Chapter 5 - Limitations Flashcards
Engine Oil Pressure (PSI) Limits
Minimum Pressure for NG at Ground Idle - 5 psi
Minimum Pressure for NG Between 80 to 95% - 35 psi
Minimum Pressure for NG Equal to or greater than 95% - 50 psi
Normal Operation - 35-90 psi
Maximum for Contingency Power - 110 psi
Maximum for Cold Weather Starts - 150 psi
Engine oil pressure limitations (Table 5-1) are displayed digitally on the POWER TRAIN page by pressing key T6 (Figure 5-1). The displays appear in green when the pressure is 5 to 90 psi, change to yellow if the pressure is greater than 90 psi, and change to red when the pressure is less than 5 psi or greater than 110 psi.
Engine Oil Temperature (°C) Limits
Maximum - 149° C
Engine oil temperature limits (Table 5-2) are displayed digitally on the POWER TRAIN page (Figures 5-1 and 5-2). The displays appear in green when the temperature is equal to or less than 149° C and change to red, with the respective ENG1 (2) OIL HOT caution displayed, when the temperature is greater than 149° C.
Transmission Oil Temperature (°C) Limits
Maximum - 140° C
Combining, aft, and forward transmission oil temperatures limits (Table 5-3) are displayed digitally on the POWER TRAIN page (Figures 5-1 and 5-2). The displays appear in green when the temperature is less than or equal to, 140° C and change to red when the temperature is greater than 140° C with the respective COMB, AFT, or FWD XMSN OIL HOT caution displayed.
Transmission Oil Pressure (PSI) Limits
Minimum at Ground Idle - 7 psi
Minimum at 100% NR - 20 psi
Normal Operation - 20 to 90 psi
Engine 1, Engine 2, combining, aft, and forward transmission oil pressures limits (Table 5-4) are displayed digitally on the POWER TRAIN page (Figures 5-1 and 5-2). The displays appear in green when the pressure is equal to or greater than 20 psi and change to red when the pressure is less than 20 psi and NR is equal to, or greater than 25%. An ENG1, ENG2, COMB, AFT, or FWD XMSN PRESS LO caution is displayed if the pressure in any transmission is less than 20 psi and NR is equal to or greater than 25%. An ENG1, ENG2, COMB, AFT, or FWD XMSN PRESS HI advisory is displayed when the pressure in any transmission is greater than 90 psi.
Hydraulic System (PSI) Limitations
Hydraulic system pressures and temperatures for the No. 1 flight boost system, No. 2 flight boost system, and utility hydraulic system are displayed on the Maintenance Panel (Figure 5-5). The respective No. 1 (No. 2) HYD FLT CONTR caution will be displayed when hydraulic pressure is less than approximately 1,800 psi.
Rotor NR (%) Limitations
Minimum transient power-on - 91%
Transient - 91 to 97%
Normal - 97 to 101%
Transient - 101 to 106%
Maximum transient power-on - 106%
Maximum during autorotation - 108%
Maximum transient - 111%
Rotor RPM (NR) is displayed digitally on the INST page (Figure 5-1). If NR is outside normal operating range, it will be displayed on the INST page and below the VSD/VSDH torque tape, (Figure 5-6). NR limits are shown in Table 5-5. Should 108% NR power-off be inadvertently exceeded, no entry need be made on DA Form 2408-13-1 unless the rotor system accelerates and exceeds 111.5 % NR. Even though no action is required when NR exceeds 108% power-off, but remains at or below 111.5 %, willful operation shall not be conducted in this range.


Cruise Guide Indicator
The Cruise Guide Indicator (CGI) (Figure 5-7) is displayed on the VSD. The scale is displayed with four color range bands; green, yellow, red and white. When the CGI TEST switch is moved from the center position to each test position, the pointer on the indicator should indicate within the white test band. The white test band indicates proper system operation. Refer to Section V for airspeed limits. Flight equal to or less than 98% NR with an inoperative CGI is prohibited.

