Chapter 5 Flashcards
If oil pressure is not steady during steady state forward flight or in a level hover, or if oil pressure is steady but under ___psi, make an entry on DA Form 2408-13-1. Sudden pressure drops (more than ___psi) without fluctuations require an entry on DA Form 2408-13-1.
Maximum wind velocity for rotor start and stop is ___KTS from any direction
Engine Ng (All)
___sec Trans ___-___
___min limit ___-___
Continuous ___-___
Engine Ng (All)
12 sec Trans 102-105
30 min limit 99-102
Continuous 0-99
Fuel Quantity (All)
Normal ___-___
Precautionary ___-___
Fuel Quantity (All)
Normal 200-1500
Precautionary 0-200
Engine Oil Temp (All)
___min limit ___-___
Continuous ___-___
Engine Oil Temp (All)
30 min limit 135-150
Continuous -50-135
Engine % RPM 1-2 (All) 12 sec Trans \_\_\_-\_\_\_ Transient \_\_\_-\_\_\_ Continuous \_\_\_-\_\_\_ Transient \_\_\_-\_\_\_
Avoid operations in the ___-___and ___-___range except during start and shutdown.
Engine % RPM 1-2 (All) 12 sec Trans 105-107 Transient 101-105 Continuous 95-101 Transient 91-95 Avoid operations in the 20 -40 and 60-90 range except during start and shutdown.
Main Rotor % RPM R Power On Transient \_\_\_-\_\_\_ Continuous \_\_\_-\_\_\_ Transient \_\_\_-\_\_\_
Power Off
Maximum ___
Transient ___-___
Normal ___-___
Main Rotor % RPM R Power On Transient 101-107 Continuous 95-101 Transient 91-95
Power Off
Maximum 110
Transient 105-110
Normal 90-105
Engine Oil Pressure 700
Continuous ___-___
____psi minimum @___%Ng & above
Engine Oil Pressure 700
Continuous 20-100
35psi minimum @ 90% Ng & above
TGT 700
___sec Trans. ___-___
Start Abort ___
___min limit ___-___
Normal ___-___
TGT 700
12 sec Trans 850-886
Start Abort 850
30 min limit 775-850
Normal 0-775
Engine Oil Pressure 701C/701D CC
___min limit ___-___
Normal ___-___
Idle ___-___
___psi min at ___%Ng and above
Engine Oil Pressure 701C/701D CC
5 min limit 100-120
Normal 26-100
Idle 22-26
35psi min at 90% Ng and above
Any time an operational limit is exceeded, an appropriate entry shall be made on DA Form 2408-13. Entry shall state what limit(s) were ______, ______, ______, and ____________that would aid maintenance personnel in the maintenance action that may be required. The helicopter shall _________________________until corrective action is taken
Any time an operational limit is exceeded, an appropriate entry shall be made on DA Form 2408-13. Entry shall state what limit(s) were exceeded, range, time beyond limits, and any additional data that would aid maintenance personnel in the maintenance action that may be required. The helicopter shall not be flown until corrective action is taken
Engine % TRQ 700 (A and A+)
Single Dual \_\_\_sec Trans \_\_\_-\_\_\_ \_\_\_-\_\_\_ Continuous \_\_\_-\_\_\_ \_\_\_-\_\_\_
Engine % TRQ 700 (A and A+)
Single Dual 10 sec Trans 110-135 100-125 Continuous 0-110 0-100
Engine % TRQ 701C 701D/701CC (L)
Single Dual \_\_\_sec Trans \_\_\_-\_\_\_ >80kts ~ \_\_\_-\_\_\_ <80kts ~ \_\_\_-\_\_\_ Continuous \_\_\_-\_\_\_ >80kts ~ \_\_\_-\_\_\_ <80kts ~ \_\_\_-\_\_\_
Engine % TRQ 701C 701D/701CC (L)
Single Dual 10 sec Trans 135-144 >80kts ~ 100-144 <80kts ~ 120-144 Continuous 0-135 >80kts ~ 0-100 <80kts ~ 0-120
Main Transmission Oil Pressure (All)
Precautionary ___-___
Continuous ___-___
Idle and Transient ___-___
Main Transmission Oil Pressure (All)
Precautionary 65-130
Continuous 30-65
Idle and Transient 20-30
Main Transmission Oil Temp (A & A+)
Precautionary ___-___
Continuous ___-___
Main Transmission Oil Temp (A & A+)
Precautionary 105-120
Continuous -50-105
Main Transmission Oil Temp (L)
Precautionary ___-___
Continuous ___-___
Main Transmission Oil Temp (L)
Precautionary 105-140
Continuous -50-105
Engine Starter Limitations
At ambient temperature of ___C and below, ___consecutive start cycles may be made followed by a ___minute rest period, followed by ___additional start cycles. A ___minute rest period is then required. At ambient temperatures above ___C up to ___C, ___consecutive start cycles may be made. A ___minute rest period is then required before any additional start cycles.
