Chapter 5- Growth & Development Flashcards
What are indicators of growth?
changes in height, weight, bone structure & dentition (organs & systems)
Define growth ?
A measurable (quantitative) physical change & increase in size
Growth rates?
Growth rates vary during different stages of G&D; ex growth rate is rapid during prenatal, neonatal, infancy, & adolescent stages.
What is development ?
Development is the behavioural aspect of growth (ex: a person develops the ability to walk talk & run )
Development is an I cease in the complexity of function& skill progression
What are developmental milestones?
Are developmental sequences & patterns that are predictable in a child’s growth; milestones vary from different cultures; they are benchmarks for determining when to expect developmental tasks to take place
What is proximal distal growth?
Poximal distal growth occurs from the centre of the body out.
What is cephalocaudal growth?
Cephalocaudal growth occurs from the head down (to trunk,legs, feet)
Obvious at birth (large head)
Stages of growth & development
Kozier p 326-327
Heredity & environment are primary factors influencing G&D
Components : biophysical, psychosocial, cognitive, behavioural, social , ecological, moral, & spiritual.
What factors influence growth & development ?
Many factors can influence growth and development.
-genetics, temperament, family, nutrition, environment , health & culture.
Growth and development theories ?
theories : Erikson
Cognitive theory: Jean Piaget
theory: Lawrence kohlberg
What is a psychosocial theory?
Psychosocial development refers to the development of personality.
Personality = a complex concept; considered as the outward (interpersonal) expression of the inner ( intrapersonal) self.
What does personality encompass?
A persons temperament, feelings, character traits, independence, self esteem, self concept, behaviour, ability to interact with others & ability to adapt to life changes.
What is erik eriksons theory?
Erikson believing people continue to develop throughout lifespan; ego is the core of personality
- viewed life as a sequence if developmental stages or levels of achievement.
- each stage of life there is a task that must be completed successfully to go onto the next level.
- if partial or unsuccessful result in crises damaging persons ego.
-greater the achievement the healthier the personality of the person.
What is cognitive development ?
Refers to the manner in which people learn, think, reason, & use language.
-progression is mental abilities from illogical thinking to logical thinking, simple problem solving to complex, understanding concrete ideas to understanding abstract.
What is Piagets theory?
Cognitive development 5 major phases 1) sensorimotor (0-2) 2) preconception intuitive thought (2-4;4-7) 3) concrete operational (7-11) 4) formal operations (11-15)
In each phase person uses 3 primary abilities
1) assimilation (process of how humans encounter& react to new situations)
2) accommodation (process of change where cognitive processes mature to allow person to solve problems)
3) adaptation ( or coping behaviour Is the ability to handle demands made by the environment)
What is moral development ?
A complex process not fully understood; involves learning what ought to be & what ought not to be done
-lorance Kohlberg
What is lorance kohlbergs theory?
Focuses on reasons person makes a decision; moral development In children & adults
- moral development progresses through 3 levels & 6 stages. (Kozier p 335)
What are kohlbergs stages of moral development ?
1) preconventional -avoid punishment
- gain reward
2) conventional: -gain approval
- avoid disproval
- law&order
3) postconventional:
- agree upon rights
- establishing personal moral standards
- ethical principles (conscience rather than laws)
- achieving justice