Chapter 5 - Leadership Skills Flashcards
Management Focus
Doing things right
Management focus involves tasks/things, control, efficiency, doing things right, speed, practices, and command.
Leadership Focus
Doing the right things
Leadership focus involves people, empowerment, effectiveness, doing the right things, direction, principles, and communication.
Is human resource management Leadership or management based?
Is career planning leadership or management based?
Is career planning leadership or management based?
Is team time tracking leadership or management based?
Is team member recognition leadership or management based?
Is task assignment leadership or management based?
Is team brainstorming leadership or management based?
Is planning workshops leadership or management based?
Is negotiating a contract leadership or management based?
In the quadrants of emotional intelligence what I understand with me is called…?
Self awareness (self confidence, accurate self assessment, emotional self awareness)
In the quadrants of emotional intelligence what I understand with others is called…?
Social awareness (empathy, organisational awareness, environmental awareness)
In the quadrants of emotional intelligence what I do with others is called…?
Relationship management (influence others, develop others, inspire others, teamwork and collaboration
In the quadrants of emotional intelligence what I do with me is called…?
Self-Management (Self-control, Conscientiousness, Adaptability)
What are the four primary duties a leader performs in a servant leadership role?
- Stay on track and scope management
- Remove blockers
- Communicate project vision to create clarity
- Provide teams with everything they need (rewards, compensation, support or encouragement)
What is the difference between centralised and distributed management and leadership?
Centralised teams report to one leader/project manager, Distributed management is when the team follows several individuals like the project management team or self organising
What is the best type of communication in the following situations:
Updating project communications strategies
Formal written
What is the best type of communication in the following situations:
Giving presentations to management
Formal verbal
What is the best type of communication in the following situations:
Trying to solve a complex problem
Formal written
What is the best type of communication in the following situations:
Making notes regarding a telephone conversation
Informal written
What is the best type of communication in the following situations:
Updating the product backlog
Formal written
What is the best type of communication in the following situations:
Making changes to a contract
Formal written
What is the best type of communication in the following situations:
Clarifying a work package
Formal written
What is the best type of communication in the following situations:
Scheduling a meeting
Informal written
What is the best type of communication in the following situations:
Requesting additional resources
Formal written
What is the best type of communication in the following situations:
Trying to discover the root cause of a problem
Informal verbal
What is the best type of communication in the following situations:
Sending an email to ask for clarification of an issue
Informal written
What is the best type of communication in the following situations:
Conducting an online bidder conference
Formal written
What is the best type of communication in the following situations:
Holding a milestone party
Informal verbal
What are the 5 C’s of communication?
- Correct grammar and Spelling
- Concise and well-crafted
- Clear and Purposeful
- Coherent and logical
- Controlled flow of words and ideas
What should the sender of effective communication take into consideration?
Non verbal factors like gestures and body language, Verbal factors such as pitch and tone
What can a gap in communication result in?
Gulf of Execution/Evaluation
What is the Gulf of execution?
the gap in knowledge that forms through bad communication. Expectations vs reality
What are the 3 communication methods?
- Interactive communication
- Push communication
- Pull communication
What are some blockers to good communication? (5)
- Noisy surroundings
- Language challenges
- Distance between those trying to communicate
- Culture
- Improper encoding of messages
What is interactive communication? give examples
A reciprocal method that involves 2 or more people, one person provides info the others receive and respond.
- conversations
- phone calls
- meetings
- instant messaging
- video calls
What is Push communication? give examples
A one-way stream of information from the sender to the receiver. the sender does not expect feedback.
- status report
- emailed updates
- blogs
- company memos
What is pull communication? give examples
A one way stream of information, sender places the information in a central location. Recipients are responsible for retrieving the information
- large documents
- information to large groups of people
What are communication channels?
number of pathways for communication between parties
How are communication channels calculated?
n(n-1)/2 where n is the number of stakeholders
How many channels of communication are in a team of four?
= 4*3/2
= 12/2
if there are 6 channels of communication in a group of 4, How many more are in a group of 5
= 10
difference between 6 and 10 is 4
What three categories did exist for internal motivators according to Daniel Pink?
- Autonomy
- Mastery
- Purpose
In Daniel Pinks discussion of internal motivators, what is meant by people who are motivated by autonomy? give examples
People motivated by autonomy have a desire to direct their own lives. e.g. Flexible work hours, WFH, being able to influence what projects they are on.
In Daniel Pinks discussion of internal motivators, what is meant by people who are motivated by mastery? what assumption should you make of team memebers in relation to mastery?
People motivated by mastery have a desire to improve, excel, learn and do excellent work. You should assume everyone wants this and do what you can to help them be the best
In the discussion of theories of X, Y and Z, what is the theory of X?
