CHAPTER 5 Flashcards
- The ability to _____ is the most important single skill of the supervisor because it is basic to understanding the subordinate’s point of view and passing on to him the objectives of the enterprise.
communicate clearly and concisely
- Among supervisors, ____ is commonly the greatest area of weakness and the one most neglected.
- Burrow, Everard, and Kleindel report that the number one problem of management, and the number one complaint of workers, is ____.
communication difficulties
- It is important for the supervisor to realize that IDEAS AND DECISIONS can more readily be translated into the desired action when they are communicated to others with some consideration given to the ____.
emotional needs of the recipient and to his environment
- Few opportunities in the organizational setting offer the supervisor a greater chance to make his mark than the occasion to prepare a competent report and then ___.
convey its content to superiors and subordinates alike
- ____ between persons and groups are very delicate, complex processes involving many factors-___x3.
- The ___ in which a communication takes place will often determine its effect.
- Indeed, in today’s increasingly mixed gender workplace, supervisors are wise to consider that the differences in how men and women communicate have been compared to ____.
cross cultural communication
- ____ are the means a speaker uses to translate ideas to his listener.
symbols and signs
- ___ symbols are used to express thought.
- ___ in themselves mean nothing; they are merely arbitrary symbolic representations of something.
- One expresses himself by words, gestures, facial expressions, inflections, and actions-but mostly by ___-to the recipient, who hopefully absorbs what he perceives, interprets it, and reacts by words or actions.
imprecise words
- The _____ is highly dependent of necessity on good upward, downward, and lateral communication.
effectiveness of organizations
- Before real ___ can take place, those who desire to engage effectively in this interaction should be aware that certain barriers must be recognized, understood, and removed.
- A principle obstacle to good communications is the failure to ___.
listen to what others are saying
- The greater the difference in status or rank, the greater the difficulty in achieving effective ____.
- ____ are easier if they travel downward from the superior than if they go upward from the subordinate.
- Earning respect is also enhanced by considering the ___ of communications; when a supervisor addresses a subordinate by his or her FIRST name, it often has an exhilarating effect on an officer.
human element
- Should the subordinate tend toward feelings of inadequacy or inferiority, he may become especially sensitive to a ____.
hard approach and is likely to resent it.
- The failure of the supervisor to recognize the importance of the ____ of the communication process creates barriers that will be difficult to overcome.
psychological aspects
- ___ in communications is referred to by theorists as the static that interferes with the transmission of messages.
- The extent to which ___ is reduced as a distractor will largely determine how effective communications are.
- ___X4 can be considered noises that hinder communication.
psychological stress from the inside outside or inside
failure to listen to actively
environmental distractors
- Because of ____, the police supervisor will seldom encounter problems resulting from inability of his subordinates to express themselves in the language of the profession.
selection standards
- Perhaps the most common form of everyday misunderstanding results from the assumption that ____.
what is perfectly obvious (apparently) to the sender is clear to the receiver.
- Many individuals avoid making positive declarations because they fear ____.
being criticized for what they say or think
- _____ on incomplete information before hearing a subordinate out is a tendency supervisory personnel must suppress.
jumping to conclusions
- As information is passed from individual to individual, usually a distortion or dilution of content occurs, which is called ____.
- The channels through which communications pass are called the ____.
communications net
- Intentional suppression of information that should pass from the superior to his subordinates will eventually cause a ____.
breach in upward channels
- The larger the number of persons involved in the interpretation of messages, the greater is the possibility that the end product will be ___.