plan, the account still benefits from tax-deferred growth on earnings.
Define Thrift Savings Plan (TSP)
A retirement savings and investment plan for Federal employees and members of the uniformed services, including the Ready Reserve.