chapter 5 key terms Flashcards
concrete thinking
providing reassurance that what is discussed will not be repeated outside the boundaries of the health-care team
ability to see beyond outward behavior and to understand the situation from the patient’s point of view
refers to the nurse’s ability to be open, honest, and “real” in interactions with the patient
intimate distance
the closest distance that individuals will allow between themselves and others. In the United States, this distance, which is restricted to interactions of an intimate nature, is 0 to 18 inches
material boundaries
physical boundaries that can be seen, such as fences that border land
motivational interviewing
evidence-based, patient-centered style of communication that promotes behavior change by guiding patients to explore their own motivation for change and the advantages and disadvantages of their decisions
vocal component of the spoken word. It consists of pitch, tone, and loudness of spoken messages, the rate of speaking, expressively placed pauses, and emphasis assigned to certain words
personal boundaries
personal distance
professional boundaries
public distance
special feelings on the part of both the patient and the nurse based on acceptance, warmth, friendliness, common interest, a sense of trust, and a nonjudgmental attitude
social boundaries
social distance
unconditional positive regard