Chapter 5 (Limits) Flashcards
Engine % RPM 1-2 (Np)
12 Second Transient - 105-107%
Transient - 101-105%
Continuous - 95-101%
Transient - 91-95%
Engine % Torque
10 Second Transient - 100-125%
Continuous - 0-100%
10 Second Transient - 110-135%
Continuous - 0-110%
Avoid Operations in the ___-___ and ___-___ range. *Except during _______ and _______
Start Up and Shutdown
Main Rotor % RPM R (Power On)
Transient - 101-107%
Continuous - 95-101%
Transient - 91-95%
Main Rotor % RPM R (Power Off (Autorotation))
Maximum - 110%
Transient - 105-110%
Normal - 90-105%
12 Second Transient - 850-886 deg C
Start Abort Limit - 850 deg C
30 Minute Limit - 775-850 deg C
Normal - 0-775 deg C
Ng% (Gas Producer)
12 Sec Transient - 102-105%
30 Minute Limit - 99-102%
Continuous - 0-99%
Engine Oil Temperature
30 Minute Limit - 135-150 deg C
Continuous - -50-135 deg C
Engine Oil Pressure
Continuous 20-100 PSI
*35 PSI minimum @ 90% Ng and above
Transmission Oil Temperature
Precautionary - 105-140 deg C
Continuous - -50-105 deg C
Transmission Oil Pressure
Precautionary - 65-130 psi
Continuous - 30-65 psi
Idle & Transient - 20-30 psi
Engine Starter Limits @ or < 15 deg C
2 Consecutive Starts
3 min Rest Period
2 Consecutive Starts
30 min Rest Period
Engine Starter Limits >15 to 52 deg C
2 Consecutive Starts
30 Minutes Rest
Pneumatic Source Inlet Limits (Min & Max)
Minimum = 40 psig & 30 ppm at 149 deg C Maximum = 50 psig @ 249 deg C
Engine overspeed check in flight is_______
Engine overspeed check on the ground is______.
Authorized by designated personnel only!
Cross Bleed start shall NOT be attempted unless_______ advisory doesn’t appear and the operating engine must be at____ speed or above and rotor speed at _______
1 or #2 ENG ANTI-ICE ON advisory
90% Ng
100% RPM R
Maximum capacity for each storage unit is?
125 lbs
Maximum cargo hook capacity on the UH60 A/L?
8,000 lbs
Max weight is further limited by cargo floor max capacity of?
300 lbs per square foot
Max weight for the UH60 with 7 lug wheels is?
Maximum Airspeed for one engine inoperative is?
130 KIAS
Max Autorotation with gross weight @16,825 or less
150 KIAS
Max Autorotation with gross weights >16,825
130 KIAS
Sideward/Rearward flight into the wind, when combined with windspeed, shall not exceed____
45 KTS
One SAS Inoperative Airspeed
170 KIAS
Two SAS Inoperative Airspeed
150 KIAS
Two SAS Inoperative + IMC Airspeed
140 KIAS