Chapter 5 Flashcards
Bill of rights
First ten amendments to U.S. Constitution.
The Constitution has three main parts:
• The preamble • The articles • The amendments
A list of words and phrases that reflect the topics covered in the book.
A brief summary of a statute or a case added to explain or clarify.
statutory law
Law enacted through the legislative process.
Proposed legislation.All federal laws begin with a proposal, known as a bill.
legislative history
The proceedings that relate to a bill before it becomes law.
Executive Action
The president has the power to approve or to veto the bill. If the president does nothing with the bill, it is deemed approved after ten days unless Congress should adjourn within that ten-day period. If this happens, the bill is considered vetoed (pocket veto). If the president vetoes a bill, it can still be enacted as law if a two-thirds majority of each house votes to override the veto.
public laws
Laws enacted by Congress that affect the public in general.
Private laws
are those that concern single individuals or groups. Private laws usually deal with matters such as naturalization or settlement of a claim by the government.
slip law
First publication of a law; usually in pamphlet form.
A topical organization of statutes.
positive law
Codes that were enacted into law by Congress.
legislative intent
The purpose of the legislature in passing a law.
pocket part supplements
are used in print publications to reflect any changes to the code. Pocket part supplements are replaced each year.
pocket part supplement
A removable supplement; includes all changes or additions to the material contained in the hard-bound volume.
To undo; to declare a law no longer in effect.
To change.
session laws
Laws from state legislatures, published in chronological order.
The Federal Register
is a daily government publication (except for weekends and holidays) that keeps the public informed of actions taken by administrative agencies. Included in the publication are the following: 1. Enacted or amended rules or regulations 2. Proposed rules 3. Notices of administrative hearings 4. Presidential proclamations
rules of court
Procedural rules adopted by all courts regulating practice in the court.
local rules of court
Procedural rules adopted by an individual court for practice in that specific court.
uniform laws
Similar laws that are enacted by the legislatures of different states (i.e., Uniform Commercial Code); intended to create uniformity in the law.
model codes
A collection of sample laws; created for the states to adopt in whole or in part; helps to create uniformity in law.