Chapter 5: First Two Years Flashcards
why are frequent medical checkups so important?
growth is so rapid and the consequences can be severe
what specifically is measured in those checkups?
head circumference
Why is it important to report measurements in percentiles?
easy to notice marks up and down for trouble
What are the various sleep issues?
no sleeping schedule
can be crushed if sleeping w parents
What is head sparing?
protects brain when malnutrition disrupts body growth
nerve cell
fiber from neuron
fiber from neuron
interactions between axons and dendrites
coating on axons that speeds transmissions
prefrontal cortex
Executive functions
ex language
inner brain
handles emotions
what is cortisol? why is it important?
stress hormone
will increase or elevate depending o parent behavior
Exuberance v. Pruning/ Why is pruning important?
exuberance is exposure to it
pruning is experieinces you dont use so you lose them
Experience- expectant growth
necessary experiences
Ex: exposure to language, interaction,
experience- dependent
need particular experiences to develop
Ex: music, second language, fear
Why are there five things that babies need for brains to grow well?
Why do babies cry?
Compare and contrast the early development of senses
How have hospitals changed their care of newborns to be better for babies?
eliminating bright lights
reducing pain and distress
allowing parents to touch
Motor skills depend on what three things?
Explain several motor skills
walking running sitting unsupported
why is tummy time important?
it develops muscles
a newly walking toddler falls about how many times?
17 times
Explain fine motor skills
large body movements such as running and walking
How has public health been important for young children over the last 100 years?
has reduced infant death
what was the key clue for susan discovering a cure to sids
back to sleep
should be put on their back
What us colostrum? why is it important?
high calorie fluid from breasts
saves babies lives especially preterm
Types of malnutrition
protein calorie- not eating enough
stunting- won’t grow enough
wasting- severely underweight