Starting and Shutdown Limits
Refer to Figures 5-3 and 5-4 to determine rotor blade start-up and shutdown limits. The APU shall not be started with a tailwind in excess of 25 knots. Main engines shall not be started with a tailwind in excess of 10 knots. If it becomes necessary to shutdown in conditions outside the limits shown in Figures 5-3 and 5-4, the following precautions are recommended:
1. Aircraft should land in an area which is clear, as level as possible, and at least 300 feet away from any vertical obstructions, abrupt changes in ground terrain, trees, bushes, fences, etc.
2. Aircraft should be oriented such that the wind would be coming in at the left side. If the pilot is unsure of the wind direction after landing, a crew member should be dispatched beyond the rotorwash to make a true wind direction determination before the engines are secured.
Flight Control Hydraulic Pressure
Low Limit - 2500 PSI
Normal - 2500 to 3200 PSI
High Limit - 3200 PSI

Utility System Hydraulic Pressure
Low Limit - 2500 PSI
Normal - 2500 to 3500 PSI
High Limit - 3500 PSI

Hydraulic System Temperature
Maximum - 120ºC
Transient - 95º to 120ºC

Power Limits
For Pre-mission Performance Planning, Intermediate Torque Available (30-Minute Operation) is the maximum power authorized for departure and arrival at or below 40 KCAS. Continuous Torque Available is the maximum power authorized for cruise ight. Additional Gross Weight limits are contained in Chapter 7, Cruise Charts.
Engine Temperature (PTIT) Limits
Maximum Continuous - 816° C
Maximum for not more than 30 minutes - 854° C
Maximum for not more than 10 minutes - 899° C
Maximum for not more than 2.5 minutes (Contingency Power) - 932° C
Maximum Transient for not more than 12 seconds (never exceed) - 943° C
The engine Power Turbine Inlet Temperature (PTIT) for both engines (Table 5-6) are displayed on the INST page (Figure 5-1). The digital display and tapes on the scale (Table 2-7) appear in green for temperatures equal to or less than 816° C, change to yellow when greater than 816° C to 932° C, and change to red when equal to or greater than 932° C. If the PTIT in either engine is equal to or greater than 816° C, the ENG1(2) 30M TMP advisory will be displayed (Table 2-7). If the PTIT in either engine is equal to or greater than 854° C, the ENG1(2) 10M TMP advisory will be displayed (Table 2-7). Should the temperature reach 899° C for 2 seconds or longer, the ENG1(2) 2.5M TMP advisory will be displayed (Table 2-7). The ENG1(2) advisory will be displayed before actually reaching contingency power, providing a 5° buffer to advise the pilot he is about to enter this range. A PTIT timer digital readout will be displayed on the INST page when an engine is operating in a time limited range. The readout will display the allowable time remaining in the current PTIT operating range. Refer to Table 2-3 through Table 2-12 for system limits.
Contingency Power
Contingency power is only to be used during actual emergency conditions. Usage of contingency power up to 932° C PTIT is permissible for an unlimited number of occurrences, as long as each occurrence is 2 minutes 30 seconds or less. Transient power 932° to 943° C PTIT is not to be greater than 12 seconds. If PTIT in either engine is equal to or greater than 932° ENG 1(2) 12S TMP advisory will be displayed, also a ENG 1 (2) TEMP HI (CAUTION) will be displayed.
Gas Generator (NG) Limits
Ground Idle Minimum - 50%
Maximum - 111%
Engine gas generator speed is digitally shown in green when NG is between 50 to 111%, changes to yellow when less than 50%, and changes to red when greater than 111%. Speeds and limits are displayed on the INST page (Figure 5-1, and Tables 2-3, 2-11, and 5-7).
Power Turbine (NP) Limits
Maximum - 111.5%
A power turbine (NP) overspeed may exist, depending on power being used when 106% NR is exceeded. The maximum limit for power turbine (NP) is 111.5%. NP speeds and limits are displayed on the INST page (Figure 5-1, and Tables 2-3 and 5-8).
Engine Overspeed
An NG overspeed exists when a speed of 111% NG is exceeded. An NG overspeed can cause over-temperature and/or over-torque. Refer to Table 2-11 for system limits.
