Chapter 5: Depth Perception Flashcards
Processing of basic information from the external world via receptors in the sense organs and the brain.
The process of organizing and interpreting sensory information.
Preferential - looking - technique
A method for studying visual attention in infants that involves showing infants two images simultaneously to see if the infants prefer one over the other (measured: longer looking)
a. baby can discriminate between 2 objects
b. infant prefers one over the other
Visual acuity
Sharpness and clarity of vision
Contrast sensitivity
The ability to detect differences in light and dark areas in a visual pattern.
Cone cell
Light-sensitive neurons that are highly concentrated in fovea (central are of retina)
- infants have low contrast sesitivity due to immaturity of cone cells
Smooth pursuit eye movements
visual behaviour in which the viewer’s gaze shifts at the same rate and angle as a moving object
Perceptual constancy
The perception of objects as being of constant size, chap, colour, ect, in spite of physical differences in the retinal image of the object
Object segregation
The identification of separate objects in a visual array
Paiget: object permanence\
* Violation - of - expectancy * - infants do actually expect objects to persist when out of sight
A procedure used to study infant cognition in which infants are shown a event that should evoke suprise or interest if it goes against something the infant knows.
Optical expansion
A depth cue in which an object occludes increasingly more of the background, indicating that the object is approaching
Binocular disparity
the difference between the retinal image of an object in each eye that results in two slightly different signals being sent to the brain.
The process by which the visual cortex combines the different neural signals caused by binocular disparity, resulting in the perception of depth.
Auditory localization
Perception of the location of space of a sound source
Perceptual narrowing
developmental changes in which experience fine-tunes the perceptual system.
Inter-modal perception
The combining of information from two or more sensory systems.
- McGurg effect
Fixed patterns of action that occur in response to particular stimulation
Rooting reflex
- when stroked on the cheek: infants will turn their head and open the mouth in the direction of a touch
Grasping reflex
- newborns
- closing the fingers around an object that is pressed to the palm
Sucking and swallowing reflex
Infants oral response when the roof of the mouth is stimulated