Chapter 5 Key Concepts Flashcards
How is price elasticity computer?
The % change in quantity demanded (or supplied) /
——————-divided by———————————
The % change in price
What are 3 types of Elasticity
- Elastic (very responsive)
- Unitary Elastic
- Inelastic (Very unresponsive)
_______ demand or supply curves indicate that quantity demanded or supplied respond to price changes in a greater than proportional manner.
An _________ demand or supply curve is one where a given percentage change in price will causee a smaller percentage change in quantity demanded or supplied.
A _______ means that a given percentage change in price leads to an equal percentage change in quantity demanded or supplied.
Unitary Elasticity
________ elasticity refers to the extreme case where either the quantity demanded or supplied changes by an infinite amount in response to any change in price at all.
Infinite or Perfect Elasticity
_______ elasticity refers to the extreme case in which a percentage change in price no matter how large, results in zero change in quantity.
_______ in either a supply or demand curve refers to a situation where a price change in one percent results in a quantity change of one percent.
Constant Unitary Elasticity
How does a tax incidence impact consumers and producers?
Supply is more Elastic than demand = Buyers bear tax burden
When demand is more elastic than supply= Producers bear most of the cost of tax
Tax revenue is _______ the more inelastic demand and supply are.
________ refers to:
the change in one variable
————divided by——————-
percentage change of a related variable
% change in Qd
—-divided by____
% change in Income
Income Elasticity of Demand
% change in Qd
—–divided by——
% change in price of another good
Cross-Price Elasticity of Demand
How does Elasticity apply in Labor Markets and Financial Capital Markets?
- The wage Elasticity of Labor Supply
- The Elasticity of Savings w/ respect towards Interest
% change in Q of hours supplied
—–divided by—–
% change in the wage
Wage Elasticity of Labor