Chapter 5 Flashcards
a mood state characterised by marked negative affect and bodily symptoms of tension, in which a person apprehensively anticipates future danger/misfortune
characteristics/symptoms of anxiety
1)May involve feelings, behaviours and physiological responses.
2)Somatic symptoms-musular tension, increased pulse, dry mouth, altered breathing, fidgeting.
3)Anxiety signals false alarms and a state of excessive vigilance.
Sudden overwhelming fight or terror
Panic attack
abrupt experience of intense fear/discomfort accompanied by several physical symptoms like dizzness or heart palpitations
Types of panic attack
e.g knowing you might have a panic attack at the top of a hike, if you have a fear of heights.
e.g getting physically assaulted out of the blue.
Characteristics of panic
A. Linked to the smothering response, an intense expression of fear.
B. non specific: encountered across a range of normal situations, physical conditions and many mental disorders.
Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD)
an anxiety disorder characterised by intense, uncontrollable, unfocused, chronic, and continuous worry that is distressing and unproductive accompanied by physical symptoms such as tenseness, irritability, and restlessness.
Symptoms of GAD
muscle tension
susceptibility of fatigue
Clinical Description of GAD
-excessive worry and apprehensive expectation must be present for more days than not, for a period of at least 6 months.
-shift from possible crisis to crisis.
-accompanied by symptoms such as sleep disturbance and irritability.
-Leads to behaviours such as procrastination and overpreparation.
For children only one physical symptom is required.
Adults typically worry about (GAD)
-possible misfortune to their children
-family health
-work responsibilities
-minor household chores and being on time for appointments.
Older adults (GAD)
-focus on loss and health, especially their insomnia or sleep difficulties
Panic Disorder(PD)
recurrent, unexpected panic attacks accompanied by concern about future attacks and or a life style change to avoid future attacks.
anticipatory anxiety
tend to avoid situations that may possibly provoke an attack.
PD criteria
-one must experience an unexpected panic attack.
-develop substantial anxiety over the possibility of another attack, implications the attack or its consequences.
-must think that each attack is a sign of an impending death or incapacitation.
-may avoid going to certain places or neglecting household chores in fear that high activity may lead to an attack.
an anxiety disorder characterised by anxiety about being in places/situations from which escape might be difficult in the event of panic symptoms or other unpleasant physical symptoms.
Clinical Description
-may be characterised by either avoiding the situation or enduring it with intense fear and anxiety.
-being unable to leave the house, sometimes for years on end.
-a complication of severe, unexpected panic attacks.
-wanting to be in a safe space in the event of a panic attack.
-when they do go outside, agoraphobes always plan for rapid escape.
Agoraphobic behaviour can become relatively independent of panic attacks with time.
what is Agoraphobic avoidance
is determined by the extent to which you expect you might have another attack.
Other distressing unpredictable experiences (Agoraphobia)
-dizzy spells
-possible loss of bladder/bowel control
-fear of falling
Interoceptive avoidance
avoidance of internal sensations
-removing oneself from situation/activities that may produce physiological arousal that resembles the start of a panic attack.