Chapter 5: Multiple choice Flashcards
John Describes Jesus as:
B: The Word
Matthew’s Gospel begins with a:
A: Geneology of Jesus
The Gospel account of the Magi includes the following information:
D: None of the above
The major point Matthew wished to make in his story of the Magi is that:
C: Jesus as the Messiah was accepted by many Gentiles and rejected by many Jews
The Gospels are:
B: Testimonies of faith
Lukes Gospel stresses that:
B: the Good News is for everyone, especially the poor
Lukes version of genealogy begin with:
C: Jesus and works back to Adam
Jesus was:
D: Both b and c
B: Just like any human except he never sinned
C: One who shared all the things that human experienced
Circumcision is a:
Practice that can be tracd back to God’s covenant with Abraham
Jesus probably spoke:
D: all of the above
John the Baptist prepared the way for Jesus’ ministry by:
A: Calling people to repentance
For Matthew, Jesus’ water Baptism was
A: The first step on the road to the cross
Jesus worked miracles:
C: To bring about good in the world
In writing about Jesus’ temptations the Evangelists also intended to:
A: Warn Christians to resist similar temptation
Like Jesus’ first disciples, christians today are still called to
D: A and C
A: develop a personal relationship of love with God
C: Share Jesus’ mission of proclaiming the Kingdom
The Apostles were:
B: commissioned by Jesus to go forth and share the Good news of the extraordinary kingdom of God
The Apsotle Peter:
Was a leader in the early community of faith