Engine Torque (TQ) Limits
Maximum Dual Engine - 100%
Maximum Single Engine - 123%
The display appears in green if TQ is equal to or less than 100%, changes to red when greater than 100%, dual engine operations, or red at 123%, single engine operation. A voice alert “TORQUE” will be triggered when torque is greater than 95% dual or single engine. Refer to Table 2-9 for additional system limits.
Average torque is displayed on the VSD. Should an engine failure occur, the actual torque of the operating engine will be displayed. When the torque split between the two engines is greater than 10%, the value of the maximum TQ line on the INST page will change from 100% to 123%.
Fuel Limitations
JP8 + 100 is not considered “Emergency Fuel”. A DA Form 2408-13-1 entry will be made as described in Appendix C.
Only those fuels listed in Chapter 2 shall be used. Emergency fuel shall not be used for more than 6 hours cumulative time.
Maximum Gross Weight
The maximum allowable operating gross weight is 50,000 pounds.
Cargo Hook Limitations
The limits presented below are structural limitations only.
1. The structural limit of the forward and aft hook is 17,000 pounds each.
2. The maximum single load that can be suspended as a tandem load from the forward and aft hooks is 25,000 pounds.
3. The center cargo hook is limited to a maximum load of 26,000 pounds.
4. When a combination of internal and external loads are carried during the same flight and the external load exceeds 12,000 pounds, position the internal load forward of the utility hatch. This procedure should preclude encountering an excessively aft CG.
Winch/Rescue Hoist Limitations
The rescue hoist is limited to a maximum load of 600 pounds. Refer to Chapter 4 for system configuration and operation.
The winch shall not exceed:
1. 3,000 pounds straight line pull.
2. 6,000 pounds, one pulley.
3. 9,000 pounds, two pulleys.
4. 12,000 pounds, three pulleys.
Cruise Guide Indicator (CGI) Limits
Sustained operation in the red or yellow band on the CGI will cause damage to the rotor dynamic components (i.e., pitch housing, swashplate assembly, etc.) resulting in failure of parts, destruction of the aircraft, and injury or death to the crew.
Strict compliance with the airspeed limitations provided in Figures 5-8, 5-9, and 5-10 is required regardless of cruise guide operational status. In addition, adherence to in-flight cruise guide limitations shall be maintained.
Any excursion into the red or yellow band for more than 45 seconds requires an entry on the DA Form 2408-13-1. Provide the following information: Free Air Temperature (FAT), Pressure Altitude (PA), and Gross Weight (GW), Knots Calibrated Airspeed (KCAS), total time in the red or yellow band, and needle position within red or yellow band (i.e., lower half or upper half).
Care must be exercised during certain maneuvers when level flight airspeeds result in steady CGI indications at the upper end of the green band. Aggressive maneuvers such as decelerating turns and break turns will increase aerodynamic loading. Reduction in aerodynamic loading includes one or more of the following:
1. Lowering the thrust.
2. Reducing the severity of the maneuver.
3. Reducing airspeed.
To increase life expectancy of aircraft components, transient CGI excursions into the yellow and red bands should be minimized.
Airspeed and Gross Weight Limitations With An Operative or Inoperative Cruise Guide Indicator
1. Maximum crosswind or sideward flight is 45 knots.
A Dual FADEC primary channel failure may occur when rearward flight or a tailwind exceeds 40 KCAS. These conditions should be avoided.
Aircrew should be alert to the potential for large engine torque oscillations during rearward flight operations.
2. Maximum airspeed in rearward flight is 45 knots.
3. Maximum tailwind for hover is 45 knots.
4. Maximum airspeed with the lower section of the cabin entrance door open and locked is 60 KCAS.
5. The rescue hatch door shall not be opened or closed above 90 KCAS.
6. The windshield wipers shall be off at airspeeds above 130 KCAS.
7. Upper section of the cabin entrance-ensure that airspeed is less than 100 KCAS before closing door in flight.
8. Left side Escape Hatch: do not install or remove hatch in forward flight.
External Cargo Airspeed Limits
If a sling or hook should fail while carrying a tandem load, limit airspeed to a maximum of 60 KCAS.
