Chapter 5 and 6 Flashcards
What is the Urbanization Process?
- out-migration from rural areas to cities
2. Natural increase of population due to an excess of births over deaths
What is Urbanization?
more modern, population increased
First World/Rich countries
Third World/Poor countries
Emerging markets, underdeveloped, poor, mass poverty
Mega Cities
Giant cities over 10 million inhabitants, increased unemployment, inadequate sanitation, population, lack of housing
Globalization of Culture
two forces that are decreasing cultural diversity among cities while increasing their economic interdependence: 1. the globalization of cultural life (films, news, tv) 2. globalization of economic life
Old International Division of Labor (OIDL)
- colonialism shaped cities
2. world-economics, political and cultural forces have been major factors to shaping cities
New International Division of Labor (Needke)
- replaced OIDL
- people are knit together by the thread of global specialization
- largest economic units globally were multinational companies, not national states.
Five Types of Cities (Logan & Molotch)
- Headquarters - corporate centers
- Innovation centers - research & development (electronics)
- Module production places - sites for routine economic tasks (assembly, processing)
- 3rd World entrepots - trade and finance centers for importing, marketing
- Retirement centers - growth for aging americans
- Leisure-tourist playgrounds - big business
Alpha cities vs. Beta cities
Alpha - command/headquarter cities: New York, London, Paris and Tokyo
Beta - world cities with high levels of advanced producer services like advertising, banking, finance - San Francisco, Madrid, Sydney
What are communities?
- group sharing a physical space, trait or identity & culture typified by a high degree of social cohesion
- sometimes called a traditional community
We-Ness Community
Sense of shared identity and interdependence
What is a traditional community?
Inhabit a common physical space & accept the group’s rules and goals
Ethnic or Religious Community
shared ethnic or religions beliefs
Occupational Community
Engage in activities that give rise to share culture, attitude and values in urban society
- lawyer
- nurse
Professional community (group)
- members of group
- few leave profession
- share jargon not understood by outsiders
- share values
- collectively produce next generation
- easily tell from outsiders in professional community
- membership has same requirements for all members
- professional group has power over members