Chapter 5 Flashcards
are reports
that summarize important
financial accounting information
about your company or business.
Financial statements
three main types of
financial statements
- balance sheet,
- income statement, and
- statement of cash flows.
the statement
of financial condition or
financial position that gives the
user information about the
condition of the business
enterprise as of a given period.
Balance sheet
this word means that the
statement contains cumulative
figures from the start of the
business commercial operation up
to the present statement data.
“as of”
List of assets, liabilities, and equity
balance sheet
Assets – Liabilities = ??
Net worth or equity
the statement
of the results of operation.
Income statement
It is the statement that gives
information to the users the idea
whether the business enterprise
makes profit or losses for a
period of time.
Income statement
also called “Statement of financial performance”
Income statement
Also called “Statement of Profit and Loss”
Income statement
this word means that
the statement contains figures
that transpired only during the
period of the statement date.
“for a period”
Total income – Total expenses =
Net profit or loss
statement that gives information to
the users about the cash sources
and the cash uses of the business
enterprise during a given period of
Statement of Cash Flow
also called “Movement of cash balance”
Statement of Cash flow
How much actual cash and cash
equivalents entered and left the
company during a given period of
Statement of Cash Flow