Chapter 5: Long-term investments Flashcards
owns the corporation’s bonds or equity (buys)
the corporation that issues bonds or equity (sells)
financial asset
investor does not play any role in the operations of the investee (passive investments) –> less than 20% ownership. Short-term
Investment in associates
20-50% ownership –> investor has the opportunity to influence the operating decisions and policies. Long-term
investment in subsidiaries
50% or more –> long-term influence, part of core operations and exercise control –> long-term
held for trading
acquired for the purpose of selling in the near future (fair value)
available for sale
no immediate intention to sell the shares. the investments has no strategic importance –> done simply because it yields more than putting money on the bank (fair value)
held to maturity
bought with the purpose of making profits from it until the maturity date (Amortized cost)
price paid for an obligation is higher than face value
price paid for an obligation is lower than face value
at par
price paid for an obligation is equal to face value
non-controlling interest
a subsidiary company’s equity held by shareholders other than the parent company
Equity method
Original cost | share of losses
Share of income | share of dividends
unrealised gains/losses
income statement or statement of comprehensive income (when available-for-sale)
fair value
balance sheet