Chapter 5 Flashcards
What is meant by the term ubiquitous computing
Describes how current technologies relate to and support a computing vision for a greater availability and range of computer devices
List and define the main characteristics for ubiquitous computing
Have some kind of attachment, embedment, blending of computers, sensors, tags, networks, and other like smart devices, smart environments, sensor-actor networks, and smart interaction
What is meant by the term smart devices?
A device linked to a network, send its data to another endpoint using some connection such as wifi, bluetooth, etc
Give examples of smart devices
Smart watch/phone/appliances/tablets
What is meant by the term ubiquitous network?
A network of smart devices that allows for ubiquitous computing
List and define the main characteristics for ubiquitous netowrks
Inexpensive, easy to install/maintain, and reliable
What is meant by the term smart environment?
A network of smart devices that communicate with one another
Give an example of a smart environment
They are human-centered environments and machine-centered environments
What is meant by the term human-centered environment?
Humans may be accompanied by smart devices, wearable smart devices
Key elements is the human to machine interface
Give an example of a human-centered environment
Smart phones, smart watches, surface-mounted devices, and embedded devices that can sense and control
What is meant by the term Distributed computing environment?
An environment in which computation is no longer decoupled from its environment
Stems from the need for integrating external physical data and processes with computations for the sake of ubiquitous control of the surrounding environment.
Example of a distributed computing environment
Massively Multiplayer Online videogames
What is meant by the term smart dust?
Very small devices with the ability to communicate with one another
Include sensors that detect
Microelectromechanical systems
Give an example of smart dist
Sensors that can detect temperature
What is meant by the term MEMS
Microelectromechanical systems range from micrometers to nanometers (NEMS)
Miniaturized mechanical and electro-mechanical elements that are made using the techniques of microfabrication
Give an example of MEMS
Blood pressure monitors in intensive care
What is meant by the term ubiquitous learning space?
Focues on the combination of learning environment and substance space, emphasizing the learning that can happen as seeing, hearing, reading, or appreceiving whenever the learner wanted
All day learning environment supported by tech (such as wearables)
Give an example of a ubiquitous learning space
An online course or other online educational programs that are accessible throughout the day
What is meant by the term smart home?
A home that allows for interconnectivity between things to things, and humans to things/things to humans
Requires innovative solutions to build an infrastructure that makes use of the ubiquitous computing, the IoT, and PLC
(Provides better energy management for example)
PLC is a tech that uses medium and low-voltage electrical network to provide different telecommunication services, ranging from home automation with internet access
Give example of powerline communication in a smart home application
Home automation
Allows smart devices in homes to be used to easily program applications
Remote reading of meters for electricity, gas, or water
What is meant by the term Web Services Description Language
A rapidly emerging tech for describing services
Lets a client talk to a service through a common protocol known as Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP), a protocol speicification for exchanging structured information in the implementation of web services in computer networks
List and define the main characteristics for the Web Services Description Language
Made of the following elements:
1 ) Type: Provides data type definitions used to describe the message exchanged between endpoints.
2 ) Message: repres. abstract def of data transmitted. Consists of logical parts, each associated w/ definition within some type of system.
3 ) Port Type: Set of abstract operations. Op refers to input/output messages
4 ) Binding: Specifies concrete protocol and data format specs for the operations and messages defined by a particular port-type
5 ) Port: Specifies an address for a binding, thus defining a single communication endpoint.
6 ) Service: Used to aggregate a set of related ports
What is meant by the term tagging?
Attaching a tag or linking a tag to a physical object
Physical or digital tags are networked devices with an identity
Give an example of tagging
RFID systems used for tracking or identifying purposes include a tag