People need to be watched all the time, employees are incapable, avoid responsibility and avoid work wherever possible
In Daniel Pinks discussion of internal motivators, what is meant by people who are motivated by purpose? give examples
People are motivated by a sense of purpose. A cohesive team, clear project vision and common understanding will help with a sense of purpose
In the discussion of theories of X, Y and Z, what is the theory of Y?
People are willing to work without supervision and want to achieve, they can direct their own effots
In the discussion of theories of X, Y and Z, what theory should one assume for PMI?
Theory Y - people are willing to work and want to achieve.
In the discussion of theories of X, Y and Z, what is the theory of Z and who proposed it?
Maslow proposed a Z dimension that transcends goal orientation or being intrinsically motivated. He theorised that motivation is linked to self-realisation, values and a higher calling
What is Ouchis version of Theory Z?
Ouchi’s version of Theory Z focuses on the well-being of employees and their families-a job for life
that takes care of them promotes morale and productivity.
What is Maslows Hierarchy of needs and what does he consider the highest motivator?
- Physiological - air, water, food, housing
- Safety - security, freedom from harm
- Social - love, approval, friends
- Esteem - accomlishment, respect, appreciation
- (highest) self-actualisation - self-fulfillment, growth, learning
What is McClellands Theory of Needs or th Acquired Needs Threory?
Theory that people are motivated by one of three needs
1. Achievement
2. Affiliation
3. Power
and they need different management approaches
According to McClellands Theory of Needs, if someone should be given projects that are challenging but are reachable and they like recognition, what is their primary need?
According to McClellands Theory of Needs, if someone works best when cooperating with others and they seek approval rather than recognition, what is their primary need?
According to McClellands Theory of Needs, if someone likes to organise and influence others, what is their primary need?
What is Herzbergs two factor theory of motivation?
motivating people is best done when rewarding them and lettting them grow. hygienge factors will destroy motivation but improving them will not improve motivation. Motivating agents will motivate people only if hygiene factors are sorted
What Hygiene factors in Herzbergs two factor theory of motivation?
- Working conditions
- Salary
- Personal life
- Relationships at work
- Security
- Status
What motivating agents in Herzbergs two factor theory of motivation?
- Responsibility
- Self-actualisation
- Professional growth
- Recognition
Which of the following are hygiene factors and which are motivtion agents?
1. Working conditions
2. Responsibility
3. Recognition
4. Salary
5. Personal life
6. Self-Actualisation
7. Relationships at work
8. Security
9. Status
10. Professional growth
- Hygiene factor
- Motivating agent
- Motivating agent
- Hygiene factor
- Hygiene factor
- Motivating agent
- Hygiene factor
- Hygiene factor
- Hygiene factor
- Motivating agent
What do the three stages of the Shu-Ha-Ri Model of skill mastery?
l. Shu: This is where the rules are learned and obeyed - ‘Shu’ means “to keep, protect, or maintain’
2. Ha: This is when the rules have been mastered through practice - ‘Ha’ means “to detach or break free”
3. Ri: This is the final stage where the rules become second nature. Practitioners in this stage can also teach and lead others - Ri means “to go beyond or transcend”
When a team member has a broad range of skills and one area of expertise what ‘shape’ are their skills? What are the other shapes and which are preferred
T-shaped. Others are I-shape and T-shaped is preferred as they are adaptable and can help optimise a project more easily.
In the Oscar model, what does the O stand for? What is this coaching stage about?
Outcome - This is about individual long-term goals. what does that team member want?
In the Oscar model, what does the S stand for? What is this coaching stage about?
Situation - This is about where the team member is right now in their skill development.
In the Oscar model, what does the C stand for? What is this coaching stage about?
Choices/Consequences - It’s here that the team member decides how they will achieve their long-term goals. the project manager can help the team member understand the consequences of any choice they make
In the Oscar model, what does the A stand for? What is this coaching stage about?
Actions - In this stage, the team member comes up with a plan of action to achieve those goals’
In the Oscar model, what does the R stand for? What is this coaching stage about?
Review - Once the team member is on the path, it’s important to review how well those goals are being achieved and make course corrections if necessary’
To test your knowledge of behavioural motivation models. Which team model belows to the following statements:
1. Unconsciously finding an individual path
2. Primary Need: Achievement. “They like recognition”
3. Motivating Agents
4. Self-actualization: self-fulfillment, growth, learning
5. Hygiene Factors
6. Choices/Consequences
7. Primary Need: Affiliation ‘They seek approval rather than recognition’
8. Obeying the rules
9. Esteem: accomplishment, respect, attention, appreciation
10. Outcome
- Shu-ha-ri Model of Skill Mastery
- McClellands Theory of Needs
- Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory of Motivation
- Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
- Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory of Motivation
- McClelland’s Theory of Needs
- Shu-ha-ri Model of Skill Mastery
- Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
What are the stages of Tuckman’s Ladder model of Team Foundation
Forming - People are brought together as a team.
