Chapter 5 - Marketing function and mix Flashcards
What are the 6 types of people in the design process?
The client, the designer, the inventor, the designer-maker, the maker and the users.
What does the client do in the design process?
The client can be an individual or a group who identify a need or a niche that could be met by developing a new product. Clients are often entrepreneurs seeking to make money by launching a new product into the market.
What does the designer do in the design process?
The designer is an individual or group who will work to develop a product for a client. The designer will work with the client to develop a design brief and formulate a design specification. In big companies, the designer will would with a marketing organisation to ensure he or she knows what the client wants from their product.
What does the inventor do in the design process?
The inventor produces an idea for a new or improved product. These ideas are communicated in sketches and models.
What is a product designer?
Someone who in the commercial world will take an idea originally created by an inventor and develop it into a product which will sell.
What does the designer-maker do in the design process?
Someone who designs a product then makes it. Mostly seen in small productions.
What does the maker do in the design process?
The person who will manufacture a product that has been designed. The maker could be owned by the client or an independent company that is brought in.
What does the user do in the design process?
The person who will use the product, the user often works will the designer to identify a target market for a product.
Why is the relationship between the user, the designer and the maker important?
To make sure the product sells, the user must be considered at the earliest opportunity. Designers and makers try to build up a relationship with users so it is easy to understand the user’s needs in order to create a product which will suit.
What is a consumer profile?
It’s a document which will represent the people of the target market. This helps them determine the needs and aspirations of the user. As well as understanding their lifestyles and buying habits which is then used to shape the appearance and quality of the product. It will also help the designers on how they should advertise the product looking at graphic and packages.
What elements make up the marketing mix?
The product, price, place, promotion, process, physical evidence, properties , pleasure and people.
What is the marketing mix?
Something which helps produce a design brief and specification
How does the product do in the marketing mix?
For a product to be successful it must attract buyers. Consumers will consider, Function, Performance, Ease of use, Reliability, Aesthetics and Compatibility.
Why is promotion important in the marketing mix?
In order to make the product successful, it must be promoted at the right time. Using events which include the media. Packaging is also important to make the product appealing to potential buyers.
What two important properties are considered in the marketing mix and why?
Aesthetics and environmental performance are considered. For clothes and other texiled products look are important and for electronic devices, features are important. The eniroment is imporant because people are becoming more conscious, energy rating on white goods, for example, are used to allow the buyer to compare products.