Engine Starter Limitations
At ambient temperature of 15 °C and below, 2 consecutive start cycles may be made followed by a 3 minute rest period, followed by 2 additional start cycles. A 30 minute rest period is then required. At ambient temperatures above 15 °C up to 52 °C, 2 consecutive start cycles may be made. A 30 minute rest period is then required before any additional start cycles.
Pneumatic Source Inlet Limits
The minimum air source required to start the helicopter is ___psig and ___ppm at ___C. The maximum is ___psig at ___C.
Pneumatic Source Inlet Limits
The minimum air source required to start the helicopter is 40 psig and 30 ppm at 149°C. The maximum is 50 psig at 249 °C.
Engine Overspeed Check Limitations
Engine overspeed check in flight is __________. Engine overspeed checks, on the ground are authorized by __________________________.
Engine Overspeed Check Limitations
Engine overspeed check in flight is prohibited. Engine overspeed checks, on the ground are authorized by designated maintenance personnel only.
Engine Start Limits
Crossbleed start shall not be attempted unless the ____________________ or ________________advisory does not appear, and the operating engine must be at ___%NG speed or above and rotor speed at ___%RPMR
Engine Start Limits
Crossbleed start shall not be attempted unless the #1 ENG ANTI ICE ON or #2 ENG ANTI ICE ON advisory does not appear, and the operating engine must be at 90%NG speed or above and rotor speed at 100% RPMR
Maximum capacity for each storage compartment is ____pounds
Maximum capacity for each storage compartment is 125 pounds
Maximum cargo hook capacity (UH-60A) ______pounds
Maximum cargo hook capacity (UH-60A) 8000 pounds
Max weight is further limited by cargo floor maximum capacity of ____lbs per square foot
Max weight is further limited by cargo floor maximum capacity of 300 lbs per square foot
Max weight UH60 with seven lugs wheels ______pounds
Max weight UH60 with seven lugs wheels 20,500 pounds
Max airspeed for one engine inoperative ____KIAS
Max airspeed for one engine inoperative 130 KIAS
Max autorotational airspeed gross weight at 16825 lbs or less ____KIAS
Max autorotational airspeed gross weight at 16825 lbs or less 150 KIAS
Max autorotational airspeed gross weight more than 16825 lbs ____ KIAS
Max autorotational airspeed gross weight more than 16825 lbs 130 KIAS
Sideward/rearward flight into the wind, when combined with windspeed, shall not exceed ____KTS
Sideward/rearward flight into the wind, when combined with windspeed, shall not exceed 45 KTS
SAS Inop
1 SAS ___
2SAS ___
2SAS & IMC ___
SAS Inop
1 SAS 170
2SAS 150
2SAS & IMC 140
HYD Inop
1HYD ___
2HYD ___
2HYD & IMC ___
HYD Inop
1HYD 170
2HYD 150
2HYD & IMC 140
Maximum airspeed for: Extending Extended
Landing Light ____ ____
Search Light ____ ____
Maximum airspeed for: Extending Extended
Landing Light 130 180
Search Light 100 180
Cabin doors may be fully open up to ____KIAS with soundproofing installed aft of station 379
cabin doors may be fully open up to 100 KIAS with soundproofing installed aft of station 379
Cabin doors may be fully open up to ____KIAS with soundproofing removed aft of station 379 or with sound proofing secured properly
Cabin doors may be fully open up to 145 KIAS with soundproofing removed aft of station 379 or with sound proofing secured properly
Gunner’s window(s) may be fully open up to ____KIAS
Gunner’s window(s) may be fully open up to 170 KIAS
Cockpit doors sliding window will not be ______ or ______during flight except during ______
Cockpit doors sliding window will not be opened or closed during flight except during hover
Flight with cockpit door(s) removed is ___________.