Storming - There are disagreements as people learn to work together.
Norming - Team members begin to build good working relationships and learn to trust the project manager and
each other.
Performing - The team becomes efficient and works effectively together. This is the point when the project manager can give the most attention to developing individual team members.
Adjourning - The project ends, and the team is disbanded.
What characterizes the ‘Forming’ stage of Tuckman’s model of Team Foundation?
Forming - People are brought together as a team.
What characterizes the ‘Performing’ stage of Tuckman’s model of Team Foundation?
Performing - The team becomes efficient and works effectively together. This is the point when the project manager can give the most attention to developing individual team members.
What characterizes the ‘Storming’ stage of Tuckman’s model of Team Foundation?
Storming - There are disagreements as people learn to work together.
What characterizes the ‘Norming’ stage of Tuckman’s model of Team Foundation?
Norming - Team members begin to build good working relationships and learn to trust the project manager and
each other.
What characterizes the ‘Adjourning’ stage of Tuckman’s model of Team Foundation?
Adjourning - The project ends, and the team is disbanded.
In the Drexler/Sibbet Team performance model, What is the difference between Steps 1-4 vs 5-7?
Steps 1-4 describe where the team is at with the project as they form and develop. In these steps, the team learns the “why, who, what, and how” of their coming together.
Steps 5-7 describe what is happening as high performance is attained and sustained.
What is step 1 of the Drexler/Sibbet Team performance model? give examples
Step l: Orientation, or “‘Why” - The team comes together and learns the purpose of the project.
- Kick-off meeting
- business case
- project charter
- lean start-up canvas
What is step 3 of the Drexler/Sibbet Team performance model?
Step 3: Goal clarification, or “What” - At this stage, the team elaborates on the project information they already have. It includes finding out more about stakeholder expectations, project and product requirements, project and stakeholder assumptions, and deliverable acceptance criteria.
What is step 2 of the Drexler/Sibbet Team performance model?
Step 2: Trust building or “who” - This stage is where information is shared and learned about the project team and each members skills and abilities, as well as whatever other key stakeholder information is available’
What is step 4 of the Drexler/Sibbet Team performance model? give examples
Step 4: Commitment or “How” - At this stage, the team has formed. It plans for and begins to achieve the project’s goals.
- milestone schedules
- release plans
- high-level budgets
- resources needs
What is step 5 of the Drexler/Sibbet Team performance model? give examples
Step 5: Implementation - The high-level plans are decomposed into the greater level of detail for detailed planning, and then execution against the plan to produce deliverables.
- project’s release map
- schedule
- backlog
- scope baseline’
What is step 7 of the Drexler/Sibbet Team performance model? give examples
Step 7: Renewal As changes occur within the project (deliverables, for example) or team (leadership, team members or other stakeholders, for example), the team has an opportunity to look at past performance in perspective to see if anything about the way they operate needs to change. i.e. team may revisit previous stages to renew goal clarification, commitment, or other ways of working together.
What is step 6 of the Drexler/Sibbet Team performance model?
Step 6: High performance - At this stage the team has been working together for some-time, they work well together have their working agreements ironed out, and have reached a level of high performance. They do not need much oversight.
How does the influence of other leadership concepts like trust affect a project?
If the team does not trust the project manager, then they cannot easily be successful. The team will not
take direction or follow instructions, and the project will suffer.
How does the influence of other leadership concepts like negotiation affect a project?
Negotiation can provide value in developing the team while working to build consensus on project decisions. Including the team members in the decision-making process shows that the project manager values and considers their input.
How does the influence of other leadership concepts like influencing affect a project?
influencing is an important aspect of a project manager role that begins with actively listening to differing viewpoints expressed by team members. Acknowledging those different perspectives and using communication and persuasion skills helps the project manager develop mutual trust and, eventually, agreement within the team.
How does the influence of other leadership concepts like recognition and rewards affect a project?
The project manager appraises performance and provides recognition and rewards in response to the work of the team or individual team members. To be effective, such rewards should be determined based on the project manager’s understanding of what is valuable to the team member or group being recognized. In addition to recognizing past accomplishments, rewards provide incentives for ongoing achievement and efforts.
How does the influence of other leadership concepts like training affect a project?
