Chapter 5 Flashcards
Explain the strategic importance of job analysis and competency modeling in managing human resources
Job analysis and competency modeling provides a foundation for achieving integration among various HR activities. It also facilitates the process of radical change and help organizations comply with various laws and regulations.
refers to the radical redesign of an organization’s functions and business processes
organizational redesign
may involve realigning departments, changing who makes decisions, and merging or reorganizing departments
job enrichment
involves changing jobs to broaden and add challenge to the tasks required
Describe the roles and responsibilities of the HR Triad for job analysis and competency modeling
HR professionals coordinate the process, while line managers and employees serve as SMEs
Specify the terminology used in job analysis and competency modeling
Since an entire system for managing human resources depends on understanding the jobs in an organization, specific terminology is needed, i.e.: position, job, occupation, job analysis, competency modeling, job description, and career path
refers to the activities carried out by any single person
refers to positions that are functionally interchangeable in an organization
refers to a group of jobs that involve similar work and require similar competencies, training and credentials
job analysis
a systematic process of describing and recording information about job behaviors, activities, and worker specifications
task-focused job analysis
describes what the job involves in terms of work activities and outcomes
worker-focused job analysis
identifies the characteristics of job incumbents that are required to perform the job well
a measurable pattern of knowledge, skills, abilities, behaviors, and other characteristics that an individual needs to perform work roles or occupational functions successfully
competency modeling
the objective is to describe the competencies of successful employees for a series or progression of several jobs
job description
spells out essential job functions or duties, describes the condition in which the job is performed, and states the competencies needed as well as any special training or certification requirements for the job
Identify the various sources of information used in job analysis and competency modeling
SMEs are the people who are sources of information about specific job requirements.
Subject Matter Experts (SMEs)
the people used as sources of information about specific jobs, i.e.: job incumbents, line managers, trained job analysts, and/or customers
job incumbents
the people who are currently doing the job
Report the methods used to collect information for job and organizational analyses
1) Observations; 2) Individual and group interviews; 3) Questionnaires
work sampling
refers to the process of taking instantaneous samples of the work activities of individuals or groups of individuals
Describe several standardized approaches used for job analysis
time - and - motion studies, ergonomic analysis, the O*NET, the PAQ and the MPDQ
Time-and-Motion study
involves identifying and measuring a worker’s physical movements when performing tasks and then analyzing the results to determine whether some motions can be eliminated or performed more efficiently
ergonomic analysis
the objective is to minimize the amount of stress and fatigue experienced as a result of doing work; the focus is on understanding how job tasks affect physical movements and physiological responses
provides a comprehensive database system for collecting, organizing, describing, and disseminating data on job characteristics and worker attributes
Position Analysis Questionnaire (PAQ)
a widely used questionnaire that measures the work behaviors required by a job and relates them to worker characteristics
Management Position Description Questionnaire (MPDQ)
a standardized questionnaire for analyzing the concerns, responsibilities, demands, restrictions, and miscellaneous characteristics of managerial jobs
Show how a customized approach differs from a standardized approach
Standardized approaches are generic. Customized approaches are unique to each situation. The customized approach begins with development of the measurement tools to be used for the job analysis.
customized task inventory
a listing of tasks, work behaviors, or worker characteristics (called items) created specifically for the jobs or group of jobs being analyzed
Explain the different approaches to analyzing competencies
The competencies needed to perform a job can be analyzed using either a standardized or a customized approach
Personality-Related Position Requirements Form (PPRF)
is designed to measure the importance of 12 personality characteristics for job performance
competency inventory
is a detailed file maintained for each employee that documents the person’s competencies
What are two current issues in job analysis and competency modeling
Decreased job specialization, increased job sharing and increased prevalence of work teams makes job analysis less useful and competency modeling more useful