Flight with cockpit door(s) removed is prohibited.
Stabilator shall be full down at speeds ____KIAS and below.
Stabilator shall be set at zero degrees at speeds above ____KIAS.
Autorotation airspeed shall be limited to ____KIAS at all gross weights
Placard airspeed limits shall be observed as not-to-exceed speed (powered flight and autorotation), except in no case shall the autorotation limit exceed ____KIAS
Stabilator shall be full down at speeds 40KIAS and below.
Stabilator shall be set at zero degrees at speeds above 40 KIAS.
Autorotation airspeed shall be limited to 120 KIAS at all gross weights
Placard airspeed limits shall be observed as not-to-exceed speed (powered flight and autorotation), except in no case shall the autorotation limit exceed 120 KIAS
Hovering turns greater than ____per second are prohibited. Intentional meneuvers beyond attitudes of ____in pitch or over ____in roll are prohibited.
Simultaneous moving of ________________to _____ or _____ in flight is prohibited.
_________ ground taxi is prohibited
Hovering turns greater than 30° per second are prohibited. Intentional meneuvers beyond attitudes of ±30° in pitch or over 60° in roll are prohibited.
Simultaneous moving of both ENG POWER CONT levers to IDLE or OFF in flight is prohibited.
Rearward ground taxi is prohibited
Manual operation of the stabilator in flight is __________ except as required by formal training and ______________________ requirements or as alternate stabilator control in case of AUTO mode malfunctions. Prolonged rearward flight and downwind hovering are to be avoided to prevent accumulation of _______________ in the helicopter and _________________ to windows on ________________
Manual operation of the stabilator in flight is prohibited except as required by formal training and maintenance test flight requirements or as alternate stabilator control in case of AUTO mode malfunctions. Prolonged rearward flight and downwind hovering are to be avoided to prevent accumulation of exhaust fumes in the helicopter and heat damage to windows on open cargo doors
NOTE: Maneuvers entered from a low power setting may result in ______________ of ______ RPMR or greater.
High Speed Yaw maneuver limitations
Above ____ KIAS avoid _______________ to prevent excess tail rotor system loading
NOTE: Maneuvers entered from a low power setting may result in transient droop of 5 % RPMR or greater.
High Speed Yaw maneuver limitations
Above 80 KIAS avoid full pedal inputs to prevent excess tail rotor system loading
Maneuvering limitations with a sling load is limited to a maximum of ____ angle of bank in forward flight.
Side flight is limited by _____________ and is decreased as ___________________.
Rearward flight with a sling load is limited to _____knots
Maneuvering limitations with a sling load is limited to a maximum of 30° angle of bank in forward flight.
Side flight is limited by Bank angle and is decreased as airspeed increases.
Rearward flight with a sling load is limited to 35 knots
Bank angle shall be limited to _____ when either PRI SERVO PRESS caution light appears
Bank angle shall be limited to 30° when either PRI SERVO PRESS caution light appears
Do not exceed a touchdown sink rate (feet-per-minute) of:
Gross Weight Level Terrain Slopes
Up to 16825 ____ ____
Above 16825 ____ ____
Do not exceed a touchdown sink rate (feet-per-minute) of:
Gross Weight Level Terrain Slopes
Up to 16825 540 360
Above 16825 300 180
Maximum forward touchdown speed is limited to ____ knots ground speed on level terrain
Maximum forward touchdown speed is limited to 60 knots ground speed on level terrain
Slope Limits
____nose-up, right wheel up or left wheel up, reduced by ____ for each ____ knots of wind. ____ nose downslope. Landing in nose downslope conditions with tail winds greater than ____ KTS shall not be conducted.
