Chapter 5 - Defining and Managing Project Scope Flashcards
What is meant by project scope?
The work boundaries and deliverables of the project. It is important to define not only what IS part of the project but also what IS NOT part of the project.
Describe the scope management plan
Together, the processes and techniques for defining and managing scope make up the scope management plan.
(collect requirements, define scope, create wbs, verify scope, control scope)
-scope management plan must be read and approved by all stakeholders
-the project’s scope must align and
support the project’s MOV.
Why is it important to define the project’s scope accurately and completely?
Failure to define what is part of the project, as well as what is not, may result in work being performed that was unnecessary to create the product of the
project and thus lead to both schedule and budget overruns.
What is a scope boundary? What purpose does it serve?
Defining the scope boundary is the first step to establishing what is,and what is not, part of the project work to be completed by the project team. Think of the scope boundary as a fence designed to keep certain things in and other things out.
The scope boundary must protect the scope from unnecessary activities once it is set and agreed upon by the project stakeholders. Having a clear and agreed-upon definition of the project MOV is critical for defining and managing the scope boundary.
What is the difference between product-oriented deliverables and project-oriented deliverables?
Project-oriented deliverables, or scope, support the project management and IT development
processes that are defined in the information technology project methodology (ITPM). Project
scope includes such things as the business case, project charter, and project plan.
Product scope therefore focuses on identifying
the features and functionality of the information system to be implemented. (DFD, Use Case)
How does a project’s scope support the MOV concept?
Its role is to ensure that the project processes are being
completed so that the project’s product achieves the project’s MOV
and objectives.
What is a scope statement? What purpose does it serve?
One way to define the scope boundary is to create a more detailed scope statement that documents the project sponsor’s needs and expectations. This can be based on the preliminary scope statement developed in the project charter.
What is a context level dataflow diagram (DFD)? What purpose does it serve?
A DFD is a process model. DFD, presents a high-level representation of the system that has one process (i.e., a
circle or rounded rectangle that represents the system as a whole) and depicts all the inflows
and outflows of data and information between the system and its external entities. The external
entities are usually represented by a square and can be people, departments, or other systems
that provide or receive flows of data. Arrows represent the directional flow of data between
external entities and the system.
How does a use case diagram help to define the project’s scope?
a use case diagram can provide a high level model for defining, verifying, and reaching agreement upon the product scope. it is a powerful tool for identifying the main functions or features of the system and the different users
or external systems that interact with the system. Actors are people or external systems that interact, or use, the system. A use case, depicts the major functions the system must perform for an actor or actors. When developing a use case diagram, actors are identified using stick figures, while use cases are defined and represented
using ovals.
What is a deliverable definition table (DDT)? What purpose does it serve?
The purpose of the DDT is to define all of the project-oriented deliverables to be provided
by the project team. Each deliverable should have a clear purpose.In addition, it is important to define the structure of the deliverable. This sets the
expectation of what will be delivered by the project team. Moreover, the standards provide
a means to verify whether the deliverable was produced correctly. It is important that the responsibility for approving a deliverable be clearly defined as
What is a deliverable structure chart (DSC)? How does it map to a deliverable definition table (DDT)?
A DSC is a flow chart (map) of which deliverables are produced during different phases of the project. It uses information from the DDT and puts it in a visually intuitive form
Briefly describe what must be included in a scope verification checklist?
MOV, Deliverables, Quality Standards, Milestones, Review and Acceptance
. What is the purpose of verifying a project’s scope?
Once the project’s scope has been defined, it must be verified and formally accepted by the
project sponsor and other appropriate stakeholders. Project scope verification is the scope
management process that provides a mechanism for ensuring that the project deliverables are
completed according to the standards described in the DDT.
What is the purpose of scope change control procedures?
scope change control is concerned with managing actual changes to the project’s scope as and when they occur, to ensure that any changes to the project’s scope will be beneficial.
This procedure should allow for the identification and handling of all requested changes to the project’s scope. Scope change requests can be made, and each request’s impact on the project can be assessed. Then, a decision whether to accept or reject the scope change can be made.
Describe scope grope.
Scope grope is a metaphor that describes a project team’s inability to
define the project’s scope. This situation is common early in a project when the project
team and sponsor have trouble understanding what the project is supposed to accomplish.
Scope grope can be minimized by having a clearly defined MOV and by following or
applying the processes, concepts, and tools
. Describe scope creep
Scope creep refers to increasing featurism, adding small yet time- and resource-consuming features to the system once the scope of the project has been
approved. Scope creep must be identified and controlled throughout the project because
it will lengthen the project schedule and, in turn, lead to cost overruns.
Describe scope leap.
scope leap suggests a fundamental and significant change in the project scope.Scope leap can occur as a result of changes in the environment, the business, and the competitive make-up of the industry. Scope leap entails changing the MOV and, therefore, requires that
the organization rethink the value of the current project.
What are the benefits of having scope control procedures?
The most important benefit of scope change control procedures is that they keep the project
manager in control of the project. More specifically, they allow the project manager to manage
and control the project’s schedule and budget. Scope control procedures also allow the project
team to stay focused and on track in terms of meeting its milestones because it does not have
to perform unnecessary work.
Briefly describe what should be included on a scope change request form
First, the description of the change
request should be clearly defined so that the project manager and project team understand fully
the nature and reason for the scope change. Second, the scope change should be justified,
which separates the would likes from the must haves. In addition, several alternatives may be listed in order to assess the impact on scope, schedule, resources, and cost. Finally, all scope changes must be approved so that additional resources can be
committed to the project.
What is the purpose of a scope change request log?
Too often requests fall through the cracks, leading to credibility concerns and accusations
that the project manager or project team is not being responsive to the client’s needs. Therefore,
a scope change control procedure should be logged with the intention that each request will be
reviewed and acted upon. Change Request Log includes
information as to who has the authority to make the scope change decision and when a response
can be expected.