Chapter 5 Flashcards
Pain and pain management
What role does classical conditioning play in pain perception
Individual may associate a particular environment with the experience of pain.
E.g dentist
What role does operant conditioning play in pain perception
Individual’s respond to pain by showing pain behavior which may be positively reinforced in turn increase pain perception
What role does affect play in pain perception
A. Anxiety
B. Fear
Acute pain = increased anxiety - successful treatment - reduce anxiety - reduce pain
Chronic pain= increased anxiety - poor response to treatment - increased anxiety - increased pain.
Personality characteristics role in pain perception
Neurotic triad (Hysteria, hypochondriasis, depression) + chronic pain= poor sleep, occupational and social function exhaustion - increased pain.
Consequences of untreated pain
Poor appetite and weight loss
Disturbed sleep
Withdrawal from talking or social activities
Sadness, anxiety and depression
Physical and verbal aggression, wondering , acting out behavior, resists care
Difficulty walking or transferring may become bed ridden
Pain location
Ask individual to indicate where they experience pain
Mention three Self report measures of pain
Visual analogue scale
Simple rating scale
McGill pain questionnaire
Observational measurements of pain
Attempt to make more objective assessment of pain and are used when patients self report are considered unreliable or unable to provide them.
Observational measures include pain relief requested and used,pain behaviors and time spent sleeping and or resting
Physiological measures of pain
Measure include and assessment of inflammation and measures of sweating, heart rate and skin temperature
Early pain model
Biomedical framework as automatics responses to external stimuli
tissue damage causing pain sensation
pain is automantic and there is no role for iterpretaton
psychological factrs as consequences of pain, no causal factor
pain was categrised as psychgenic pain or organic pain. psyvhogenic pain is pain that is in the patients mind. a label f psychogenicc pain was given if no organic basis of pain was foun
organic ain is considreded rel pain and a label is given when there is some clear injury that coulld be seen.
an unpleaseant sensory or emotional experience associated wth actual or potential tissue damage
role of psychological factors
patients with the same degree of tissues damage differed in pain sensaton.
medical treatment for pain only worked well for acute pain and not chronic pain
phntom limb pain
Gate Control theory
inputs to the gate
peripheral nerve fibers ; the site of injury sends infor about pain, pressure or heat to the gate.
descending central influences from the brain: brain sends infor about the individuals psychological state, behaviour enotional and prevous experience with or self efficacy in terms of dealing with the pain.
large nd small nerve fibers: fibers constitute part o the physilogical input to pain perception.
Gate control theory
Output from the gate
gate interprates all infor from the different ources and produces an output by sending infor to the action system.
features of gate control theory
pain as a perception rther than sensation
invvidual considered to be ctive
variation in pn in termof opinancoigof gate
manyfactr involvin i eeptn
pain neither organic nor psychogic.