The main gearbox may be operated up to ____ minutes at a time with pressure fluctuations when the helicopter is known to be at a nose-up attitude
Slope Limits
15° nose-up, right wheel up or left wheel up, reduced by 2° for each 5 knots of wind. 6° nose downslope. Landing in nose downslope conditions with tail winds greater than 15 KTS shall not be conducted.
The main gearbox may be operated up to 30 minutes at a time with pressure fluctuations when the helicopter is known to be at a nose-up attitude
Helicopters with the following equipment installed, operational, and turned on are permitted to fly into trace or light icing conditions
For flight into moderate icing conditions, all equipment (listed above) and ____________ must be installed, operational, and turned on.
Flight into heavy or severe icing is ________________.
Helicopters with the following equipment installed, operational, and turned on are permitted to fly into trace or light icing conditions
1. Windshield anti ice
2. Pitot heat
3. Engine anti ice
4. Engine inlet anti ice modulating valve
5. Insulated ambient air sensing tube
For flight into moderate icing conditions, all equipment (listed above) and blade deice kit must be installed, operational, and turned on.
Flight into heavy or severe icing is prohibited.
Backup Hydraulic pump hot weather limits with the rotor system static.
FAT Degrees C Operating Time Cool DownTime
_____-_____ ___________
\_\_\_\_-\_\_\_\_\_ \_\_\_\_\_\_ \_\_\_\_\_\_ \_\_\_\_-\_\_\_\_ \_\_\_\_\_\_ \_\_\_\_\_\_
Backup Hydraulic pump hot weather limits with the rotor system static.
FAT Degrees C Operating Time Cool DownTime
-54-32 Unlimited
33-38 24 72
39-52 16 48
APU Operating Limits
To prevent APU overheating, at ambient temperature of _____ and above with the engine and rotor operating is limited to ____ minutes. With the engine and rotor not operating the APU can be operated _____________ up to a temperature of ____.
APU Operating Limits
To prevent APU overheating, at ambient temperature of 43 °C and above with the engine and rotor operating is limited to 30 minutes. With the engine and rotor not operating the APU can be operated continuously up to a temperature of 51°C.
Windshield anti-ice check shall not be done when FAT is over _____.
Windshield anti-ice check shall not be done when FAT is over 27°C
Turbulence and Thunderstorm Operation
Intentional flight into thunderstorms is ___________.
Intentional flight into _________ turbulence is prohibited.
Intentional flight into turbulence with a sling load attached and an inoperative __________________ is prohibited
Turbulence and Thunderstorm Operation
Intentional flight into thunderstorms is prohibited.
Intentional flight into severe turbulence is prohibited.
Intentional flight into turbulence with a sling load attached and an inoperative collective pitch control is prohibited
Dual-engine operations with the gust lock engaged are ______________.
Single-engine operation with the gust lock engaged will be performed by authorized pilot(s) at ________ only.
Gust lock shall not be _________ with engine running
Dual-engine operations with the gust lock engaged are Prohibited.
Single-engine operation with the gust lock engaged will be performed by authorized pilot(s) at idle only.
Gust lock shall not be disengaged with engine running
TGT 701C 701D/701CC
12Sec Trans \_\_\_-\_\_\_ 2.5Min Trans \_\_\_-\_\_\_ Start/Abort \_\_\_ 10Min \_\_\_-\_\_\_ 30Min \_\_\_-\_\_\_ Normal \_\_\_-\_\_\_
TGT 701C 701D/701CC
12Sec Trans 903-949 2.5Min Trans 878-903 Start/Abort 851 10Min 851-878 30Min 810-851 Normal 0-810