Longitudinal Cyclic Trim (LCT) Actuator Airspeed Limits
The airspeed operating limits chart (Figure 5-9), shows the maximum allowable airspeeds and gross weights with either LCT fully retracted. Do not manually extend the LCT beyond the GND position on the cyclic trim indicators at calibrated airspeeds below 60 KCAS. Use of extended cyclic trim at low airspeeds will result in high aft rotor blade stresses.
Accurate maximum allowable gross weight values for airspeeds 0 to 110 KTAS can be determined by cross referencing the Maximum Gross Weight For Planned Conditions chart (Figure 5-10) with the conditions of pressure altitude and free air temperature (density altitude) as used for Figure 5-8 and 5-9.
Maximum Gross Weight Chart for Planned Conditions
The gross weight determined on this chart is the same value that applies to Figure 5-8 at airspeeds at or below 110 KTAS and to Figure 5-9 at airspeeds at and below 49 KTAS.
DAFCS Limitations
The airspeed limit when operating on single DAFCS is 100 KCAS or Vne, whichever is slower. The helicopter may be operated with both AFCS off up to 160 KCAS or Vne, whichever is slower, provided both DAFCS are disabled below 100 KCAS.
Aerobatics Prohibition
Aerobatics are prohibited with this helicopter. Aerobatics are dened as intentional maneuvers beyond ± 30° pitch and/or 60° roll.
Bank Limitations
The following bank angle limits apply:
1. With an operative CGI, bank angles are limited by the CGI, but no greater than 60°. When operating with BALT/RALT engaged, limit bank angles to 45° maximum.
2. With an inoperative CGI, use the bank angle limits dened by Figure 5-11.
Landing Limitations
1. The maximum ground speed for Roll-onlandings is 60 KGS.
2. The maximum nose-up attitude during landings is 20°.
3. The maximum rate of descent at touchdown for gross weights up to 33,000 pounds is 492 ft/min.
4. The maximum rate of descent at touchdown for gross weights from 33,000 to 40,000 pounds is 450 ft/min.
5. The maximum rate of descent at touchdown for gross weights above 40,000 pounds is 360 ft/min.
Ground Operation Limitations
To prevent droop stop pounding when all landing gear are in contact with the ground and the THRUST CONT lever is at ground detent, ight control movements shall not exceed the following from the neutral position:
Right or left directional pedal - 0.75 inch
Aft cyclic - 2.00 inches
Lateral cyclic - 1.00 inch
THRUST CONT - lever No lower than ground detent
When ground taxiing less than 75 feet from an obstruction on an unimproved/unfamiliar aireld not designated for CH-47F helicopters, a blade watcher and taxi director shall be positioned as shown in Figure 8-2. If the aireld is designated for CH-47F helicopters and taxi ways are in accordance with UFC 3-260-01, the above does not apply.
Flight Under Instrument Meteorological Conditions (IMC)
This helicopter is qualied for IMC flight provided the following conditions exist:
Should one DAFCS fail during IMC flight, the flight may be continued to destination. Should both DAFCS fail during IMC flight, exit IMC as soon as practical.
1. Both DAFCS are operational.
2. Both Standby Flight Displays (SFD) are operating.
3. Three MFDs (1, 4 and either 2 or 3), two CDUs, two GPPUs, two DCUs, two EGIs, and two ADCs are operational.
During ILS approaches outside of localizer limits, the FD cue may continue to command a descent with a MISSED APPR annunciator. In the coupled mode, the aircraft will continue to descend automatically on the glideslope.
4. Coupled ILS approaches at localizer intercept angles of greater than 60° are prohibited.
Shock Absorber Vent Valve
The shock absorber vent valve must be open for operation below -18° C. The valve must be closed for operation above -1° C. Dangerous ground and ight conditions can result if the valve is in the wrong position. At -18° to -1° C the valve may be opened or closed.
Flight in Ice
During flight in icing conditions with the EAPS installed, the bypass doors must remain closed.
Pitot tube and AFCS yaw port heating, and windshield anti-icing systems enable safe flight in light icing conditions. The EAPS is designed to permit safe flight in light icing conditions. Continuous flight in light icing conditions below +5° C is not recommended since blade damage can occur from asymmetric ice shedding. Intentional flight into known icing conditions with rotor blade erosion protection materials installed is prohibited. Icing conditions include “trace,” “light,” “moderate,” and “heavy.”
