Chapter 5 - Crime and Deviance Flashcards
What is deviance?
Deviance is a recognized violation of cultural norms.
Deviant acts receive a negative reaction, as an attempt to change the behaviour or punish the person.
Not all deviance is criminal, but criminal acts are deviant.
What is crime?
Crime is a form of deviance that is a violation of formally enacted criminal law.
What are 3 forms of crime?
Violent crimes, property crimes, and “victimless crimes”
What is a functionalist approach to deviance?
Merton’s Strain Theory
What is Merton’s Strain Theory?
When access to approved means of reaching culturally approved goals is blocked.
Strain leads to innovation (alternatives, but illegitimate way to attain cultural goals).
Limits: How do impulsive crimes (e.g. crimes of passion) fit into this framework?