Chapter 5. Kind of Registration Flashcards
Kinds of Registration
- Under the Property Registration Decree
- Judicial Confirmation of Imperfect title
- Under IPRA
True or false according to the jurisprudence, the classification of the property as alienable and disposable land of the public domain, does not change its status as property of the public dominion
How is the land announced that the public dominion property is no longer intended for public service or the development of the national wealth, or that the property has been converted into patrimonial?
It must be declared expressly by the state 
How is the registration title or original registration takes place?
It only takes place when the title to land is made of public record for the first time in the name of its lawful owner
What is the law of stating who may apply under the property registration degree
It’s the RE number 11 573, section 6, and the section 14 of the presidential decree number 1529 is amended by 11 573, section 6
What is the note that is omitted under RA 11 573 when it comes to the person who register under ordinary registration
It only did the inclusion of the landowners by acquisitive prescription, which means people who have acquired ownership of private lines by prescription under the provision of existing loss can longer apply under ordinary registration proceedings
Can a person assert the right of ownership on the basis of a acquisitive prescription under the civil code?
No, because the landing property of public dominion, and therefore not susceptible to acquisitive by prescription
According to the students, the classification of the subject property is alienable and disposable, and the public domain does not change its status to the public dominion.
In order to convert the property into patrimonial, the must be an express declaration by the state of the public dominion property is no longer intended for public service, or the development of the national work order that the property has been converted into patrimonial, without such expressed showing the property remains as alienable or disposable means property of the public dominion and incapable of acquisition by prescription this is based on the case of the air of Mario Malabon versus republic