Thunderstorm Operations
To ensure adequate lightning strike protection, the lightning protection cables and straps must be installed and intact on all rotor blades. If any lightning cables or straps are missing or broken, avoid flight in or near thunderstorms, especially in areas of observed or anticipated lightning discharges.
Operation With Skis
If skis are installed, the following limits apply:
1. The maximum allowable airspeed is limited to 130 KCAS or Vne, whichever is slower.
2. The maximum allowable rate of descent at touchdown in snow is 480 ft/min at gross weights up to 33,000 pounds, decreasing linearly to 240 ft/min at 46,000 pounds gross weight. For gross weights 46,000 pounds to 50,000 pounds, the rate of descent is 240 ft/min.
3. The maximum taxi speed is 5 KNOTS groundspeed when operating on hard prepared surfaces.
Night Operation on Water
Translational Rate Command (TRC) and Position Hold (PH) must be disarmed for water operations.
Night operation on water is permissible provided:
- Both DAFCS are operational.
- Pilot and copilot radar altimeter is operational.
- A visible horizon is present at the landing site.
- Two ormore highly visible, stationary objects are on the water surface to provide necessary visual cues for landing.
Water Operation Time Limit
Operation on water is restricted to 30 minutes total flotation time without draining the helicopter.
Water Gross Weight Limitations
Maximum gross weight for water operations is as follows:
- Normal operations - 36,000 pounds.
- Emergency rescue missions - 46,000 pounds.
Water Taxiing Limitations
Taxiing will not be conducted in water conditions above Sea State 1 or in wind above 6 knots. Fast taxiing will be conducted in a straight line only and to a maximum speed of 10 KGS when the lower nose enclosure is left in the water.
Water Landing Limitations
Water landings can be performed within the limitations presented in Figure 5-13. The touchdown speeds presented do not reect indicated airspeed but actual forward velocity at touchdown. Running landings will only be conducted onto calm water. The ramp, lower rescue door, and main cabin door shall be closed during water landing. Water landings are prohibited when fuel in the main tanks is less than 50%.
Water Rotor Starting and Shutdown Limitations
Rotor starting or shutdown will not be conducted when water conditions exceed Sea State 1 or wind exceeds 6 knots. Maximum gross weight for starting and shutdown is 28,550 pounds.
Air-to-Ground Towing
Air-to-ground towing operations are prohibited.
APU Operation
APU operation in ight is prohibited except during emergencies.
Pitot Tube and AFCS Sideslip Port Anti-Icing Limitation.
The PITOT HEAT switch shall not be on for more than 5 minutes on the ground.
Windshield Heat
Windshield heat shall not be used above 24° C.
Single Point Refueling
The maximum rate for pressure refueling is 300 gal/min at 55 psi.
Extended Range Fuel System II (ERFS II/RSERFS)
The following paragraphs contain important operating limits and restrictions that shall be observed during the operation of the ERFS II/RSERFS. Compliance with these limits will allow the operator to safely perform the assigned missions and derive the maximum utility from the ERFS II/RSERFS.
1. The maximum capacity of one ERFS II tank assembly is 825.5 US gallons when gravity refueled. The usable fuel in one ERFS II tank assembly is 800 US gallons when single point pressure refueled.
The maximum capacity of one RSERFS tank assembly is 516 US gallons when gravity refueled. The usable fuel in one RSERFS tank assembly is 500 US gallons when single point pressure refueled.
Trying to pressure refuel the tanks without connecting the vent lines could over-pressurize the tanks.
2. The maximum internal pressure of the ERFS II/RSERFS tank should not exceed 5 psi.
Conducting suction defueling at pressures greater than -11 psi could damage the internal components of the ERFS II/RSERFS tank assembly.
3. The maximum allowable suction defueling pressure is -11 psi.
EGI GPS Limitation
The EGIs are not approved by the FAA for use as a primary source of navigation during Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) conditions. One of the contributing factors is that it is possible for the GPS to receive data from a bad satellite and be used by the EGI for its blended solution (GPS/INU, etc.).