Team members may require training to perform on the project or to enhance their performance. Such training can help team members while also decreasing the overall project cost and schedule through increased efficiency. If the training will benefit the organization in the long run or can be used on future projects, it may be covered as an organizational cost. Otherwise, it is paid for by the project and documented in the resource management plan and included in the project budget.
How does the influence of other leadership concepts like coaching affect a project?
The goal of coaching is to help team members stay on track, overcome issues, continually improve their skills, and achieve their goals. Coaching is done at two levels-with the team and with individual team members. Individual coaching sessions should be confidential meetings in a safe environment. During the conversation, it’s important to be frank, yet remain positive and respectful. After the meeting, the coach should follow up to make sure there is improvement.
What are 7 sources of conflicts on projects?
l. Schedules (unrealistic)
2. Project priorities
3. Resources
4. Technical opinions
5. Administrative procedures
6. Cost
7. Personality
Based on the Thomas and Kilmann Conflict Model, What is meant by the collaborating technique?
- Collaborating (problem-solving) - With this technique, the parties openly discuss differences and try to incorporate multiple viewpoints to arrive at a consensus. Collaboration leads to a win-win situation.
Based on the Thomas and Kilmann Conflict Model, What are some techniques for conflict resolution? (5)
- Collaborating (problem-solving) - With this technique, the parties openly discuss differences and try to incorporate multiple viewpoints to arrive at a consensus. Collaboration leads to a win-win situation.
- Compromising (reconciling) - This technique involves finding solutions that bring some degree of satisfaction to both parties. This is a lose-lose situation since no party gets everything. Did you know that compromise is not the best choice, but rather second to collaborating?
- Withdrawal (avoidance) - With this technique, the parties retreat or postpone a decision on a problem. Dealing with problems is a PMI-ism; therefore, withdrawal is not usually the best choice for resolving conflict, though there maybe situations where it is necessary.
- Smoothing (accommodating) - This technique includes making some concessions, it emphasizes agreement rather
than differences of opinion. It does not result in a permanent or complete resolution of the conflict. - Forcing (directing or competing) - This technique involves pushing one viewpoint at the expense of another. It is a win-lose situation.
Based on the Thomas and Kilmann Conflict Model, What is meant by the compromising technique?
- Compromising (reconciling) - This technique involves finding solutions that bring some degree of satisfaction to both parties. This is a lose-lose situation since no party gets everything. Did you know that compromise is not the best choice, but rather second to collaborating?
Based on the Thomas and Kilmann Conflict Model, What is meant by the withdrawal technique?
- Withdrawal (avoidance) - With this technique, the parties retreat or postpone a decision on a problem. Dealing with problems is a PMI-ism; therefore, withdrawal is not usually the best choice for resolving conflict, though there maybe situations where it is necessary.
Based on the Thomas and Kilmann Conflict Model, What is meant by the smoothing technique?
- Smoothing (accommodating) - This technique includes making some concessions, it emphasizes agreement rather than differences of opinion. It does not result in a permanent or complete resolution of the conflict.
Based on the Thomas and Kilmann Conflict Model, What is meant by the forcing technique?
- Forcing (directing or competing) - This technique involves pushing one viewpoint at the expense of another. It is a win-lose situation.
When taking the test which conflict resolution techniques should be looked for? which is worst and which is only used very often?
Remember to look for collaborating or problem-solving choices as generally the best answers. Forcing is
usually the worst, but the answer depends on the situation described. There could be situations in which
withdrawal is the best option.
Which conflict resolution technique is being used in this statement “Do it my way!”?
Which conflict resolution technique is being used in this statement “Let us do a little of what both of you suggest”?
Which conflict resolution technique is being used in this statement “Let’s calm down and get the job done”?
Which conflict resolution technique is being used in this statement “Let’s deal with this issue next week”?
Which conflict resolution technique is being used in this statement “Lets see what everyone thinks, and try to reach a consensus”?
Which conflict resolution technique is being used in this statement “Miguel and Kathleen, both of you want this project to cause as little distraction to your departments as possible. With that in mind, I am sure we can come to an agreement on the purchase of equipment and what is best for the Project”?
Which conflict resolution technique is being used in this statement “We have talked about new computers enough. The decision has been made to not get them”?
Which conflict resolution technique is being used in this statement “Miguel, you say the project should include the purchase of new computers, and Kathleen, you say the project can use existing equipment. I suggest we perform the following test on the existing equipment to determine if it needs to be replaced.”?
Which conflict resolution technique is being used in this statement “Since we cannot decide on the purchase of new computers, we will have to wait until our meeting next month.”?
Miguel, what if we get new computers for the design activity on the project and use the existing computers
for the monitoring functions?