Chapter 5-7 Flashcards
female hormones
male hormones
Inconsistency between chromosomal se and phenotypical sex
ex. congenital adrenal hyperplasia
intersex conditions
a greater shift to one side of the body (or brain in this context)
males that are born with no androgens, and born with testes and female genetalia
CAIS- complete androgen insensitivity syndrome
toughness, emotional detatchment, callousness towards women, eagerness to seek out danger and competition
masculine mystique
experiences outside the home
group socialization
aggressive response to threat or provocation
reactive aggression
aggression without provocation, planned, goal directed, socially motivated
the script of gender stereotypes in regards to double standards, courtship, and commitment attitudes
heterosexual script
labels of boy or girl in children
gender identity
when a child believes their gender is constant and they cannot change their category
gender consistency
gender role acquisition is based on this theory by Bandura. It also states that outside forces like peers have to do with this (social) . Emphasizing the child as the main actor in gender role acquisition
gender identity and then gender consistency
Stages a child moves through
a construct that contains information about the features of a category.
ex. psych majors know that there are different fields of psych like clinic psych…
gender role schema-secretary?
using gender schemas to guide our behavior or decision
ex. to be use this schemas to decide what to wear or how to act
gender schematic
not using gender role schemas to guide our behavior or decisions
gender aschematic
a person who has both female and male
le attributes