Chapter 5 - Infection Control Flashcards
Occupational Safety and Health Administration
Regulate and enforce safety and health standards to protect employees.
Regulates exposure to toxic substances.
Informs about the possible hazards of materials.
Addresses the handling, mixing, storing and disposing of products and general safety.
Material Safety Data Sheet
By the manufacturer product safety: names of hazardous ingredients, safe handling, flammability, use procedures and precautions of overexposure, disposal, medical first aid information
Environmental Protection Agency
Registers all types of disinfectants sold and used in the U.S.
They do not grade disinfectants, it’s approved or not.
Chemical products that destroy all bacteria, fungi, and viruses on surfaces.
Does not kill spores.
Against federal law to use product contrary to labeling.
Abnormal condition of all or part of the body that makes the body incapable of carrying on normal function.
Mechanical process using soap and water to remove all visible dirt and debris and MANY disease causing germs
Process that destroys MOST harmful organisms on environmental surfaces.
Non porous
What qualities must a disinfectant have?
Bactericidal, virucidal, and fungicidal
One called microorganism that have both plant and animal characteristics.
Can only be seen with a microscope and can replicate on its own.
Harmful microorganismo that can cause disease or infection when they invade the body
Non Pathogenic
Harmless organisms that perform useful functions. Make yogurt, cheese, medicine, breakdown food, protect from infection.
What are the three shapes/classifications of pathogenic bacteria?
Cocci - round
Bacilli - rods
Spirilla - spiral
Round shaped appear singly or in groups
Rarely show motility
Look like bunches of grapes (clusters)
Pus forming, cause abscesses and boils
Food Poisoning
Toxic Shock Syndrome
String of beads (curved lines)
Pus forming cause strep throats and blood poisoning
Round pairs (balls)
Cause pneumonia
Short Rod shape
Most common
Cause lockjaw (tetanus), typhoid fever, tuberculosis, and diphtheria.