Chapter 5-7 Flashcards
female hormones
male hormones
Inconsistency between chromosomal se and phenotypical sex
ex. congenital adrenal hyperplasia
intersex conditions
a greater shift to one side of the body (or brain in this context)
males that are born with no androgens, and born with testes and female genetalia
CAIS- complete androgen insensitivity syndrome
toughness, emotional detatchment, callousness towards women, eagerness to seek out danger and competition
masculine mystique
experiences outside the home
group socialization
aggressive response to threat or provocation
reactive aggression
aggression without provocation, planned, goal directed, socially motivated
the script of gender stereotypes in regards to double standards, courtship, and commitment attitudes
heterosexual script
labels of boy or girl in children
gender identity
when a child believes their gender is constant and they cannot change their category
gender consistency
gender role acquisition is based on this theory by Bandura. It also states that outside forces like peers have to do with this (social) . Emphasizing the child as the main actor in gender role acquisition
gender identity and then gender consistency
Stages a child moves through
a construct that contains information about the features of a category.
ex. psych majors know that there are different fields of psych like clinic psych…
gender role schema-secretary?
using gender schemas to guide our behavior or decision
ex. to be use this schemas to decide what to wear or how to act
gender schematic
not using gender role schemas to guide our behavior or decisions
gender aschematic
a person who has both female and male
le attributes
explains how two people can see the same behavior but interpret it differently
cognitive confirmation
when a perceivers expectation actually alters target behavior
ex. if a mother thinks her daughter is a better caretaker tan her son, she allows the daughter to babysit and it will be no surprise when the daughter becomes a great caretaker.
behavioral confirmation
behaving in ways consistent with our self-concept
ex. if you are a riffle owner, you behave in ways that verify you belong to that category, like being an advocate for second amendment
self verification
how our behavior appears to others
self presentation
describing the extent to which one is more concerned with self presentation or self verification
self monitoring
a stable personality characteristic that reflects the tendency to strive for success
achievement motive
overly concerned with others and their opinions
unmitigated (unrelieved) communion
overly absorbed with the self
unmitigated (unrelieved) agency
appeareance of these stereotypes may have a negative impact on a persons performance
ex. in a study where women were told men were better at math and science, they scored poorly on math tests, only performed the dame if they were told men and women are equally good at these subjects
stereotype threat
independent sense of self and separate from others
independent self construal
others are intergrrated into the self
interdependent self construal
emphasis on close relationships
relational interdependence
connection to others derived from group membership
collective interdependence
take credit for our success and blame others for our failure
self-serving bias
the cause we assign to behavior
attribution we find in within ourselves
internal attribution
attribution we find in the environment
external attribution
attribution that does not change across tme or situations
stable attribution
attribution that does change across time and situations
unstable attribution
men and women’s achievement choices are a function of their performance expectancies and the value they attach to those performances
expectancy/value model for achievement
fixed view of competence
entity theory
typically men
prosocial dominance
typically women
egoistic dominance
indirect aggression
relational aggression
agrering with others, more posititve comments, group solidarity, encouraging others to talk, and making positive comments
positive social behavior
behavior which offers and asks for opinions and suggestions
task behavior
disagreement and antagonistic behavior
negative social behavior
sort of , kind of
nodding, uh-huh
minimal response