Chapter 5 after page 158 Flashcards
Appendicular skeleton is composed of
126 bones of the limbs and the pectoral (shoulder) and pelvic girdles
Shoulder grindle or pectrol girdle consists of what two bones?
Clavicle and a scapula
Doubly curved bone
helps to form the shoulder joint
Acts as a brace to hold the arm away from the top of the thorax
Prevents shoulder dislocation
Scapular or shoulder blades
What are the 2 processes of scapula
Acromion- Its the enlarged end of the spine of the scapula.
Coracoid- Beaklike
Where does the acromion connect with the clavicle?
Acromioclavicular Joint
Suprascapular notch
Medial to the coracoid process
Serves as a nerve passageway
Not directly attached to the axial skeleton
Loosely held in place by trunk muscles
Has 3 borders: Superior, Medial (Vertebral) and Lateral (axillary).
Has 3 angles: Superior, Inferior and Lateral
Gleniod Cavity
A shallow socket that receives the head of the arm bone, is in the lateral angle
How many separate bones for the skeletal framework of the each upper limb? Form the foundation for what?
Arm, forearm and hand
The arm is formed by a single bone called?
The sites of muscles attachments
greater and lesser tubercles
Distal to the tubercles is
surgical neck
Why is it named surgical neck?
because it is the most frequent fractured part of the humerus
In the midpoint of the shaft is a roughened area called
Deltoid tuberosity
What runs obliquely down the posterior aspect of the shaft?
Radial groove, marks the course of the radial nerve, an important nerve of the upper limb
Distal to humerus is:
medial trochlea, looks like a spoon
Above trochlea anterior is a depression:
On the posterior:
Coronoid fossa
Olecranon fossa
Coronoid fussa and Olecranon fussa and flanked by
medial and lateral epicondyles.
What forms the skeleton of the forearm
the radius and ulna
Radius and ulna are connected along their entire length by?
At their distal end?
interosseous membrane
Styloid process
Below the head is
Radial tuberosity, where the tendon of the biceps muscle attaches
when the upper limb is in the anatomical position the ulna is the
Medial bone
Bone thinning disease that afflicts half of women over 65 and some 20% of men over the age of 70.
Makes bones so fragile
Bones of spine and neck of the femur are susceptible.
What results in vertebral collapse
A hunched over posture (kyphosis)
What helps to maintain the health and normal density of a woman’s skeleton
Change of life, when menstruation ceases!
Proximal end of ulna are the anterior
coronoid process
coronoid process and olecranon are separated by
trochlear notch
the skeleton of the hand consists of
Carpals, Metacarpals and phalanges
How many carpal bones are there?
carpus (wrist)
8 carpal bones, arranged in 2 irregular rows of 4 bones each, form the part called carpus
The palm of the hand consists of the
The bones of the finger
Each hand consists of how many phalanges
3 on each finger(proximal, middle, distal). except on the thumb
How is pelvic girdle formed?
it is formed by 2 coxal bones and ossa coxae, also called hip bones and sacrum
How is bony pelvic formed?
With coccyx, the pelvic girdle forms the pelvis.
Most important function of pelvic girdle
bearing weight because the total weight of the upper body rests on the pelvis
Each hip bone is formed by the fusions of what 3 bones?
ilium, ischium and pubis
illium connects posteriorly with the sacrum at the
sacroiliac joint
sacroiliac joint
a large flaring bone that forms most of the hip bone
When you put your hands on your hips, they are resting over the
alae or wing like portions
The upper edge of the ala
iliac crest (an important anatomical landmark that is always kept in mind by those who give intramuscular injections)
iliac crest ends anteriorly in the
posteriorly in the
anterior superior iliac spine
posterior superior iliac spine
Ischium is called what and why?
sitdown bone because it forms the most of inferior part of the coxal bone.
Roughened area that receives body weight when you are sitting
ischial spine
ischial spine
Roughened area that receives body weight when you are sitting
important landmark in pregnant woman
ishchial spine, superior to the tubercity, because it narrows the outlet of the pelvis through which the baby must pass through during birth.
greater sciatic notch
important structural feature of the ischium
allows blood vessels and the large sciatic nerve to pass from the pelvis posteriorly into the thigh.
Injections in buttock should always be given well away from this area
greater sciatic notch
ilium, ishchium and pubis fuse at the deep socket called
acetabulum (vinegar cup)
receives the head of the thigh bone
ilium, ishchium and pubis fuse at the deep socket called
Pelvis is divided into 2 regions
False and True pelvis
False pelvis
Superior to true pelvis
Medial to the flaring portions of the ilia
True pelvis
surrounded by bone and lies inferior to the flaring parts of the ilia and the pelvic brim.
what part carries our total body weight when we are erect
Lower limbs (thigh, leg and foot)
The only bone in the thigh
Heaviest and the strongest bone in the body
The femur has a ball like head
neck, greater and lesser trochanters
Greater and lesser trochanters are seperated anteriorly by
intertrochanteric line
Greater and lesser trochanters are seperated posteriorly by
intertrochanteric crest
The neck of the femur is a common site for what?
fracture site, in old age
Distally on the femur are the
Lateral and medial condyles, which articulates with the tibia below
Posteriorly lateral and medial condyles are divided by intercondylar fossa
intercondylar fossa
Anteriorly on the distal femus is the smooth
patellar surface, which forms the a joint with the patella or kneecap
What form the skeleton of the leg
tibia and fibula
The patellar ligament attaches to the
tibial tuberosity
Distal to tibial tuberosity, a process form the inner bulge of the ankle
medial malleolus
medial malleolus
A process that forms the inner bulge of the ankle
Anterior border
anterior surface of the tibia. Unprotected by muscles. thus making it easy to feel the bone
anterior surface of the tibia. Unprotected by muscles. thus making it easy to feel the bone
Anterior border
what has no part in forming the knee joint
Distal to fibula, what forms the outer part of the ankle
lateral malleolus
lateral malleolus
forms the outer part of the ankle
Foot is composed of
tarsals, metatarsals and phangales
2 important functions of foot
supports our body weight
serves as a lever that allows us to propel our bodies forward when we walk and run.
posterior half of the foot
posterior half of the foot
tarsus is composed of how many tarsal bones
Body weight is carried mostly by the two largest tarsals
calcaneus (heelbone)
talus (ankle)